Amy Winehouse is dead !!

  • Thread starter DQuaN
I have said I disagree, an addiction is not the fault of the individual.

Yes it is. Nobody force fed her drugs. Had she not taken any in the first place, she wouldn't have become addicted.
Not really that much of a surprise... She was addicted for many years now, sadly she got defeated by her addiction. Great artist for sure, but she could fight with the drugs and be still alive now. Sad, that such a young, talented person dies.
Yes it is. Nobody force fed her drugs.
Are you suggesting she was of a perfect sound mind and just decided to drug herself to death?
If that was what she wanted to do and was logical about it then so be it. But isn't it plainly obvious she had problems in her life? Her will to keep stuffing herself with drugs was down to her troubles and addiction. Those things are not her fault.
It can only be treated effectively if the person themselves decides to quit.
If they don't decide to quit (through no fault of their own as they are medically addicted or of a disturbed mind) they must be cared for, not just released back home to die by killing themselves. That is negligence. Treatment can involve full time care.
Those things are not her fault.

Yes, they are, as she chose to do drugs to deal with her issues instead of actually dealing with them.

I have a hard time saying my meth addicted cousin's issues are anyone else's besides her own.

If they don't decide to quite (through no fault of their own as they are medically addicted or of a disturbed mind) they must be cared for, not just released back home to die by killing themselves. That is negligence.

Essentially throwing someone in jail for the rest of their lives isn't exactly a good idea and won't help them. You can't force someone to do something like quit drugs, you can only try to persuade them to decide for themselves.
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I personally think a lot of the blame needs to fall on her management, for promoting/booking her concerts while she was still a fullblown addict. 👎

There's money to be made just shove her on stage!!
Yes, they are, as she chose to do drugs to deal with her issues instead of actually dealing with them.

I have a hard time saying my meth addicted cousin's issues are anyone else's besides her own.

Essentially throwing someone in jail for the rest of their lives isn't exactly a good idea and won't help them.
Where did you get the word jail from?
I mean health care.
The responsibility of your countries government is to care and look after your cousin, even if you don't want to. If there is no law in your country to have that responsibility then it's a deprived heartless country.
The responsibility of your countries government is to care and look after your cousin, even if you don't want to.

No it isn't. The responsibility of your cousin's care is your cousin's.

Now let's take the quasi-socialist healthcare arguing out of this thread and into the appropriate thread for that discussion (like this one), and leave this for the discussion of the 27 Club's latest addition.
The parallels between her and Syd Barrett are quite astounding. This is what happens when vunerable people are exposed to 'the machine', without the safety net of a decent management team. I feel sorry for her family. But you can guarantee the industry will be involved in a lot of hand-wringing and crocodile tears...
Jesus drifting-in-a-Silvia-S15 Christ, she sort of resembles Jack Sparrow in those pics. Without the dreadlocks.
I only heard of her two days ago.. Now she is dead..
Have you heard of Nick Griffin?
I properly guffawed when I read that.

Back OT:

Going by my facebook feed all but one or two shrugged off the events in Norway, if even paying attention at all. today, tributes that feel more like they are being mentioned because other people said it.
I realise social relevance governs importance but it startles me, I'm not saying its okay to overlook her death but the perspective seems to be backwards.

This. My Facebook feed is the same. Yes it's sad that Amy Winehouse has died. She left family and friends behind, and no parent should have to bury their child. I however find it strange that the British media and public places so much more import on her death than on the events in Norway.
I properly guffawed when I read that.

Back OT:

This. My Facebook feed is the same. Yes it's sad that Amy Winehouse has died. She left family and friends behind, and no parent should have to bury their child. I however find it strange that the British media and public places so much more import on her death than on the events in Norway.

+1. I've read tweets from about 50 celebs paying tribute to a FAMOUS junkie yet only two of them, Piers Morgan and Gordon Browns wife Sarah, made any mention of yesterday's events. Skanks the lot of them 👎
I am absolutely shocked. I totally didn't expect to wake up today and read that Amy Winehouse was dead. I mean, wow. Who would have thought this could happen to her? I had no idea she lived this long. I thought she died 3 years ago...

I'm expecting her albums to experience what I call the "MJ effect".
The fault lies with those who didn't help enough, not with Amy.
With so many people aware of her problems, no one took her forcibly into care. There is either negligence, or faults in the law for not protecting people enough when a disorder is clearly diagnosed. But if it was a hard case to judge medically then perhaps the system is not at fault, but neither is Amy. She is not at fault for killing herself, it was her addictions. You don't dislike people from dying of cancer do you. This is not a simple case of she had a choice to live or die.

