Amy Winehouse is dead !!

  • Thread starter DQuaN
I can't help but feel strange I predicted she would die at the age of 27 like many other artists. I soooo saw it coming when I first read about her several years ago :|
I'm devastated. I loved her music.

She's a tragic cautionary tale.
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As she lay dying, Amy Winehouse was asked if she would give up drugs if she could manage to survive her now-final trip. Her last words were, "Nor way!"
Now we wait for half a million bandwagoners to buy Back to Black. I never liked her to be honest, it's sad that she died so young but it was clear she wanted to do drugs. When someone consciously chooses that lifestyle there is nothing you can do. There are many that were in her position and one day woke up to think, now it's time to stop. I doubt that was ever going to happen with Amy.
The latest news reports claim Winehouse "lay dead for hours", as if this is come great miscarriage of justice. Well, sometimes that happens - a person is all alone, they trip and hit their head, bleed out on the floor and no-one is around to know about it until the person misses work on Monday morning.
No, I don't think so. But it is addictive.
It can be. A lot of people think it's a "safe" drug, but it can have some particularly nasty side-effects - like inducing psychosis. A girl I went to school with (she was a few years ahead of me) started using when she left school, and is now a full-blown schizophrenic needing round-the-clock care.
As she lay dying, Amy Winehouse was asked if she would give up drugs if she could manage to survive her now-final trip. Her last words were, "Nor way!"

That is in really bad taste.👎
What is wrong with society in whole when this drug ****ed silly bitch who's wasted enough of peoples time already, is getting as much if not more air time as a massacre that killed 82 kids?

Even in death she can't help be annoying.
What is wrong with society in whole when this drug ****ed silly bitch who's wasted enough of peoples time already, is getting as much if not more air time as a massacre that killed 82 kids?

Even in death she can't help be annoying.

Because chances are that most people won't really know where Norway is.
What is wrong with society in whole when this drug ****ed silly bitch who's wasted enough of peoples time already

Oh sorry, you must have way more multiple-platinum albums.
What is wrong with society in whole when this drug ****ed silly bitch who's wasted enough of peoples time already, is getting as much if not more air time as a massacre that killed 82 kids?

Even in death she can't help be annoying.
Post count is higher in this thread than that of Norway massacre. There is a natural reason why she is more important.
Oh sorry, you must have way more multiple-platinum albums.

oh i'm sorry she musn't have been a drug ****ed bitch that was going to die in the next few years anyway. There should be no shock that she is dead, she did nothing at all to curb her drug habbit.

But I guess selling albums > slaughtering of children
I heard about Amys sad passing just an hour after it happened. I got that sickening feeling in my stomach which surprised me. I respected her as an artist but I didnt realise how emotionally attached I was. It was a very sad day for me.

Her legacy will live on with 'Back To Black', one of the greatest records of all time. She is a legend now, and I will never forget.

Amy Jade Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011). R.I.P.


Oh sorry, you must have way more multiple-platinum albums.

Rumour has it she committed suicide when someone explained she had won 5 Grammy's and not 5 Grams.

And before you tell me what I already know, yes I am an insensitive prick. I just could not care less for her. Far bigger things have happened this weekend that deserve empathy rather than some junkie reaching their inevitable use-by date.
But I guess selling albums > slaughtering of children

Yeah, you might notice I didn't include this in the post I quoted, because it's not at all relevant to what I was saying.

I'm not saying that the other events this weekend have been lessened at all.

What I am saying, is that the music world has lost someone talented and hard working. In what way does this have anything at all to do with Norway?
Why dont you go make a thread about them?

This one is for Amy.

Topic already exists. -

Besides, nowhere did I mention not to discuss her... just the belief that it is a waste of emotion empathising with her situation when it is put into contrast with everything else going on globally.

She was more famous for being a junkie than she was for being a performing artist anyways. Her talent was wasted years before this happened and the only recent hits to come to her were found in syringes and not recording studios.

Is it a shame? I dont think so... no one forced her to chose the lifestyle she did. We are all products of our own decisions and as such bear the burden of any consequences they bring. When the dust settles, she will only really be missed by those closest to her and what few fans she did have that remember her for handful of albums she did produce... To every one else, its just one less circus act for that we will see trainwreck photo's of in the tabloids and etcetera on a frequent basis.
Topic already exists. -

Besides, nowhere did I mention not to discuss her... just the belief that it is a waste of emotion empathising with her situation when it is put into contrast with everything else going on globally.

She was more famous for being a junkie than she was for being a performing artist anyways. Her talent was wasted years before this happened and the only recent hits to come to her were found in syringes and not recording studios.

Is it a shame? I dont think so... no one forced her to chose the lifestyle she did. We are all products of our own decisions and as such bear the burden of any consequences they bring. When the dust settles, she will only really be missed by those closest to her and what few fans she did have that remember her for handful of albums she did produce... To every one else, its just one less circus act for that we will see trainwreck photo's of in the tabloids and etcetera on a frequent basis.

Didn't stop a suspected pedophile/musician from getting 15 pages of coverage on GTP when he died of drug abuse.
That's the word that tends to go completely overlooked the very second MJ is brought into any particular conversation.

Highlighting team, away!
Wow, Ive never even heard of her...

Yep. she REALLY made a difference to music didn't she.
I agree she had a few good tracks, and she had a few platinum albums, big deal.
Other singers/musicians that DID make a difference to todays music didn't get this kind of publicity.

"Ohh, Amy. She was amazing. She turned the music industry into what it is today." BS!!

Now she is being portrayed as some kind of Legend.

Do you really want your kids to look up to and idolize someone like this....
