This is a repost from
Zardozes 1st post of an AlJazeera article quoting [WIKIPEDIA]Matthew Simmons[/WIKIPEDIA], basically it has to be done to underline the fierce fraud and sheer incompetence that runs the oil industry.
Oil companies have been well aware that Oil Discovery itself peaked in the year of our lord
1962.How many GTPers were even alive then ?(Just Barely i hear Duke say). What this means, coz i have to spell it out is that Governments + the Oil Industry have had the stat on Finite Oil in front of them for the past 40 years, all the time building a dreamworld upon this paradisal substance.
So what? is easy and automatic and programmed into your soft little brain by television and movies.
YA WTF, more like. . . Either, governments cannot do simple math ( very easy to believe, especially when dead bodies are concerned, in fact it could be a prerequisite for entry to some echelons ) or they much prefered to lie back on the couch like a roman emperor and indulge fantasies about themselves as being 'Modern' 'Forward-Thinking' 'Scientific( a quantifyable use)' 'Benevolent' 'Miltary Gods' etc etc. This latter is far more on stream with me as this would make taking up the finite nature of oil statistics and doing something real and human w/ PettyPowerPosition as equivalent to giving up Heroin and getting a Job, not the Sixties Iconoclasm or the Cold Seventies or the Open Eighties or the Secretive Nineties, nope not on the agenda down the dining club for Sheikh so-and-so or Minister Whatsisticket.
The Market is Benevolent and Concious of Catastrophe ( that's why Market Crash is an invalid term, eh );
I threw down a gauntlet in posts
122 and
125 of this thread that was, in the main, side-stepped. But i also promised to back up some of my theories.
Lets talk this year and have a bright&breezy look at the market
w/USNews shall we? Wow, real depressing returns there, a real slump in US demand. But what about a little further afield and a little more like gov't intervention for oil futures ('hedging'), and this on the miniscule scale of your average
Read between the lines thats today's news, Reuters, whats that reserve for ? If you ask me one component is called the M and another, not far away from there is called P. But i am an 'Oil Pessimist' if thats at all possible. A note about that, it seems there is a category i was unaware of ; Oil Realists are hounded and stifled by a gigantically rich industry, thus becoming 'Oil Pessimists' because they've lost some publication or position from not contracting the truth as they hold to it. Then there are the 'Oil Optimists' who are lavishly funded but produce thin to near invisible publications in favour of neato seminars where the buffet is warmer. But i now believe there are 'Oil Fantasists' not content with trying to cope with any scientific fact or statistical validation are willing to nail their colours to the mast of self-replenishing wells and abiotic sources, marvellous! & perfectly in the nick of time like all good superheroes !
Heres an interim link from
Bloomberg(recent) that'll explain why demand for oil evaporates as the cents get added and we all invest sensibly in green technology, whilst i take a quick breather.
2007 is when i stated in the above linked posts that i would like to compare figures on global demand and such but
heres an interesting blog that sniffs out the arguments being put about that oil pricing will dent demand and push the market into a Green Zone.Governments and Airlines also have the option to ignore a green shift by using the
Futures segment of modern market trading but this can run into problems, not least of which is the [WIKIPEDIA]Contango[/WIKIPEDIA]
it is my contention that nothing of the sort is going to happen, that distastefull and hard-to-beleive as it is, the way modern soceity is constituted we will run right into a wall-of-pain scenario with supply and demand that is a civilisation wrecker, climate change brings people together as we battle the external forces of nature but a sudden global oil crisis that makes the 5%(supply disruption) OPEC embargo of the 70s look trivial is an internal, neighbourhood pandemonium affair that will push people poles apart, very very nasty and completely the fault of those in power the way the weather isn't ( climate will always change no matter what ).
This is the link i got my 5% stat from, you can jeer at it's validity or al-jazeeras validity but i am actually waiting to post here in 2007 and see how you feel about current affairs then. I hope you understand .
Note; there are 5 external links in this post that aren't reposts etc. . .