As I stated before, Fanatec told me back in December my order would be sent in 1 to 2 weeks. I was happy with that. Then they said it would be earl May, I was not to happy with that but thought I would wait it out. Then they once again changed this until the end of May, when I contacted them they said just hang on a little more, it will be there for sure in early June. Now we are at the middle of June and they are saying, just hang in there a little more, it should be their soon.
Believe me if I could get a refund from them I would jump all over it. But it's all their excuses that piss me off the most. Go to InsideSimRacing and you will see that I am not alone, there are hundreds of people in various forums that are so tired of the lies Fanatec is spewing. They do not conduct their business properly.
I as a consumer have every right to complain, so please do not tell me what wheel I should go with or when I should or should not complain. Fanboys like you make me want to puke.