Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Thanks again @Donnced I will try those settings. I just watched the stream you put up, he seems very honest and obviously takes the criticism of the bad reviews and feedback seriously. To generalise he wanted it released 'stable' to make it playable then to bring the xbox in line to ps4 with the patch to sort the chat/MP problem then to gradually update to the current level of PC with future patches (sooner rather than later from the way I see it). He comes across genuine and nice and plays a decent key on guitar ;) :cheers:
Did I miss something ? PS4

Where do I find the fuel consumption/indication , because when I want to do a race I would like to know how much fuel I have to put in the car .
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Thanks again @Donnced I will try those settings. I just watched the stream you put up, he seems very honest and obviously takes the criticism of the bad reviews and feedback seriously. To generalise he wanted it released 'stable' to make it playable then to bring the xbox in line to ps4 with the patch to sort the chat/MP problem then to gradually update to the current level of PC with future patches (sooner rather than later from the way I see it). He comes across genuine and nice and plays a decent key on guitar ;) :cheers:
I can confirm those settings are very good.
Regarding colour filters, here's a quick comparison between them:




Default is fine, but I prefer the Expanded filter, with more natural tones and greater dynamic range. Sport is more contrasty and hot.

I didn't bother with B&W and Sepia.
A comparison with cloudy weather would be good, I noticed the track was quite dark on the ring with cloudy settings. Gonna try it myself but cant load pics
Why is your video have echos of some sort ? Are you recording it off screen ?
It's the sound of the game. Videos are uploaded directly from the PS4.

A comparison with cloudy weather would be good, I noticed the track was quite dark on the ring with cloudy settings. Gonna try it myself but cant load pics
I captured the screens and used a USB flash drive to get them off the PS4.
It's the sound of the game. Videos are uploaded directly from the PS4.

I captured the screens and used a USB flash drive to get them off the PS4.

What sound mode/format you used when playing ? DTS 5.1 or LPCM 5.1 or others ? Mmm, maybe the stereo conversion when uploading straight from PS4 causing it to sound strange ?
Thanks for sharing the videos, @schumi26 and @35mm! I don't know why, but seeing new players whether on the PC or console enjoying Assetto Corsa so much right away makes me very happy! Probably because of how much fun I remember having when I made the switch to AC.

@LeGeNd-1 You and I definitely think the same way on a lot of issues/subjects, but I think you're wrong with some of your statements. The performance issues are 100% Kunos's responsibility. Yes, consoles are not as powerful as the typical PC player's rig but Kunos knew that going in and they still decided to make a console version. You could blame the hardware if Kunos said something like "We have been trying our hardest to get Assetto Corsa to run properly on the PS4/XBox One, however, the performance is not up to our standards. For the foreseable future we do not expect Assetto Corsa to appear on any consoles." But if you put a game on the shelves telling people it's going to run smoothly, it should run smoothly!

Now, I do think some console players are way overreacting over on the official support forum about the state of Assetto Corsa on consoles. I agree with you there...Those people are not being rational and will be eating their words once Kunos issues a patch for those issues.

Not allowing private lobbies for console players is just unacceptable. Yes, I know Kunos said they're working on them, but they should have been in the launch edition. So many console players have PSN friends that they want to race with and unless they get lucky and are able to hop onto the same server, they are S.O.L. How about Racing Leagues? How are you going to guarantee 12-16 racers can all land on the same exact server at the designated race time? We PC players don't have that problem. Heck, I could start up my own AC Server right now on the basement server in my house!

This what I can't wrap my head around. There are people posting videos of themselves running races from their console edition of Assetto Corsa with no issue whatsoever. Maybe a little screen tearing, I don't know...I wasn't looking for any and it didn't jump out at me in the vids I've watched. So, how the heck does one PS4 run 16 car full grids and another PS4 can't run a single car hot lap?

I'm not calling those people liars. I am genuinely perplexed how that happens! It's the same exact hardware, operating system & version and it's the same exact software being run (Assetto Corsa). How are some players in this thread able to run race after race after race without any serious issues but other people are claiming they can't get proper performance from a solo run. Baffling.
Project CARS has the same issue. I've been hotlapping by myself and would get absolutely savage framedrops like nothing I've ever encountered but then for ***** and giggles set up a 50 car race on the same track and have zero issues.

Coding is the language of frustration.
This are my FFB settings and advanced settings of the controller :

Controller :
View attachment 580640

Steering wheel FFB :
View attachment 580641

I use a Thrustmaster T150.

