Amy Winehouse is dead !!

  • Thread starter DQuaN
So she's the only musician who's ever had a drug or alcohol problem?

Never said she was. There are many others but not many that got this kind of publicity. Publicity that has influences over the next generation.
Never said she was. There are many others but not many that got this kind of publicity. Publicity that has influences over the next generation.

11 of the 20 top selling artists of all time have, at some point in their careers, had major substance abuse issues. It come hand-in-hand with the industry.

Her death will largely be forgotten by the end of next week. The next generation will never know anything about her.
On a more serious note, it's a genuine shame that someone with a real talent wasted it so easily. There are plenty of people out there who are struggling to get their music out to the masses who would give a limb to get the career she could have had had she not ruined it with drugs and alcohol. I always disliked her for that and death at the age of 27 wasn't exactly unexpected IMO. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

I agree completely. And I'm not surprised also... Amy didn't deserve the fame she had... as a person, she was a disgrace... just like everyone who's on drugs...

On another note... I found a song that fits perfectly with her...
What I am saying, is that the music world has lost someone talented and hard working. In what way does this have anything at all to do with Norway?

I lolled so hard, she had 2 albums, a 3rd one suspected to come out.

Working hard, don't make me laugh. If your definition of working hard is being drunk and sniffing coke, while show after show is being cancelled, for named reasons, then you are right, but as you don't mean that, I guess you are wrong.

We lost a junkie, and then a musician.
Listening to her music its great 👍
But she should have gone to rehab.

They tried to get her go to rehab, but she said "No, no, noooo".

Too soon?

So she's the only musician who's ever had a drug or alcohol problem?

No, but she was one of the only in modern times that hasn't learnt a lesson great musicians of old times taught us: "Drugs wreck lives". Period. Ask Janis Joplin, ask Keith Moon, ask Bret Michaels. So, at the end of the day, all she did was making the same mistakes as people before her. What name do you give to a person who doesn't learn from mistakes...? Genius?
Working hard, don't make me laugh. If your definition of working hard is being drunk and sniffing coke, while show after show is being cancelled, for named reasons, then you are right, but as you don't mean that, I guess you are wrong.

I was fortunate enough to see her perform in 2006. It was one of the best gigs I've ever been to, and I can guarantee you, the woman that I saw was not the same woman stumbling around stage coked up to the eyeballs that we've seen more recently. I'm firstly referring to her as an artist pre-2009, and by hard-working I mean she gave her fans a lot of love and respect (before spiralling out of control).
Ah, that seems logical. I was already wondering if we where talking about the same person.
So she's the only musician who's ever had a drug or alcohol problem?
No, but she did build a career on the image that she's a systematic substance abuser. A lot of artists openly admit to drug use, but most of them get clean. Amy Winehouse, on the other hand, stubbornly denied that she needed help and avoided rehab like the plague.
No, but she did build a career on the image that she's a systematic substance abuser.

To be honest, the Media's as much to blame for this as she herself. Fair enough, she's turned up for gigs Sheened up to the max, but her private life wasn't anywhere close to private.
No, but she did build a career on the image that she's a systematic substance abuser. A lot of artists openly admit to drug use, but most of them get clean. Amy Winehouse, on the other hand, stubbornly denied that she needed help and avoided rehab like the plague.

Not at first, when she first started appearing on major TV shows here she was a different, much bigger in size and no where near the 'walking dead' look she had in her last years.

She was diffferent, totally the opposite to the manufactured bands and also didn't fit into the indie scene that's been so prominent. She had a bit of attitude, but no where near as much as what she had in her later years.

She had a distinctive sound, although her early stuff wasn't great, it was so different compared to the manufactured bands and indie rubbish we get shoved down our throats nowadays by TV shows and radio. Her sound was unique and it was 'her' material, not anyone elses - saying that though, it was her collaboration with Mark Ronson that really shot her into the bigtime.

This crazy need for hard drugs came well after she had already cemented herself as a singer, with her own style, sound and fan base.

She appeared on a famous music / comedy show "never mind the buzzcocks" - the host asked her what happened to the 'sweet' Amy we all knew and loved - ironically, Winehouse replied that Amy was dead.

It was after that appearance the "walking dead" Amy 'crackhouse' (as she was nicknamed) appeared some time later - argueably around the same time she met her husband, who himself has supposedly confessed to being the one who got her on the hard(er) drugs.