You're right, I don't like people dying of cancer, but people don't generally choose to take cancer like they choose to drink alcohol or take drugs, so that's a stupid analogy.

Her entourage probably didn't help as much as they should but ultimate responsibility lies with the individual. Before you get addicted you have to make the first move. She made that move, it was a stupid one, she paid the price.

I have no more sympathy for her than I had for George Best. At least, since she's fairly high-profile, it should raise the issue to a greater audience again.

My thoughts instead lie with her family and friends.
Jesus drifting-in-a-Silvia-S15 Christ, she sort of resembles Jack Sparrow in those pics. Without the dreadlocks.


I guess she must have waited all this time to get 27 to join the club or something... :dunce:. " They tried to make me go to rehab, but i said, no, no, no..." :nodshead:. A worthless case if you ask me.
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I have said I disagree, an addiction is not the fault of the individual. If you think that then I think you need to think it over a bit more.
In most cases, addiction is the fault of the individual. Purposely using a substance known to be heavily addictive - nicotine, heroine, caffeine, whatever - and succumbing to the drug's effects is the fault of the user. Obviously the addiction itself happens on its own, but it was their choice to risk it or not.

Also a vast proportion of cancers are self induced in your eyes anyway as all the lung cancers from smoking etc.

Are you not just hinting at your disdain for addicts? An addiction is a health condition which can be treated.
Disdain for people who purposely abuse addictive, destructive drugs? What about it? A person prescribed pain meds for a chronic condition who accidentally becomes addicted despite the doctor's oversight is another story.

Addiction can be treated just like cancer can be treated. Some of both are caused by the person, some of them aren't. Sometimes they can be cured, sometimes they can't. Sometimes you're an idiot an partake in behavior known to be destructive, and sometimes you don't.
It's also a shame that a day after so many people have died through no fault of their own in Norway that someone has effectively wasted their own life despite all the effort to help.

👍 Thats why I'm not really caring that she died, I mean yeah its sad she dead but still.
I'm suprised she lived so long, seeing how many times she was drunk.
Good musician, lame person.
I can say R.I.P. Amy, but im not really sad.

Yes, addiction is a illness, it is almost impossible for a addicted person to overcome this illness.

I knew several guys who all died young, all of them were good persosn, who didn`t do anything wrong. Or the poor people in norway, who were killed yesterday by this crazy idiot. Those fates are sad.

But the death of a famous and rich person like Amy, who could have done so many good things beside singing, only makes me angry.

From all my facebook friends (400+), only 4 commented about the things which happened yesterday. Now few hours ago, a girlfriend of mine posted "Amy Whinehouse is death :( RIP" and it already got above 100 likes. Also, all AW vids on youtube get "invaded" now by R.I.P. Its a good thing to show affection to loss of peoples, I have no problem with that, but it just makes me sad that the youth scene cares more about the death of a drug addicted then about thousands of human beings in somalia who are starving right now...
I can say R.I.P. Amy, but im not really sad.

Yes, addiction is a illness, it is almost impossible for a addicted person to overcome this illness.

I knew several guys who all died young, all of them were good persosn, who didn`t do anything wrong. Or the poor people in norway, who were killed yesterday by this crazy idiot. Those fates are sad.

But the death of a famous and rich person like Amy, who could have done so many good things beside singing, only makes me angry.

From all my facebook friends (400+), only 4 commented about the things which happened yesterday. Now few hours ago, a girlfriend of mine posted "Amy Whinehouse is death :( RIP" and it already got above 100 likes. Also, all AW vids on youtube get "invaded" now by R.I.P. Its a good thing to show affection to loss of peoples, I have no problem with that, but it just makes me sad that the youth scene cares more about the death of a drug addicted then about thousands of human beings in somalia who are starving right now...

Just to point it out, that's been going on as long as I can remember. I grew up with the news that people are dying of hunger and thirst in Africa. So it most likely numbs people down, when you hear it all of your life.

Edit: Even in opinions and current events there isn't a thread about it.
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I am absolutely shocked. I totally didn't expect to wake up today and read that Amy Winehouse was dead. I mean, wow. Who would have thought this could happen to her? I had no idea she lived this long. I thought she died 3 years ago...


I thought she had died twice already...guess third time is the charm:sly: