Arab spring uprises Tunisia/Egypt/Libya/Syria

Wow, a country considered very stable only a couple of months ago has now been overturned. Very worrying for any other country.

How did it go?
Surely you mean very exciting and joyful for any other country?
I would not be worried to have my leader overturned if they ruled for 30 years and jailed anyone that criticised them.
Surely you mean very exciting and joyful for any other country?
I would not be worried to have my leader overturned if they ruled for 30 years and jailed anyone that criticised them.

Well it's worrying how quickly things have happened, and if the army had taken a slightly different stance then consequences could have been very different.
Every nation on the developed side of the spectrum has gone through its' share of civil unrest to be where they are today. Nothing to be overly worried about, it's called growing pains, aka progress.

Albeit, some more slowly than others.
Yesterday on the news here there was the story of Italy asking the EU for help, since about 5000 persons have fled Tunisia towards Italy.

Although the regime changed, it seems that the confidence is not there yet for a lot of people.
Heard about the Tunisian Story as well ,Wish them well and looks like Yemen is next in line .This may spread to a lot of countries seeing as Egypt which is a Pivotal Country in the middle east had accomplished the seemed impossible many countries will sure follow in the upcoming future although there will be unrest I hope all Countries have a Fair Democratic ruling Something every human being deserves .
My question is not whether the middle east will become unstable my question is has the domino theory been realised. Although not trying to become communist these protests go from one country to the next.
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That is true, there have been some protests in Iran which have been crushed by the government. To echo what Obama was saying, it is ironic that it has crushed protests just days after praising the protests in Egypt and Tunisia.
I suppose it ends there, but I hope Iran's government will be overthrown.

And about the 30's Germany, it wasn't a similar situation at all. The people voted for Hitler, they did it as a protest of the poor economical situation of which WW1 was the cause (and to regain the lost areas of Elsaß-Lothringen and Westpreußen). If you've been alert in your history lessons, you would've known that (most of) the people supported the regime even in the 40's though no free elections hadn't been held since 1933.
I suppose it ends there, but I hope Iran's government will be overthrown.

And about the 30's Germany, it wasn't a similar situation at all. The people voted for Hitler, they did it as a protest of the poor economical situation of which WW1 was the cause (and to regain the lost areas of Elsaß-Lothringen and Westpreußen). If you've been alert in your history lessons, you would've known that (most of) the people supported the regime even in the 40's though no free elections hadn't been held since 1933.

Adding on to that.

Because after the great depression and terms put on Germany after WW1, had nearly crushed the country after (in their view) none of their own fault. Hitler brought many good things to Germany by building up the economy from broke to booming, the people wanted someone to blame someone for the hardships so agreed with his blaming of the jews.

Edit: XoravaX did you recieve the 3 cars I have sent you, pm me the answer to avoid clogging up the thread.
Despite a quick-fire payment of $2600 to every family in the country, Bahrain has erupted in some kind of religion-based protests. Apparently the bulk of the place are Shia, in sympathy with Iran. The upcoming F1 Grand Prix is placed in immediate jeopardy, and the base for the US Navy's base for the 5th Fleet is of course a source of concern for US planners.

In another sign of tension, Israel is once again making noises about Iran:
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Iran's Frigates are British by the way.
Iran is testing Egypt's new military rule by seeing if Egypt grants it permission to go through the canal.
Israel is scared.
Iran could be sending it's Frigate and the support ship near to Syria.
I wonder if some arms trade will take place.
Who knows what the support ship will take with it to Syria or carry back to Iran.
Syria is at war with Israel.
I think we need a new thread about the wave of protests or a name change.
The countries effected so far:
West Bank/Palestinian territories

That's 13 already.
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And about the 30's Germany, it wasn't a similar situation at all. The people voted for Hitler, they did it as a protest of the poor economical situation of which WW1 was the cause (and to regain the lost areas of Elsaß-Lothringen and Westpreußen). If you've been alert in your history lessons, you would've known that (most of) the people supported the regime even in the 40's though no free elections hadn't been held since 1933.

