Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
You don't know its that far from the truth same as i don't really know if it is the truth, it's an opinion so rubbishing it unless you have some insider info on Stefano's mind is no less far fetched.
At the end of the day they gave us console users a sub par product at release, what the hell else am i to think that they are just rubbish at developing games?

Actually, yes I do, I've spent the last two years reading their forums and their Twitter/Facebook pages and watching Stefano's live streams. I have a pretty good idea what their intentions are. You act like 1. they're the first dev to ever put out a game that was somewhat rubbish at release and needed several patches to get it in shape, or 2. like they can't ever put out a patch over the internet that will fix some of the problems and add some of the missing features. Guess what? Most games now release in some state of disrepair and often require several patches before they're in relatively good working order. Your PCars is a prime example of that, how many patches did it require? And then they even decided not to add some of the features that were promised. Yet I don't see you making claims that SMS was trying to pull a fast one on second rate console players? Pretty graphics and a better career mode excuse the weird physics, bizarre AI, nightmare FFB settings, and the abandonment of development? How long did it take for PD to add the course maker? And where's that smartphone app that will let you plot your own course? Trying to pull a fast one on second rate console players I guess.
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We all want some kind of matchmaking/ranking system for multiplayer, but I don't believe that's anything that will come to AC soon.
For sure.

That's why forums like this one have a section for people to organize clubs and leagues.
Keep in mind I'm talking in the context of an average gamer, who is a lot less likely to seek that out. I might dive into that stuff a bit depending on how this winter goes. But then again I'm a long-time sim racing enthusiast and still never messed around with it. Maybe I'm anti-social or something?
Haha good man @Boston77 and @gladbecker82 almost!! And @Donnced you've just found out on my YT channel!! :lol:

In the Lotus Exos 125 Stage 1 you can adjust the gear ratios like all race cars, but with this car you can make them long enough for the car to potentially go over 1000kph!! You can get up to 300 kph in 1st gear Haha :lol: :lol:

Look here, it's like a Tesla:

Sadly there's not a straight long enough to get the car that fast, but if a drag strip turns up on console............

I'm pretty sure I did this with the Tatuus just the other night as well. Didn't test it for long enough to get decent speeds though.
You don't know its that far from the truth same as i don't really know if it is the truth, it's an opinion so rubbishing it unless you have some insider info on Stefano's mind is no less far fetched.
At the end of the day they gave us console users a sub par product at release, what the hell else am i to think that they are just rubbish at developing games?
It's an opinion based on absolutely nothing. Let's see some evidence of "listening to the wrong people" on the forums.
Well l know this might not be correct thread but fanatec v2 multihub with v3 pedals works on ac on a ps4! Abs ruble works not sure about traction rumble though. Not been testing long enough but ffb seems really good need to adjust from t300rs settings though. Cronusmax plus £50 to get a lot of fanatec gear to run. More units will be sold good all round.
Well l know this might not be correct thread but fanatec v2 multihub with v3 pedals works on ac on a ps4! Abs ruble works not sure about traction rumble though. Not been testing long enough but ffb seems really good need to adjust from t300rs settings though. Cronusmax plus £50 to get a lot of fanatec gear to run. More units will be sold good all round.

Are you saying you got your CSW to work with ps4 AC using the Cronusmax? Do you know what wheel the ps4 is seeing your CSW as with the Cronusmax ?

FFB is working and no input lag?
You don't know its that far from the truth same as i don't really know if it is the truth, it's an opinion so rubbishing it unless you have some insider info on Stefano's mind is no less far fetched.
At the end of the day they gave us console users a sub par product at release, what the hell else am i to think that they are just rubbish at developing games?
if it were true that they were pulling a fast one then they wouldn't be implementing or looking into the requests being made.
if it were true that they were pulling a fast one then they wouldn't be implementing or looking into the requests being made.

I said they underestimated what console users expect these days with games, they now realize they need to sort stuff out due to valid complaints and the fact the game is bombing and being discarded.

There's just some crazy ideas in this game and ones which were they in other games would be getting a lot of stick. For example, Monza you can cut the whole first chicane with no penalty, yet cross slightly over the rumble strip on other corners you get a 5 sec penalty, which involves waiting till next braking point and coasting foot off throttle for 5 secs and you can carry on so not actually a penalty!! Just daft!
Kunos IMO underestimated console users and have probably spent too long listening to the wrong people on their forums and dismissed console users as second rate and thought they could pull a fast one, again to clarify.. IN MY OPINION.

