We could still generate electricity worldwide for the next 2 or 3 three centuries using a) Fission , not as bad as it seems if you trust proffessional conduct and invest in it's strict adherence + b) Coal , which is abundant but a pain in the ass enviromentally , unless you are willing to invest wholesale in sequestration technologies . Electricity is therefore Doable, to use Niky's term.There's a Bonus with cabled powersources , a silvery quality; research can be maintained even if other areas of our civilization go 'down' for a while , let us put our faith in the internet et al and not in Media fronts that are not willing to engage the gears when the corner appears .
Transportation is a Quagmire , a mess and a pity considering the visions of most members here but , nonetheless , people will move with their goods from A to B even if it means breeding Shire Horses. Sticky, but doable in a sad way.
Food w/out catastrophe

, Most polymers/chemicals/technological

products ; as far as i can make out at the moment Not-Doable . This is the real bummer and the area ime trying to squeeze truth and projection from.This is where research has to be poured ; sustainable foodstuffs and materials as they have been overshadowed by our reliance on fossil central .
👍 That's a nice thought. But it means we have to build
new and reliable plants NOW. While we can afford them.
I pointed out a zillion pages ago that the internet HAS to stay for us to continue research and development in many fields of science. The energy required to run a worldwide network is relatively small compared to the possible benefits. Other benefits include standardised education, educational development, developments in agriculture, the check and balance required to redistribute resources required for industry and agriculture, and maintaining our links with the rest of humanity.
Air transportation may very well die out unless we go back to more fuel efficient (thus slower) forms of air travel. Blimps and prop-powered gliders (solar or - bio-diesel will work, or combinations of the two) are two solutions that are easily buildable in this day and age. The only reason we don't have fuel efficient air travel is that oil prices are NOT HIGH ENOUGH to encourage airlines to sacrifice speed and convenience for economy. Plus the initial investment per aircraft is so high, we are likely to keep the fuel-guzzling jetliners for decades after they become unfeasibly expensive to use.
Sea transport is a question-mark. We definitely won't be able to run tankers on wind power. There are some advances in sail technology, most notably ones using omni-directional wind-plants (sort of like cylindrical windmills) to generate power for the screws, but the transition won't be easy. Plus construction and maintenance of these monsters requires cheap energy... which we get... yes, from oil.
Land transport may not be as endangered as it may seem at first, but there will definitely be fewer cars. The only way to go is smaller and cheaper or bigger and slower. Say goodbye to sound insulation, houses on wheels and ultra-stiff steel chassis'. Say hello to plastics. Hello to lower power, bio-fuels, electricity and (possibly) hydrogen.
I still think we can do polymers without fossil oil, but we need to bring costs for bio-plastics down (Yes, Virginia, we can make plastic from corn). With the insanely strong negative reaction the public has to genetically engineered crops, we're not seeing these miracle crops any time soon, though.
The food crunch is definitely going to be a big issue. I don't really want to be around for that, but I might not have a choice.
The biggest question is whether we can transition quickly enough. This depends on:
* Political will to curb oil usage. 👎 - Oil usage = money, neither developing nor developed economies will want to slow down industry.
* Development of biological alternatives to oil products (may involve genetic engineering). 👎 - Strong cultural bias against GMOs. Research slow, products still costly.
* Development of alternative power sources. 👍 - wind and solar, 👍 - biofuels, 👎 - shipping and air transport, 👎 - cultural bias against nuclear power.
* Population control - 👎 - cultural and religious bias against depopulation.