- 2,208
danoff...Our excesses?...
nikyWe owe future generations everything. We owe them a planet...
In the year 2050, what will young people be saying about these? :

This is a ship of "residences". For six million bucks you can buy a 3200-square foot condo on this ship, which continuously sails on, circling the globe:
"We have created a world that suits us. The World is a ship that carries our luxury vacation residences to the four corners of the earth. Our ocean residences are as comfortable as we can make it with an excellent crew, caring staff and extremely comforting security. The ship cruises on, stopping for a night or two at ports around the world. We enjoy our life-style. We enjoy each others company and we also enjoy our own private apartments - our luxury residences at sea.
Its the ultimate in fuel-intensive living. Your "house" is constantly burning fuel for its engines and electrical generators, even if you're not on board. Its the only one of its kind so far, but not for long:
The Four Seasons
"This is your chance to live like no one else. To own a luxurious home at sea. For a select few, The Four Seasonsa 42,500-ton shipwill become a fully equipped residence in some of the worlds most alluring ports. Offered as whole ownership or shared ownership, both on a 50-year leasehold basis, Four Seasons Ocean Residences will give you the comforts of home. Along with the amenities and service for which Four Seasons is renowned. This is an opportunity to redefine home and travel as you know it. This is life aboard The Four Seasonsa life as exceptional as those who choose to live it."
The Magellan
The Orphalese
Orphalese Mall
http://residentialvessels.com/entry.htm - Seven proposed "residential ships", although this smells like a scam to me, or at least wishful thinking. Ya gotta love those names, though. My favorite is the "Extravagance".
You'd think something like this would be enough for anybody, wouldn't you? :

Wrong! :
Whaddya mean, I can't land there!?
Nope, a little ol' Gulfstream isn't enough for a guy like Ron Tutor. He's just gotta have a Boeing 737 for his personal private plane, and little airports simply have to make their runways strong enough and long enough for him to land it. That's right, Boeing makes a luxurious private version of the 737 for "discriminating" customers like Tutor. They've sold a lot of them.
Here's a nice boat:

Greg Norman has a good golf swing. He parlayed it into that thing. Check the specs:
She sports a 59,439-gallon fuel tank
Best of all, check the title of the article: "The Courage of His Convictions". I wonder what future generations will have to say about his "courage"? And BTW, he also has a private 737. Nothing's too much of a fuel-swiller for The Shark.
Sure, serious fuel-burners like the above are relatively rare, thank God, but these aren't :

The poster child for the Oil Age. Perfect for single-driver daily commuting to work. The freeways of Southern California are packed with these 6400-pound armored personnel carriers, and they're all carrying nothing but their drivers. They inspire web sites like these:
H2 fan site...
H2 fan photos...
How it really happened
But, of course, nothing beats the Viper-engined Ram for sheer silliness:
Worst mileage champs
Your mileage may vary, indeed.
What will future generations say about us? Nothing good, that's for sure. I'm glad I won't be here to find out...