To switch to defaults settings again in controller mode switch from wheel to controller and the advanced settings will go back to defaults.
How's the T150 just in general with Assetto Corsa and other games? I really wanna get a wheel, but can't afford the T300.
How's the T150 just in general with Assetto Corsa and other games? I really wanna get a wheel, but can't afford the T300.

Well, the trusthmaster T150 isn't on the level of detail in the FFB like wheels as the T300 or a T500 for sure.

But it's a great entry level wheel and really good in price - quality.

In levels of FFB i would say it's approaches the G27.
In assetto corsa it have a really good feeling of what the car is doing, i feel track, wheels,traction loose and the global FFB was really strong, so that's why i lowered the level of FFB strength to 60 and in some cars i lowered to 45.
In other games like project cars with some good settings it's also great and giving a good and strong FFB.

The worst of the Trusthmaster T150RS are the pedals... The same of the basic T300 but finished in plastic. The brake pedal should have more resistance to feel more realistic.
So i did this "fix/mod" to the brake pedal..
Its a piece of a sponge putted in the hole behind the pedal and it's giving me more resistance and really better feeling.


Overall I'm very happy with it!
How's the T150 just in general with Assetto Corsa and other games? I really wanna get a wheel, but can't afford the T300.
It's a good wheel, I've been using one for a while and while I have just ordered a T300 I would still recommend the T150.

Just do the pedal mod and when you can afford it add the T3PA pedals and the TH8A shifter, makes for a great package. That's what I like about the T150, it makes a great base to build a rig on.
Well, the trusthmaster T150 isn't on the level of detail in the FFB like wheels as the T300 or a T500 for sure.

But it's a great entry level wheel and really good in price - quality.

In levels of FFB i would say it's approaches the G27.
In assetto corsa it have a really good feeling of what the car is doing, i feel track, wheels,traction loose and the global FFB was really strong, so that's why i lowered the level of FFB strength to 60 and in some cars i lowered to 45.
In other games like project cars with some good settings it's also great and giving a good and strong FFB.

The worst of the Trusthmaster T150RS are the pedals... The same of the basic T300 but finished in plastic. The brake pedal should have more resistance to feel more realistic.
So i did this "fix/mod" to the brake pedal..
Its a piece of a sponge putted in the hole behind the pedal and it's giving me more resistance and really better feeling.

View attachment 580654

Overall I'm very happy with it!

Good idea @Donnced for the modding idea, yes forgot to say the pedals are a bit flimsy but still very usable! Gracias amigo mio! ;)
where can i find the leaderboards for laptimes? I can't even find my own personal best's, do they reset after you've turned the console off?
OK having now had the game since Friday and played it as much as i could in that time aside from life getting in the way, there's things cropping up already which is balancing my initial praise with some cons.
OK whose great idea was having the drivers virtual door shut on the grid?? Huh? really? But for why? Its a little minor visual grievance but it looks so arcade and i so unbelievable pointless IMO it adds nothing but stupidity as you never enter your car on the grid!!
Oh and before you cry "why are you in chase cam noob" the game seems to auto put me in chase cam everytime! thats a pain, also the starts are so lame, rev keep clicking 1st gear till lights go out...rubbish.
Also the practice/hotlap/ time attack could all just be under one name 'hot lap' OK time attack gives you that arcade count down timer but really seems like an excuse to fill out a game thats lacking in so many areas.
Its starting to feel like its lacking too much, i'm glad i own it but will look forward to how they can pad this out a but more and tidy up the frame rates etc.
Also the practice/hotlap/ time attack could all just be under one name 'hot lap' OK time attack gives you that arcade count down timer but really seems like an excuse to fill out a game thats lacking in so many areas.
Practice and hotlap could well be the same thing, I agree. Especially if they added the option to switch the ghost on and off.
I love AC on my pc so I decided to grab it for the xbox one too.

I am having an issue atm that is making me not want to play it on the console at all. Basically with my wheel on the pc (Buhler modded fanatec CSW w/X1 uni hub) it is absolute bliss, smooth strong and direct, on the xbox however it's a different story. Default gain was WAY overpowering so I've got that turned down to 25-30% everything else on 0 or off, (on the pc version I run 80% gain with everything else off) the week feels very very light around centre but still pulls hard when the force does kick in, so I can't get that feeling of directness that I get on PC. To add to this it seems there is a massive cut down in the refresh rate of the ffb, either through the console or maybe the X1 mode of the wheel itself, either way it makes my wheel so super clunky and I'm not really enjoying the driving as much as I do on PC
OK having now had the game since Friday and played it as much as i could in that time aside from life getting in the way, there's things cropping up already which is balancing my initial praise with some cons.
OK whose great idea was having the drivers virtual door shut on the grid?? Huh? really? But for why? Its a little minor visual grievance but it looks so arcade and i so unbelievable pointless IMO it adds nothing but stupidity as you never enter your car on the grid!!
Oh and before you cry "why are you in chase cam noob" the game seems to auto put me in chase cam everytime! thats a pain, also the starts are so lame, rev keep clicking 1st gear till lights go out...rubbish.
Also the practice/hotlap/ time attack could all just be under one name 'hot lap' OK time attack gives you that arcade count down timer but really seems like an excuse to fill out a game thats lacking in so many areas.
Its starting to feel like its lacking too much, i'm glad i own it but will look forward to how they can pad this out a but more and tidy up the frame rates etc.
You never seen the door open on a GT car on the grid with either an engineer or a reporter sticking their head in?