1) Mr. Mubarak is re-elected to a fourth six-year term as president in a referendum
2) Tunis — With 89.62 % President Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali wins 2009 Presidential Elections
3) Rising food prices were partially a cause of the revolution in Tunisia.

If you have a critical mind, you go beyond the inaccuracies people tell in school.
Hitler sold as much as Ben Ali or Mubarak did that he was supported by his people. I do not believe it, but he certainly was good at controlling opposition.
Other news:UK selling arms to Bahrain.

"Since it came into office the Government has granted permission for weapons sales to countries across the Middle East and North Africa, including a licence for weapon-makers to sell tear gas to the Bahrain administration. The Government also sanctioned sales of crowd control ammunition to Libya, combat helicopters to Algeria and armoured personnel carriers to Saudi Arabia."

The share price of companies making tear gas must be up in the air at the moment. (pun intended).

I think deliveries should be delayed until protests are over. But then it would give the UK seller negative feedback...
I hope the Saudi government isn't twiddling its thumbs still when it comes to opening up their government more to the public.

The royal family has gotten way too fat, too greedy, and way too arrogant.
This is an interesting view from 30,000' above the Middle East.
A Middle East Without America?
by Patrick J. Buchanan, February 18, 2011

The fever sweeping the Middle East is now coursing through Libya, Yemen, Iran, and Bahrain, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based.

In all four nations, state violence is being used to crush the rebels, and regime survival hangs on whether security forces and the army stand behind the government or stand aside.

A new Middle East is dawning. What will it look like?

Perhaps the nation to study is Turkey, which has already gone through a democratic and dramatic transformation.

In 2000, Turkey was a reliable U.S. ally, a friend to Israel, an aspiring candidate for membership in the EU. Since then, Turkey has set a different course, welcomed by her people, that has measurably enhanced her prestige.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime is far more Islamic than any Turkish government since the caliphate. He and his Justice and Development Party have effected constitutional reforms to curb the power of the judiciary and military, guardians of the secular state established by Kemal Ataturk in 1923. Scores of generals have been indicted for treason.

Turkey refused President George W. Bush permission to use its territory to invade Iraq. Denied a fast track to membership in the EU, Turkey now looks to the south and east. Relations with Syria have been repaired. Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been welcomed in Istanbul.

To the rage of Hillary Clinton, the Turks and Brazil cut a deal with Iran to transfer half the low-enriched uranium at Natanz out of the country. This was seen as undercutting U.S. policy. When the U.N. imposed the latest sanctions on Iran, Turkey voted no.

"The Turks are out of their lane," said a U.S. diplomat.

Indeed they are. And as Turkey moves out of America’s orbit, she is moving back into a Muslim world, much of which she ruled for centuries. A sure sign is the bristling hostility to Israel, with which Turkey has had close political and military ties.

At Davos in 2009, in a debate with Shimon Peres about the Gaza war, Erdogan shouted at Israel’s president, "You know well how to kill," stormed out and flew home to a hero’s welcome.

Eight of the nine dissidents shot by Israeli commandos in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla trying to run the blockade were Turks. Erdogan’s backing of the flotilla and condemnation of Israel for a "bloody massacre" made him and Turkey more admired in Gaza than are Iran and Ahmadinejad.

After that first week of demonstrations in Cairo, when Hosni Mubarak announced he would not run again for president, America dithered, but Erdogan declared that Mubarak should resign immediately.

"The (Egyptian) people expect a very different decision from Mubarak," Erdogan said. "The current administration does not inspire trust so far as the democratic change wanted by the population is concerned."

Erdogan abruptly canceled his February visit to Egypt.

What, then, are the crucial elements of the new Turkish policy?

First, a new deference and respect for Islam. Second, make Turkey the champion of the causes of the Arab and Muslim masses, foremost among which is the cause of the Palestinian people. Third, defy the United States and denounce Israel.

What the Turks are about has been called "neo-Ottomanism," a 21st century policy to reclaim the position they held for centuries.

