America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Biden is a known and proven Warhawk.
Trump is a Peacenik by comparison, no question at all.

I would agree Biden is a hawk, but this is going by a pre Trump mindset.

Trump literally was on the verge of war with a country that in the previous admin that Biden was very much apart of formed an agreement that was in place that basically assured peace and even had diplomatic relations.

To argue that Trump is less of a hawk is disingenuous, Trump can't hide behind a non existent record anymore, his record for the time he has been in power is clear for all to see.

Bruh, if we're sitting here ignoring medical experts for months about how dangerous this virus really is compared to what Trump was saying, what the hell difference would Woodward's evidence make?
Considering Trump's propensity to release (read blab) about classified military secrets,

Like this:
Or this:
Or this:

I think he may be the one President who has the hawks in Washington running scared. (John Bolton aside). And his success at NOT starting a conflict is only because the military brass have slowly become guarded about what they tell him as they're scared he may actually decide to start pressing buttons.
The only thing stopping Trump from launching attacks against sovereign nations (any number of them) is the election. If he wins, an incursion in Venezuela, in the very least, seems totally possible.
What happened to WW3 with NK everyone said was gonna happen?
Oh yeah!!! It didn't...
What happened to WW3 with NK everyone said was gonna happen?
Oh yeah!!! It didn't...
Ah yes, because something doesn't happen means there was nothing to fear in the first place. Esp. not when 2 egomaniacs are exchanging insults the month before the WW3 talk started.
A senior member of the North Korean government has again described Donald Trump as a "dotard" after the US President revived the war words with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by calling him "Rocket Man."

Choe Son Hui, North Korea's First Vice-Foreign Minister, was quoted by North Korea's state news agency as saying the foreign ministry "can not repress displeasure over the utterances made by President Trump inappropriately at the most sensitive time."

Choe added: "If any language and expressions stoking the atmosphere of confrontation are used once again on purpose at a crucial moment as now, that must really be diagnosed as the relapse of the dotage of a dotard."
"We have the most powerful military we've ever had and we're by far the most powerful country in the world. And, hopefully, we don't have to use it, but if we do, we'll use it. If we have to, we'll do it," Trump said.

Those comments appear to have rubbed Kim and the top North Korean leadership the wrong way.

BTW, just because WW3 didn't happen back earlier in the year doesn't mean everything is in good standing....
"Never again will we provide the U.S. chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns," Ri said, referring to Trump.

"Nothing is more hypocritical than an empty promise."
North Korea said Friday that it was dropping all efforts to pursue a diplomatic relationship with the United States, saying all hope for peace along the Korean peninsula had "faded away into a dark nightmare."
Twitter hashtag trending currently. Kinda sucks people are politicizing the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Ironically the same folk preaching this hashtag are okay with burning down buildings in their peaceful protests.
It's also a far-right conspiracy theory, one that you acknowledge you subscribe to, thanks for the clarification (oh and no you didn't use it correctly, it has to actually be bollocks to be described as bollocks).
Ok, since the leftist eggheads have declared "culturist marxism" a myth. I will no longer use that term, from now on I will not call them marxists, just lunatic leftists.

Why not give them another word. I mean they have taken the word racism which is something a racist practices, with systemic racism, which means nothing.

The 13th, 15th and 19th amendments would prove otherwise!

Hell, all 27 amendments prove otherwise, but those three specifically point to direct issues with representation and socio-economic issues with the original ideals, that is unless you agree with ideas that do not prohibit slavery and limit the right to vote?
That is part of the beauty of our founding ideals and the Constitution, it defines a way in which it can be altered.

As a country that is supposedly founded on slavery :rolleyes:, I find it a little odd that the word slave never appears in the Constitution.
As a country that is supposedly founded on slavery :rolleyes:, I find it a little odd that the word slave never appears in the Constitution.

While the word itself doesn't appear, slaves are referenced a handful of times. Particularly in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 where it talks about the "importation of persons". The foundation of the US as a country does have roots in slavery, without the 3/5th compromise it's likely the southern states never would've ratified the Constitution. What that means is hard to tell, but the US could've ended up as two countries or the way our elected representatives are determined could be vastly different.
As a country that is supposedly founded on slavery :rolleyes:, I find it a little odd that the word slave never appears in the Constitution.