Are you suggesting that Kunos may have allowed themselves to be informed by the PC master race discourse when developing the console versions? I know it's a small company but don't forget they are cooperating closely with some of the world's largest corporations. They are not really in a position to joke around when approaching their work. As others have said, some of the missing things are probably not included yet because it's a work in progress.
I said they underestimated what console users expect these days with games, they now realize they need to sort stuff out due to valid complaints and the fact the game is bombing and being discarded.

There's just some crazy ideas in this game and ones which were they in other games would be getting a lot of stick. For example, Monza you can cut the whole first chicane with no penalty, yet cross slightly over the rumble strip on other corners you get a 5 sec penalty, which involves waiting till next braking point and coasting foot off throttle for 5 secs and you can carry on so not actually a penalty!! Just daft!

You bring up valid points and you have a reason to be disappointed giving you bought the game and are experiencing issues you didnt expect, But you are going up against delusional fan boys in the page. I stoped arguing with these individuals a while ago. And you are right, this game has bombed at gamestop as i work there.I might pick up the complete edition with all DLC used at a discount, maybe, if they add tracks, as they are superlight in this department. Depending on when GTS, Grid 4 or Pcars 2 drops and i may forget this all together. 12 tracks on release and no emphasis on adding per stefano,the all knowing forum experts on this page, marco, arostelis , etc. We are heading into Octubre and they have released 1 official track this year. Delusional fan boys cant argue this or the valid issues that exist. thats it thats all.
You bring up valid points and you have a reason to be disappointed giving you bought the game and are experiencing issues you didnt expect, But you are going up against delusional fan boys in the page. I stoped arguing with these individuals a while ago. And you are right, this game has bombed at gamestop as i work there.I might pick up the complete edition with all DLC used at a discount, maybe, if they add tracks, as they are superlight in this department. Depending on when GTS, Grid 4 or Pcars 2 drops and i may forget this all together. 12 tracks on release and no emphasis on adding per stefano,the all knowing forum experts on this page, marco, arostelis , etc. We are heading into Octubre and they have released 1 official track this year. Delusional fan boys cant argue this or the valid issues that exist. thats it thats all.
Really? I don't see any so called fanboys disagreeing that the game has issues and they need to be sorted out. Can you point that out?

And since you think he has good points, perhaps you have a source for Kunos "spent too long listening to the wrong people on their forums and dismissed console users as second rate". I know he doesn't.
Really? I don't see any so called fanboys disagreeing that the game has issues and they need to be sorted out. Can you point that out?

And since you think he has good points, perhaps you have a source for Kunos "spent too long listening to the wrong people on their forums and dismissed console users as second rate". I know he doesn't.

seems like i touched a nerve?? lol
read above if you can I dont respond to delusional fan girls/boys
Can you show me these fanboy posts that you refer to? I'm just interested in reading what the fanboys have said...

every time someone brings up a criticism there are a handful of indivs who will justify a obvious fault in the game and attack the non "in"person. In certain fanboy eyes, the devs can do no wrong, when an objective reviewer (usually new to this forum) brings up a glitch the usual characters will attack his/her view until the person gets banned or bullied out of the "in" crowd (in this case, the usual 5 characters that have a post on every page, wont say names as i dont want to touch a nerve)

Case and point is the above ex mr dopedog..i dont have the time for more examples as time is money and i am the mad money man. but you know they are there.
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every time someone brings up a criticism there are a handful of indivs who will justify a obvious fault in the game and attack the non "in"person. In certain fanboy eyes, the devs can do no wrong, when an objective reviewer (usually new to this forum) brings up a glitch the usual characters will attack his/her view until the person gets banned or bullied out of the "in" crowd (in this case, the usual 5 characters that have a post on every page, wont say names as i dont want to touch a nerve)

Case and point is the above ex mr dopedog..i dont have the time for more examples as time is money and i am the mad money man. but you know they are there.
Stop with the personal attacks and do so now.

Either support your point or drop it, but don't replace discussion with insults.
Stop with the personal attacks and do so now.

Either support your point or drop it, but don't replace discussion with insults.

mmm havent attacked anyone, show me.
I was asked by 123 so i responded.

ban me if you want i really dont care, your unprofessional in the way you addressed me, (prob bc i am not in the in crowd)
mmm havent attacked anyone, show me.
I was asked by 123 so i responded.

ban me if you want i really dont care, your unprofessional in the way you addressed me, (prob bc i am not in the in crowd)
The term fanboy is a derogatory comment and insult, as such you have repeatedly attacked other members, not to mention that you have repeatedly ignored warnings to use good basic grammar in your posts.

