Before anything went to the UN, America already said they will take any action necessary.
But it has gone to the UN, sanctions are in place, No fly zone in planning stage.
And would you believe it, the access all area pass card has been shown, the WMD card, in this case, chemical weapons. Military force is needed to control Libya as there are fears Ghaddafi may use Mustard gas to wipe out his enemies
Seems very convenient. Just like Iraq.
Also the no fly zone would not just be limited to that, experts are saying Nato would use air strikes to take out ground forces attacking protesters and also of course any Libyan aircraft, mostly of issue are the helicopters. Nato would also destroy any known stores for the chemical weapons.
Britain can use Cyprus to launch it's aircraft from , the US is positioning it's aircraft carriers, the USS Enterprise moved from the Red Sea, and the USS Kearsage amphibious landing ship.
This is a perfect opportunity for Iran to divert it's Frigate and supply vessel to loiter offshore of Libya, even if it is just to annoy the West, it's already not far away.