This morning on the BBC a woman said, give us weapons and we will fight. Also the Syrian army is
bombing Homs and the opposition replies with Kalashnikov fire, not at all an equal battle.
Where I do understand the point of the
Russians/Chinese that it is internal affairs, using heavy military force against innocent civilians should be stopped. There is no power of the people this way, it is just the one that is attacked for criminal behaviour protecting his position with more crimes.
I spent more time listening to BBC this morning, and reading other sources.
It is reported that elements of the Syrian Army have deserted and are in insurgent mode, armed with (at least) mortars and RPG's in addition to rifles and machine guns. They are firing on government buildings, posts and positions in an attempt to overthrow the government, and are occasionally shielding themselves by moving among civilians, sympathetic or not. The government is of course attempting to defend itself, and stamp out the insurgents, as any government would do, whether in Syria, Russia, Britain or the US. Civilian casualties are an inevitable and very sad result.
It is reported that weapons and munitions are being smuggled to the insurgents from across the Turkish border, and are being reinforced, aided and advised by foreign fighters experienced in other rebellions in other countries. American and British NGO's and other covert agents are in the mix on the side of the insurgents.
The insurgents are Sunni Islamists for the most part, attempting to bring down the modestly secular Alawite regime of Assad. You can be assured that if the insurgents win, they would likely enslave, kill or drive out millions of Christians, Shia and Alawite.
In short, Syria is teetering on the brink of civil war, brought about by Sunni Islamists, the US, Britain (including the beeb) and its other enemies in the mideast.
In short, it is yet again another situation where might makes right. As yet, the heavy foot of NATO has been checked, but even so, a battle royal is underway for the highest stakes. Russian Spetsnaz boots may, stress may, be already on the ground. US, British and Israeli special forces may, stress may, be already on the ground. Where all this will lead is presently a giant and very dangerous unknown.
Respectfully submitted,