America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Ah, but is it whiskey or whisky?

@Liquid's absolutely right about the differing origins (username checks out :) ), I'd probably had too much when I wrote that post. Ahem. Still, if it's cheap stuff for mixing then the subleties are largely irrelevant. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it :D
Which ones have you had? I have a lot of varieties at the moment. I prefer the Honey style as it's just sweet enough. Mostly because I used it when I had a toothache and ended up needing a get a wisdom tooth taken out. The sweetness made it less harsh on the area when in a soaked cotton swab :lol:
I've had the No.7, Honey and Fire. I didn't like the last two... Haven't tried Gentleman's Jack.

Just got an ad from FB for Gentleman's Jack...
I see you Google!
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Which ones have you had? I have a lot of varieties at the moment. I prefer the Honey style as it's just sweet enough. Mostly because I used it when I had a toothache and ended up needing a get a wisdom tooth taken out. The sweetness made it less harsh on the area when in a soaked cotton swab :lol:

Those flavoured whiskeys/bourbons always seem gross to me. I tried the honey Jack it was way too sickly sweet for me. The only Jack I have is the Sinatra Select, which was needlessly overpriced, but I bought it mainly for the Sinatra coolness factor.

In terms of flavoured whiskey, the only thing I'll drink is the Crown Royal Maple, which is more or less drinking a pancake.
Honey Jack's worked great as a beer chaser or depthcharge for me. Not sure about drinking it on its own.
Whiskey, Whisky and Bourbon are all pretty horrible, IMHO. The good ones are the least foul ones.

I mean, I still drink the stuff, but only as it comes, and only the cheapest stuff.... that way the burn destroys the palate and you don't have to taste it. I've been through the shelf of more expensive whiskeys in the pub a few times, and every time it's more like trying to identify a Pirelli from a Michelin by licking the skidmark on the road.

Vaguely on topic, I first had Honey JD in a bar in New York, I said it was okay and then the people we were talking to kept buying us them all night, I was too polite to turn them down. Also that night I was drinking something alcoholic made with Beef Broth called a Bloody Bull. Go USA!
Alcohol is indeed a solution to depression, lockdown, social unrest and unemployment.
I only drink when I'm alone or with someone.
Whiskey's something I've only recently "matured" into. My very first time drinking at the young, delinquent age of 14 was crown royal. Made me sick as hell and I didn't drink again until 18. Tried the random shot of Jack here and there and just a shot would make me sick so I left whiskey alone until my thirties. I don't much care for most American whiskeys. Grand Traverse Whiskey Co does however make a rather good one. My prefered is Irish whiskey followed up but Scotch. In a rocks glass with three ice cubes.
As for flavors. Thats always a hard pass. I learned rather quickly that flavored liquors and I dont mix. I have no idea what changes in them, but I turn into a rather aggressive, mean drunk on flavored liquors.

Alcohol is indeed a solution to depression, lockdown, social unrest and unemployment.
I only drink when I'm alone or with someone.
Eloquent as always Dot. Does this mean you're always drinking?
Eloquent as always Dot. Does this mean you're always drinking?
It means I'm always trying to be amusing. :D But no, I'm not always drinking. I never binge, never drink before driving, never been cited or arrested for intoxication of any kind. I do imbibe beer and wine in modest quantities. Never hard spirits. I need my liver.
In terms of flavoured* whiskey, the only thing I'll drink is the Crown Royal Maple, which is more or less drinking a pancake.
That stuff's not bad, and Crown and maple go together nicely, but I think I'd just as soon whip up a cocktail with Crown and substitute simple with maple syrup.

*no u

Ugh...satire isn't even effective or compelling anymore.

It's a good marketing move by HBO. Take the movie down, garner some interest, and put it back up. Though I'm sure some people will be utterly disgusted by the introduction. They should add a pop quiz in to make sure you watched the intro.
So it sounds like it's doing what WB reportedly did for its old cartoons where it acknowledges the controversial decisions, but said to remove them would be to act like those prejudices weren't there.

...and Disney+. Film and media has been around for so long that we are bound to see antiquated culture in it. In fact, it's a sign of progress that we do.
Anyone have cell phone issues today? Heard something about it on the radio on the ride home.
A few people at the job site today lost coverage for over an hour. They were having to use my phone... :lol: Thanks for the good service Cricket Wireless!!
Anyone have cell phone issues today? Heard something about it on the radio on the ride home.
A few people at the job site today lost coverage for over an hour. They were having to use my phone... :lol: Thanks for the good service Cricket Wireless!!
Minor geomagnetic storms are forecast for today and tomorrow. That could be a factor.
Anyone have cell phone issues today? Heard something about it on the radio on the ride home.
A few people at the job site today lost coverage for over an hour. They were having to use my phone... :lol: Thanks for the good service Cricket Wireless!!

There was a network outage that caused T Mobile's calls to get buggered up. The problem seemed to spill over to other carries as well in various areas. It looks like it was probably something with one of CenturyLink's fiber runs.

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