It's a dogwhistle. You don't have to explicitly say "the thing" for something to be about "the thing".

It's like how the strategy of far-right groups and other bigoted organisations over the last 20 years or so has been to replace using outright slurs and obviously loaded language with more deceptive terminology, focusing on terms like people, security and nation rather than 🤬, 🤬 and 🤬.

Ambiguous language in the US constitution is also what I feel makes textuals or literalists a very frustrating group. I don't think video piracy is mentioned at all either.
Ok, since the leftist eggheads have declared "culturist marxism" a myth. I will no longer use that term, from now on I will not call them marxists, just lunatic leftists.
Rational human beings have declared 'cultural marxism' a myth, one with deeply anti-Semitic origins, and I'm fairly certain that you don't need to be a lunatic leftist to have a problem with far-right and nazi ideals!

Why not give them another word. I mean they have taken the word racism which is something a racist practices, with systemic racism, which means nothing.
Odd as the definition is actually rather simple, it's a system that is either consciously or unconsciously racist. The KKK is systemically racist, the South African apartied system was systemically racist, Jim Crow was systemically racist. Feel free to argue if organisations or systems are suffering from systemic racism, but to argue that the concept doesn't exist is absurd.

That is part of the beauty of our founding ideals and the Constitution, it defines a way in which it can be altered.
So if they have been altered, the ideals the country was founded on were not perfect, which flies in the face of your claim that "The ideals this country was founded on were not false.".

As a country that is supposedly founded on slavery :rolleyes:, I find it a little odd that the word slave never appears in the Constitution.
It's not supposedly, it's a fact that the wealth the country was grown on came from slavery, and given that slaves were considered property it's not really a surprise they are not mentioned specifically, pretty certain not every item of property was.
it's a fact that the wealth the country was grown on came from slavery

Slavery held the US back. The country would have grown faster and more prosperous, and would have greater wealth, if we had never allowed slavery from the beginning, as some at the time wanted us to do. It was a cost.
If you agree there was something to fear which would led people to thinking WW3 with NK could happen, then this post makes no sense.
It makes very good sense actually.
We had a mad man waving his nukes and sending them like a deranged toddler.
We then had another deranged toddler tell him to stop or face the consequences.
Last time I checked Japan hasn't had any toys thrown at it recently.
No war and no one died. Sounds like a win to me.
It makes very good sense actually.
We had a mad man waving his nukes and sending them like a deranged toddler.
We then had another deranged toddler tell him to stop or face the consequences.
Last time I checked Japan hasn't had any toys thrown at it recently.
No war and no one died. Sounds like a win to me.
It doesn't. Your original post came across like you were mocking folks for thinking WW3 with N. Korea was going to happen and you've spent the last 2 posts acknowledging people were right for fearing such. :odd:
It doesn't. Your original post came across like you were mocking folks for thinking WW3 with N. Korea was going to happen and you've spent the last 2 posts acknowledging people were right for fearing such. :odd:
What difference does it make? I was. Anyone with any common sense knew it would be suicide for NK to attempt an attack on us.
I know I said way back we should've delt with them as a preventive measure. I was told how inhumane that was. Our President put him in check and people still complain.
To me it's gotten funny watching people find any way possible to blame Trump.
NK was a thorn in our side way before Trump.
Slavery held the US back. The country would have grown faster and more prosperous, and would have greater wealth, if we had never allowed slavery from the beginning, as some at the time wanted us to do. It was a cost.
Do you have any data on that, because my understanding is that the economy benefited significantly from a massive workforce that you didn’t need to pay, labour without slavery adds significantly to the cost of whatever you are producing.
I know I said way back we should've delt with them as a preventive measure. I was told how inhumane that was. Our President put him in check and people still complain.
Trump & Kim exchanging insults, Trump doin' a real good job putting him in check.
A senior member of the North Korean government has again described Donald Trump as a "dotard" after the US President revived the war words with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by calling him "Rocket Man."

To me it's gotten funny watching people find any way possible to blame Trump.
NK was a thorn in our side way before Trump.
Maybe because instead of Trump pullin' the thorn out, he's driven it in further.
"Never again will we provide the U.S. chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns," Ri said, referring to Trump.

"Nothing is more hypocritical than an empty promise."
North Korea said Friday that it was dropping all efforts to pursue a diplomatic relationship with the United States, saying all hope for peace along the Korean peninsula had "faded away into a dark nightmare."

