gogatrsRemember, 510 HP for the RUF!
Tez_SP17I'm done. I'm not spending another night of being the one who loses out because of issues that can be tested out are not being listened to. Unless you're prepared to listen to the things I'm trying to tell you, and how to test them out in a way that solves the problem, I clearly don't see myself racing here again.
Tez_SP17I'm done. I'm not spending another night of being the one who loses out because of issues that can be tested out are not being listened to. Unless you're prepared to listen to the things I'm trying to tell you, and how to test them out in a way that solves the problem, I clearly don't see myself racing here again.
That has nothing to do with what I'm saying.This is why we need to use cautions.
Basically, I entered the lobby, and was practicing fine until spork and guto entered.. Though they had loading bars under their names, I could see everyone on track still aside from those two (which isn't an issue really). FH joined after them, but when he went on track I couldn't see him on it (no loading bar though), I knew it was because the connection of the guys I was somewhat incompatible with were blocking it. Spork backs out but I still don't see FH, then I back out and rejoin (which usually means I DC when I rejoin) to fix the problem, and it does, with the bonus of not DCing me. Then Ant joins, who I am incompatible with, but I can still see FH and everyone else I'm compatible with, so all is ok. Then ghskilla and seth join and enter the track, but I can't see them on it; same issue as with FH earlier. Now, I know full well that if anyone's connection will make me DC if I exit and rejoin it's Ants, but with 2 people I cannot see and more on the way, I didn't want to take the chance of screwing their race.I'm sorry, but this doesn't help much. What are you talking about?
sporkface69So since I wasn't going anywhere and my teammate quit I decided just to park it. Time to re-double my efforts and attack Suzuka with a vengeance. Hopefully my team will be more competitive then.
I had a very good chance of winning tonight, which makes it even more annoying that I had the problems I did, which could have been resolved if there was more of an effort to help me out. I don't stay up late (1am+) for the sake of being largely ignored...
I will mostly likely not be coming back after tonight, unless people are willing to co-operate to make sure EVERYONE can participate, rather than just ignore what's being highlighted as an issue that affects EVERYONE.
We will be stronger. Also I have two things to release to everyone in the series.
1. When all Team Extreme cars are at the track I will be playing pace car.
2. Team Extreme will be giving purses to the PC & GT winners. This will be for every race. The purse will be different every race. The two champions will get something big for there win. So now you have something to race for.
I'm retiring from this series. I left a cook-out with my friends to race this assuming the race would be on time. Not only did the race start a whopping 45 minutes behind schedule, but also I lagged when I had no one else using Internet at my house and I reset the router and cleaned the system cache. I don't want to ruin anyone else's race because I'm not compatible with someone/many people in the room.
I'm thinking about dropping out as well. It was difficult to race on my small TV, but that's not the issue. The issue is people from different countries joining in and making the room start lagging. The same as last season, and with Grand Am. You get this glitchy screen and your car freezes up and doesn't respond normally.
And I really don't get how some Ant can run 5-10mph faster than everyone in the same car either. Paul, FH and I were all running the same speed, how is it that Anthony could run as fast without the draft as we could with it? I couldn't pass him in the draft, only keep up. That didn't happen with anyone else. It's not low downforce because I ran lower downforce and a longer 6th gear just for the draft. Still couldn't keep pace on the straights. I'm suspect about that. It don't matter that I didn't win. What's annoying is seeing some lag from a person continuously. I feel for the guys that had to deal with that.
Ok so.....
About the guys saying that I should get better internet: I'm not the homeowner/billpayer of my house, and trying to explain that we need better internet to a not-very-internet-savvy, very-tight-budget father sees me running into brick walls.
About the problem: Well, in part yes it's my problem since my internet isn't the best, and I won't every say its not at least partly my fault, but that ties in with the "get better internet" thing, so unfortunately that can't be helped.
The problem, that I know is the problem and have an idea to fix if people could understand what I'm saying, it that the incompatibility (loading bar + not seen on track) I have with someone people creates interference (not seen on track, but no loading bar) with other people joining after them. That is why I couldn't see ghs or Seth, who any other time I see perfectly.
I said this in the lobby when I noticed the incompatibility I had with spork and guto. I couldn't see FH when he joined after them due to interference, so I rejoined. Now, usually when I rejoin after someone I'm not compatible with, it takes about 2-3 mins before I'm DC'd again, but that didn't happen when I rejoined, and the problem with not seeing FH was resolved. Stormy, TG2, Fraiser, FH and Sin were all in the lobby saw this, so clearly the problem is more specific than this, but I did mention to the guys in the lobby to expect the real problems to start if ant joined before the rest of the field. Guess what, he did, and the problems did begin to happen.
I reset my router AND my access point, cleared cache, RECONFIGURED MY PS3's internet settings (which helps me to get NAT 2 and UPNP available). I checked my settings on a WIRED CONNECTION.... NAT Type 2 and HIGH BANDWIDTH, now check this, that was checked before I rejoined after anthony, just to make sure my internet was fine. Heh, it was actually BETTER than when I had originally joined the lobby when it was just myself, guto, spork, FH, Stormy, Sin, TG2 and Sin.
Guys, I know what I'm talking about, and I honestly cannot possible dumb my explanations down any more than I already have. It's not a case of a "special joining order", its just a simple case of one person joining later so that the interference does not mean that I'll inevitably bump people off track when I can't see them, but they can still see and make contact with me. The interference is the "issue that affects everyone" that I mentioned, not incompatibility. I'd rather everyone was incompatible with me; at least you can't see my car and don't have the risk of being bumped off.
Anthony.... For tonight in Rolex, would you mind waiting for more people to join the lobby before you join please? Your internet does not kick you out of the lobby if you join after me, and I'd like to test my little uh... theory/teoría... about our internet. Please?
I like this idea! Your theory is that because we're qualifying, it is not as important to see everyone, and as long as we remember our grid positions, making a new room will not mess up the order.I know your theory is right, for that reason I rejoined yesterday to fixed the problem, the problem is that you can't see the drivers who join after me, so, the solution for me is: *we join the lobby, you before me, doesn't care if other drivers join after me, we qualify, get order grid and then, once we have the order, create a new room and join all drivers, you, and me last. (has to be after qualify because during the qualify some drivers join and rejoin). What do you think, we can try this night at Rolex.
Polar I will post the results soon.