As the British elbowed aside the Ottoman Turks and the Americans shouldered aside the British after Suez, now it is America that appears to be the receding power in the Middle East and Turkey the rising power.

Indeed, the American hour seems to be rapidly approaching its end.

In weeks, President Ben Ali, our man in Tunis, was overthrown. Mubarak, our man in Egypt for 30 years, was overthrown. Hezbollah became the real power in the Lebanese government. The king of Jordan dismissed his prime minister and cabinet. For the first time, voices are speaking against the royal family, especially the king’s wife.

The Palestinian Authority has been discredited by leaked documents revealing the concessions it was prepared to make for a tiny rump state on the West Bank. Benjamin Netanyahu forced President Obama to back down completely from his demands that Israel halt new construction in East Jerusalem and all expansion of settlements on the West Bank. The Middle East peace process is dead.

Our ally, the king of Bahrain, is now under siege. President Saleh of Yemen, our ally against al-Qaeda, has been forced to pledge he will not run again in 2013, nor will his son. Pakistan is aflame with anti-Americanism.

By year’s end, all U.S. troops are to be out of Iraq, where the influence of Iran is rising and the man behind the throne is the anti-American Muqtada al-Sadr.

The U.S. press is transfixed by all this, but a question arises: What vital interest of a United States staring at bankruptcy would be imperiled if we got out of the way, stopped fighting these countries’ wars and paying these countries’ bills and let these people determine their own future for good or ill?
The media likes to put a color to a revolution for some reason. Here's the wikipedia on "colour revolutions". It appears I was mistaken, however, in that the Tunisian revolution is the "Jasmine Revolution" because the Egyptian revolution is being called the "Lotus Revolution". I was under the impression that Jasmine was all-encompassing when it was actually just the initial revolution.
Arms contracts to Bahrain are now being revoked. International appeal for military/police restraint is falling on deaf ears. The military have been shooting anti-aircraft guns over the heads of people according to the BBC. Also 60 people have gone "missing" from a hospital and the staff don't know where they are.
Uganda could be the lastest addition. Government mobilising forces, censoring mobile phones etc. Been in rule for 25 years, mistrusted elections...
Here is a handy map to show where places are. Uganda is at the bottom below Sudan.

Here's a link to the current location of US Navy aircraft carriers and big-deck amphibious warfare ships, together with the none too surprising suggestion that big-time action is imminent in the Middle East.

Since 2008, change is affecting the entire world - in terms of financial crises, food shortages and now political/social unrest and revolutions. Some places are going to handle it better than others. But come what may, I predict the US will stand by Israel and Saudi Arabia - the twin fonts of moral legitimacy and petroleum oil. When it comes to governments we have installed, paid for and propped up shooting down their own women and children with mercenary soldiers armed with weapons we have supplied, we can comfort ourselves with the thought that it's really not the guns that are killing the people.

Respectfully submitted, open to correction,

Reports say Libya is rid of Colonel Gaddafi, he is in Venezuela in exile. He requested his air-force to bomb the protesters, 2 bombers took to the air and defected to Malta (photo shows one of them landed in Malta). But there have also been reports of bombers sent to attack army bases that have rebelled. Reports of 2 helicopters being brought down under fire. Also reports saying the airfoce attacked a funeral procession, many dead, every 20 minutes bombing from warplanes and helicopters, attacking one place after the other.
Reports say Libya is rid of Colonel Gaddafi, he is in Venezuela in exile. He requested his air-force to bomb the protesters, 2 bombers took to the air and defected to Malta (photo shows one of them landed in Malta). But there have also been reports of bombers sent to attack army bases that have rebelled. Reports of 2 helicopters being brought down under fire. Also reports saying the airfoce attacked a funeral procession, many dead, every 20 minutes bombing from warplanes and helicopters, attacking one place after the other.

It is waiting for Lybia, it seems very confused, it remains unclear since there are not a lot of journalists in the country. But this is a big change, just waiting to see what happens in the next days, really large part of the world that is completely changing. This is big history.