Your revisionism is seriously delusional.
Do you have any data on that, because my understanding is that the economy benefited significantly from a massive workforce that you didn’t need to pay, labour without slavery adds significantly to the cost of whatever you are producing.

That's not how economics works. Having to pay those people (or not) does not boost economic growth. Having more people to pay would have benefited everyone, and aligned the economic output of the time better. The output of a slave was also far below that same person's lifetime production if they were free. I've been over this one a few times in various threads on slavery, and cited economists explaining how the south partly lost the war due to the hampering of slavery. Throughout the period prior to the civil war, states which sloughed off slavery did not only fail to fall behind, they prospered relative to slave states. It's not an easy economic discussion because they were trading with slave states, but the general trend was that ending slavery was not a hindrance to a state's economy.

Economically speaking, slavery was a net cost to the nation, but a net benefit to the slave owner. Do you think the US would be better off today if we still had slavery?
That's not how economics works. Having to pay those people (or not) does not boost economic growth. Having more people to pay would have benefited everyone, and aligned the economic output of the time better. The output of a slave was also far below that same person's lifetime production if they were free. I've been over this one a few times in various threads on slavery, and cited economists explaining how the south partly lost the war due to the hampering of slavery. Throughout the period prior to the civil war, states which sloughed off slavery did not only fail to fall behind, they prospered relative to slave states. It's not an easy economic discussion because they were trading with slave states, but the general trend was that ending slavery was not a hindrance to a state's economy.

Economically speaking, slavery was a net cost to the nation, but a net benefit to the slave owner. Do you think the US would be better off today if we still had slavery?
I understand the concept of what you are saying, but would still like to look at the numbers
As a country that is supposedly founded on slavery :rolleyes:, I find it a little odd that the word slave never appears in the Constitution

Shoot here they’ll tell ya it IS in there!
See how their irrational crazymaker by design position works lol?
“You’re wrong”
“You can’t see it because it’s subconscious-
I do though You’re stupid the end”
See the problem is these lunatics Online have become indoctrinated with an ideology designed to destroy America, manufactured by America’s enemies make no mistake marxists/anarchists/libertarians, all these end up with the same endgame. They are no different.
All these and more have been being seeded into America ever since ww2.
Luckily you have patriots and good citizens which outnumber the lunatics.
Online it seems like there’s a lot more lunacy then there really is.

If I look around, in real life the leftist/Marxist and also the Lib/anarchist are not people who factor into the evonomy much, or make up a majority of any type.
Most folks are far more center more moderate irl. Especially those who are self sufficient. At least that’s what I see.
The biggest problem with America today is we allowed bad ideology into the education system far too long and now there’s been created a young generation of indoctrinated unproductive people who place more value on Twitter and Facebook then getting out of their parents house and contributing to society.
They’ve been indoctrinated with the fallacious irrational “sjw woke etc” ideologies which are nefarious.
These are evil ideologies people push which are designed to splinter society.

Sorry to interrupt the “how to destroy and how much do we hate America” section.
Shoot here they’ll tell ya it IS in there!
See how their irrational crazymaker by design position works lol?
“You’re wrong”
“You can’t see it because it’s subconscious-
I do though You’re stupid the end”
See the problem is these lunatics Online have become indoctrinated with an ideology designed to destroy America, manufactured by America’s enemies make no mistake marxists/anarchists/libertarians, all these end up with the same endgame. They are no different.
All these and more have been being seeded into America ever since ww2.
Luckily you have patriots and good citizens which outnumber the lunatics.
Online it seems like there’s a lot more lunacy then there really is.

If I look around, in real life the leftist/Marxist and also the Lib/anarchist are not people who factor into the evonomy much, or make up a majority of any type.
Most folks are far more center more moderate irl. Especially those who are self sufficient. At least that’s what I see.
The biggest problem with America today is we allowed bad ideology into the education system far too long and now there’s been created a young generation of indoctrinated unproductive people who place more value on Twitter and Facebook then getting out of their parents house and contributing to society.
They’ve been indoctrinated with the fallacious irrational “sjw woke etc” ideologies which are nefarious.
These are evil ideologies people push which are designed to splinter society.

Sorry to interrupt the “how to destroy and how much do we hate America” section.
Have you been drinking?