Practice is just that. Practice. Hotlapping on PC leads to a leaderboard, I think, Time attack limits you by forcing you to make the check points. There is a checkpoint banner over the track on PC. That ought to be added to console.

The start issue will be addressed with an update which adds false starts.
You never seen the door open on a GT car on the grid with either an engineer or a reporter sticking their head in?

Nope, not just before the lights go out anyway, rules state frack should be cleared once warm up lap starts. Anyway its not even a nice animation, it looks naff and will take up some power where its not needed. The whole starting process in AC is dire and if anyone denies that your simply lying, in PCars cars you feel that you have to be careful and there's a real process to getting a good start, AC is like a Forza start.
The lights even look naff, after a few hours once i got over how nice it felt and how crisp it all looked i started to miss things in PCars like turning off start lights and only using the real ones track side.
AC IMO has too many things to remind you your playing a game.
Practice and hotlap could well be the same thing, I agree. Especially if they added the option to switch the ghost on and off.

There is a difference. In hot lap you start at a point just before the start line so you can have a running start but don't have to do a whole lap (especially helpful at the Nordschleife) and it will invalidate your lap time if you commit a foul. Practice is just an open track to do whatever you please, start from the pits and no invalidated lap times. Not a huge difference but it's enough of a difference that they should be kept separate (IMO).
I know that AC is getting a s***ton of green cards, but let's be serious: even the x1 is above

Any tech shortcoming it's kunos fault and not stating it it's a disservice to Kunos and the console users. And the missing of private lobbies is another one you see rarely mentioned like the AI lining behing a car in the middle of the track and many many other bugs and sillyness....

As much as one can trust Kunos it's VERY important IMHO to be extremely clear on the issues, bugs and shortcomings.

We have reports from @svenvangent and other users of really poor performances in some track with just 1 (ONE) car on track. This is certainly Kunos messing up something.

Not pointing the finger but in no way it's a console limitation as much as a programming/optimization screw up...

Else it might take way way too much time for them to be fixed (altought the no private room is just :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:).

Be fair, strict, honest. Kunos has a great record from their customers on PC and i'm sure they are already working on some of the issues, but being an "apostle of the new sim god on console" is not going to make things improved sooner.

@LeGeNd-1 You and I definitely think the same way on a lot of issues/subjects, but I think you're wrong with some of your statements. The performance issues are 100% Kunos's responsibility. Yes, consoles are not as powerful as the typical PC player's rig but Kunos knew that going in and they still decided to make a console version. You could blame the hardware if Kunos said something like "We have been trying our hardest to get Assetto Corsa to run properly on the PS4/XBox One, however, the performance is not up to our standards. For the foreseable future we do not expect Assetto Corsa to appear on any consoles." But if you put a game on the shelves telling people it's going to run smoothly, it should run smoothly!

Now, I do think some console players are way overreacting over on the official support forum about the state of Assetto Corsa on consoles. I agree with you there...Those people are not being rational and will be eating their words once Kunos issues a patch for those issues.

Not allowing private lobbies for console players is just unacceptable. Yes, I know Kunos said they're working on them, but they should have been in the launch edition. So many console players have PSN friends that they want to race with and unless they get lucky and are able to hop onto the same server, they are S.O.L. How about Racing Leagues? How are you going to guarantee 12-16 racers can all land on the same exact server at the designated race time? We PC players don't have that problem. Heck, I could start up my own AC Server right now on the basement server in my house!

This what I can't wrap my head around. There are people posting videos of themselves running races from their console edition of Assetto Corsa with no issue whatsoever. Maybe a little screen tearing, I don't know...I wasn't looking for any and it didn't jump out at me in the vids I've watched. So, how the heck does one PS4 run 16 car full grids and another PS4 can't run a single car hot lap?

