Are Fictional Courses Good for the Gran Turismo Series?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
'scuse me smokie, but who said i was in a car at the time. Then again it was a car at the ring that helped me see the armco from the boring side
PD should leave all the fictional tracks in and put the other fictional tracks in they had removed.The game needs to have more real tracks and than fictional tracks.That is probably why people are talking about a track editor.
Personally I dont mind the current fictional tracks, but I'd rather not see any more over the ones that were in previous games. The fantasy tracks certainly have a good roll to play given that a lot of the time they are a lot easier than the real tracks (so good for new/casual players) but they dont excite me the same way that driving round a real track does.
Arizona desert.



I'm from Phoenix. It would have to be somewhere interesting though, like Sedona. Some of the desert gets VERY boring while driving on road trips. :grumpy: Could be the forest too though. Up in the White Mountains or near Flagstaff or something.
I can understand how people want more and more real tracks but what I am trying to say is, there are a lot of tracks in the world. When GT5 is released it should have a good mix of real life and fantasy tracks "in the box" as it were, but also the option to add to these by download, or as has been suggested a track editor. I wouldn't be too disappointed if it was a 50/50 split but then again if you read the posts, a lot of people have their own particular favourites that they would love to have back in the game. personally I can't stand that Tsukoba go Kart track but then again a friend of mine thinks the Nurburgring is too long!! Now I read somewhere on the 'net that Forza 3 was rumoured to contain 100 tracks or so, Now that may be true but it is a hell of a number and a LOT OF WORK. The old Toca WTC had 23 real life tracks about 6 years ago. Now if GT5 has that many real life tracks PLUS revamped versions of the fictional tracks ( and I mean ALL the tracks from past versions from GVS to Red Rock to Complex String to the various rally stages) it would ship with what 55 -60 tracks? PLUS the option to download PLUS a possible track editor. But if PD do decide to add something out of the blue, something to rock people then why not a couple of really long scenic tracks for pure driving pleasure. And if they are working on Tourist Trophy 2 then give us the TT course to whet our appetites please!
I just looked at the first Forza game and the tracks ( not the cars ) and backdrops look alot better than the same in GT4 although they aren't accurate.Comparing Forza with GT3 and GT3 doesn't look as good during game play.What i'm trying to say is PD really need to pull their thumb out of their arse and ramp up the graphics, not just implement loads of cars and tracks that suck the juice out of the visuals.
I love the original tracks. I wouldn't be sad to see more "fantasy" content in the game than real, as I think it's one of PD's greatest skills. I'm sure we'll see a lot of the classics resurrected, but I hope they don't tamper with them too much.
-> I just stumbled these vids, totally dedicating some our old faves:

Classic Game Room: Grindelwald

Classic Game Room: Red Rock Valley Speedway

Classic Game Room: High Speed Ring (GT1/2 version)

Yes, Original courses are good, they gave PD the freedom to create, free from having the cost of obtaining licenses
of real world tracks & the outside direction of others on how those courses should look & feel.

As we get closer to TGS, the question is what direction is PD moving in. Are we going to gain any of Original
courses not seen since GT3 or lose more of the ones we have?
I'm curious what natural tracks will bring GT5 to us. El Captain brought to us by GT4 although initially really hated by me is now one of my favorites.

Now we should see some really long and technical track, Stelvio Pass would be fantastic.
The more tracks the better for me especially the GT classics.

Although I must say that if somehow that horrid hong kong track doesnt make it i wouldnt be too sorry.
The PD tracks are part of the games history, but to be honest, I don't really want to see any more fictional tracks.

To me it's no different than PD just making up cars and putting them in the game, though I love the classic tracks, the real-life tracks feel so much more satisfying for me to race around, they have more credibility, atmosphere, and are technically all sound, where as I'm pretty sure that the likes of Trial mountain could never actually be used in a real-life series.

Also, there's always been far to many bridges and tunnels in Japaneses driving games for my tastes.

The street based fictional circuits, such as London, I don't mind so much - again, because it puts you in a real location, that gices so much more depth straight away.

I yearn for more real world tracks every bit as much as I do for epically long car lists!
Makes me wonder why they don't show any other tracks. Aren't they as good as this one? ;P

To be on-topic: Fantasy tracks are fine, are definitively good for the series (they give you sort of a fresh breeze. Just look at the "ripe" Eiger :)), as long as they coexist with real courses. Nothing can be a substitute for driving on renowned, legendary tracks.
I like GT's mix of fictional(Trial Mtn), real world(Ring), and fictional/real world location tracks(Eiger).

More of all of the above is welcome.
I have no problem with either the fantasy tracks or the real life ones in GT, personally though, with the exception of the NurbyRing, I've always prefered the fantasy tracks. In real life you have all sorts of rules and regs which have to be complied with, run off areas, barriers, etc etc. On the fantasy tracks, its a case of you want to do it, you can, no licences, no rules. But then, if you combine fantasy with real life i.e. the Eiger or el Capitan, you have the oppotunity to make something truly spectacular. I have mentioned this before, but what i would love to see are a couple of very long courses, about the length of the Ring, but say, in an Alpine setting, a coastal highway, or an American redwood forest. Somewhere, where you can drive just for the joy of driving. And to those who say "I only want real courses in GT", Try turning your car around on the Ring or Laguna Seca or Suzuka, or any of the real life courses. Your not allowed to in real life, But it gives you a whole new set of challanges
To be on-topic: Fantasy tracks are fine, are definitively good for the series (they give you sort of a fresh breeze. Just look at the "ripe" Eiger :)), as long as they coexist with real courses. Nothing can be a substitute for driving on renowned, legendary tracks.

As someone who has ridden a lot of tracks and a lot of roads, I can say without fear of contradiction and with the notable exception of the Ring (That mother is a monster and a class to herself!), give me the Alps any day!
...but what i would love to see are a couple of very long courses, about the length of the Ring, but say, in an Alpine setting...

That is a very fine idea, good sir 👍