I'm not fan of hers, I don't have much sympathy for her either, she had many chances to sort herself out but didn't.

But I do think it's a shame that she's dead and people like Pete Doherty are still about. She committed far less crime than him and has no where near as many criminal convictions and court appearances as he has.

Would have much preferred to see him laying on a slab instead of Wino.
Perhaps the media was responsible for publicizing the image she already had. It wasn't responsible for the lifestyle she led which is ultimately what killed her.
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No, but she did build a career on the image that she's a systematic substance abuser. A lot of artists openly admit to drug use, but most of them get clean. Amy Winehouse, on the other hand, stubbornly denied that she needed help and avoided rehab like the plague.

She didn't build a career from substance abuse, it was the popular media who built up that image for her. She didn't avoid rehab either, she went through at least three well publicised rehab programs over her short career.

Her only 'crime' was to shun any wrapped-in-cotton-wool treatment record label/management/legal teams would have no doubt tried to protect her with, as they do with other troubled artists. She chose to live as normal a life as possible, yet the media decided they'd prefer to demonize her and hound her every move.
Paid, the price was.

I feel sorry for the family.
A dad who lost his little girl, a mother who lost her daughter,....

But I can't feel sorry for a crackhead who died.
She was a great artist, grant that, but putting the responsibility on the medias is lame. Media print what people want, and the "yellow press" is a british thing. If people wouldn't buy into that crap, it wouldn't get printed.
Certainly some responsibility is going to the media, and the people wanting to read about the fake or real gossip.
But she is to blame first.
She accepted to take hard drugs (whether her ex-husband introduced her to it or not). Everyone has the power to say no, sooner or later. She tried but couldn't, if you really want to get sober, you can.

Having the luck to do what you like, getting well paied for it, having people being fascinated by what you do, and still throwing all away,...

Plus she as an "starlet" had the responsibility to show a good image for younger people, which she didn't took.

So all in all, we lost an great artist, but we lost her some years ago. Now we lost the hollow shell of a drug addict.
She didn't build a career from substance abuse, it was the popular media who built up that image for her. She didn't avoid rehab either, she went through at least three well publicised rehab programs over her short career.

Her only 'crime' was to shun any wrapped-in-cotton-wool treatment record label/management/legal teams would have no doubt tried to protect her with, as they do with other troubled artists. She chose to live as normal a life as possible, yet the media decided they'd prefer to demonize her and hound her every move.

The media did nothing more than publicize what she was doing to herself. Don't blame the media. I used to live in the same building as a guy who was an alcoholic and a heroin addict. I later found out he died. He used to knock on my door at all hours asking for cigarettes or to borrow money from me. Point is, he killed himself. As did Amy.
Plus she as an "starlet" had the responsibility to show a good image for younger people, which she didn't took.

No individual in the world has the responsibility to show a good image.
That would be against human rights. It's down to parents/school to educate the young about life.
The media did nothing more than publicize what she was doing to herself. Don't blame the media. I used to live in the same building as a guy who was an alcoholic and a heroin addict. I later found out he died. He used to knock on my door at all hours asking for cigarettes or to borrow money from me. Point is, he killed himself. As did Amy.

I think you've missed the point. We're discussing how much the Media is responsible for her private life not being private. We're not saying the Media 'killed' her.

In this instance, it's appropriate to place a large proportion of the blame on the Media.
Thousands of people kill themselves, adults and children alike, of which none have ever tried drugs, or maybe even tasted alcohol. If people are arguing she chose to kill herself through drugs, then it's no different from a bullied child hanging themselves in their bedroom. It's a suicide. Why should the drugs method make her be called an idiot, but if she never had drugs and led a normal appearing life but just one day jumped off a bridge people would somehow give her more sympathy. I think it's disgusting the way people judge things.
I've just read about the death of Amy Winehouse and she died probably of her excessive abuse of drugs and she was a talented musician and artist who won several awards in her career. some seems to have expected she would be dead for her continuous use of toxic substances ... Anyway rest in peace. :(
... If people are arguing she chose to kill herself through drugs, then it's no different from a bullied child hanging themselves in their bedroom. It's a suicide.

My god you come up with some crazy analogies.
Actually, we don't even know if she died on a overdose. For all we know she could have had a heartattack. But it will be no suprise if she died because of too much drugs.