I'm not calling those people liars. I am genuinely perplexed how that happens! It's the same exact hardware, operating system & version and it's the same exact software being run (Assetto Corsa). How are some players in this thread able to run race after race after race without any serious issues but other people are claiming they can't get proper performance from a solo run. Baffling.

First of all I should state that I never even raced online once in AC. Even on the PC version. Just not much of an online racer. So I can't comment or relate to any of the complaints. From graphics/physics POV though, I'm game for debate.

I'm not trying to defend Kunos here. They know full well what they are going into with the console versions and I agree that it is their responsibility to optimise the game as much as possible. However, let's just try to be realistic. The PS4/XB1, even at launch, is already less powerful than a mid range PC of that time. AC being a sim is way more taxing on the CPU than the likes of Driveclub (comparing straight to the best looking PS4 racer). Not to mention the AI also uses the same physics. You can forgive them for downgrading the graphics in favour of the physics (doing the opposite will just kill the game's ace card).

It's not as simple as XB1 meeting system requirements. AC wasn't originally designed for consoles, so it's not gonna be as versatile as PCARS' engine for example. Nor would it be as good as Forza Apex on PC because Kunos just doesn't have the manpower or money of MS. Nor would it be as good as GT/DC because those 2 games are optimised perfectly just for 1 platform.

Certainly, I'm hoping that Kunos will optimise the console versions for you guys. You're in luck, because Kunos is one of the few good guys in the sim racing scene atm and you can be rest assured that the 20 man team will work their hardest to bring you up to speed with the PC version. But in the meantime, be patient, and understand that even when fully optimised AC on console will not look as good as PC. It's just the law of physics unfortunately.

Now, if AC1 gets great reception and sales, Kunos might consider AC2 to be multi platform from the start. With the extra power of Neo/Scorpio we might then get parity across all platforms :) The future of the sim racing scene lies in your hands. Do you want us to lose yet another talented developer, just because their first try at porting isn't perfect?

Still think PC is the way to go though. Mods FTW!!!
First of all I should state that I never even raced online once in AC. Even on the PC version. Just not much of an online racer. So I can't comment or relate to any of the complaints. From graphics/physics POV though, I'm game for debate.

I'm not trying to defend Kunos here. They know full well what they are going into with the console versions and I agree that it is their responsibility to optimise the game as much as possible. However, let's just try to be realistic. The PS4/XB1, even at launch, is already less powerful than a mid range PC of that time. AC being a sim is way more taxing on the CPU than the likes of Driveclub (comparing straight to the best looking PS4 racer). Not to mention the AI also uses the same physics. You can forgive them for downgrading the graphics in favour of the physics (doing the opposite will just kill the game's ace card).

It's not as simple as XB1 meeting system requirements. AC wasn't originally designed for consoles, so it's not gonna be as versatile as PCARS' engine for example. Nor would it be as good as Forza Apex on PC because Kunos just doesn't have the manpower or money of MS. Nor would it be as good as GT/DC because those 2 games are optimised perfectly just for 1 platform.

Certainly, I'm hoping that Kunos will optimise the console versions for you guys. You're in luck, because Kunos is one of the few good guys in the sim racing scene atm and you can be rest assured that the 20 man team will work their hardest to bring you up to speed with the PC version. But in the meantime, be patient, and understand that even when fully optimised AC on console will not look as good as PC. It's just the law of physics unfortunately.

Now, if AC1 gets great reception and sales, Kunos might consider AC2 to be multi platform from the start. With the extra power of Neo/Scorpio we might then get parity across all platforms :) The future of the sim racing scene lies in your hands. Do you want us to lose yet another talented developer, just because their first try at porting isn't perfect?

Still think PC is the way to go though. Mods FTW!!!

Well said, the early adopters have faith in Kunos to get things right.
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Nope, not just before the lights go out anyway, rules state frack should be cleared once warm up lap starts. Anyway its not even a nice animation, it looks naff and will take up some power where its not needed. The whole starting process in AC is dire and if anyone denies that your simply lying, in PCars cars you feel that you have to be careful and there's a real process to getting a good start, AC is like a Forza start.
The lights even look naff, after a few hours once i got over how nice it felt and how crisp it all looked i started to miss things in PCars like turning off start lights and only using the real ones track side.
AC IMO has too many things to remind you your playing a game.

@dopedog "AC IMO has too many things to remind you your playing a game." Taking in consideration that AC is the only SIM available on console and your example in your comment is related to light start, I find it hilarious.
Who cares about outstanding physic and very rewarding FFB, when the starting lights are that daft right?
Some deserve PCars more than other.

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