Both are AUP violations, and as such if you do get banned it will be off the back of your own actions and not an imaginary bias cooked up to excuse your own posting issues.

You may want to read my AC review for the PS4 version before attempting that nonsense again.
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Question who do you think is at fault for that on both counts (because your quite correct, AC is this gens RacePro), the developer....or the guy buying a console instead of a PC?

Kunos IMO underestimated console users and have probably spent too long listening to the wrong people on their forums and dismissed console users as second rate and thought they could pull a fast one, again to clarify.. IN MY OPINION.

We have been told for so long what makes a 'sim', then along comes this one and people are shouting how fantastic it is yet it has no tyre wear or heat indicators?! This is basic stuff!
So you're calling Stefano a lair then. He stated in his YouYube feed that the primary objective of the console release was a stable product. So how about you listen to what he has to say in those streams rather post like that?

As for tyre wear - I'd have thought cornering might give you a clue about the grip level.
So you're calling Stefano a lair then. He stated in his YouYube feed that the primary objective of the console release was a stable product. So how about you listen to what he has to say in those streams rather post like that?

As for tyre wear - I'd have thought cornering might give you a clue about the grip level.

I was quite clear on it being my opinion, if i say someone is a liar it would be up to them to prove otherwise in a court of law. And it's my opinion (i was very clear), not a statement of fact anyway..

I have an interest in Motorsport and have a hand in Motorsport and this game AC as good as the physics are (although in my opinion its a bit 'emperors new clothes' to me) is so woefully short of being a good representation of racing.

Is the only requirement for a 'proper sim' to have the physics right? Genuine question, as with no tyre wear or tyre heat cycles for me how can it be simulation if it doesn't simulate?
Penalties are daft, end of races are daft, these are game design choices made prior to releasing a game, all this 'work in progress' nonsense is just flapping.

If someone can have an opinion saying "this is the bestest game eva!" then why can't someone have a counter opinion like "its good, but its not great"

Regards the FFB/physics i'm starting to think this game uses Steering speed sensitivity to achieve wheel weight at speed, pretty sure that's rather arcade like and why can't i turn it off?

And as for tyre wear comment, i feel no grip loss from start to finish in any car i tried, we have loads of awful HUD clutter and rear view boxes and arrows to show where cars are, yet somehow you claim a tyre wear indicator would be somehow an odd thing to have along side these??
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I was quite clear on it being my opinion, if i say someone is a liar it would be up to them to prove otherwise in a court of law. And it's my opinion (i was very clear), not a statement of fact anyway..

I have an interest in Motorsport and have a hand in Motorsport and this game AC as good as the physics are (although in my opinion its a bit 'emperors new clothes' to me) is so woefully short of being a good representation of racing.

Is the only requirement for a 'proper sim' to have the physics right? Genuine question, as with no tyre wear or tyre heat cycles for me how can it be simulation if it doesn't simulate?
Penalties are daft, end of races are daft, these are game design choices made prior to releasing a game, all this 'work in progress' nonsense is just flapping.

If someone can have an opinion saying "this is the bestest game eva!" then why can't someone have a counter opinion like "its good, but its not great"

Regards the FFB/physics i'm starting to think this game uses Steering speed sensitivity to achieve wheel weight at speed, pretty sure that's rather arcade like and why can't i turn it off?

And as for tyre wear comment, i feel no grip loss from start to finish in any car i tried, we have loads of awful HUD clutter and rear view boxes and arrows to show where cars are, yet somehow you claim a tyre wear indicator would be somehow an odd thing to have along side these??
Your opinion directly contradicts what has been SAID by the developer on YouTube whether you like it or not.

I do races with plenty of laps and I can feel the loss of grip in the latter stages no problem.

The game has lots of problems yes, but since I've watched this title grow from early access on PC to where it is now, I'm confident in the developer.
Your opinion directly contradicts what has been SAID by the developer on YouTube whether you like it or not.

I do races with plenty of laps and I can feel the loss of grip in the latter stages no problem.

The game has lots of problems yes, but since I've watched this title grow from early access on PC to where it is now, I'm confident in the developer.

Where has the developer said "we didn't underestimate the console users" can i find that on youtube?

Also the feel of grip loss could be placebo or could be cause your pushing more the limits for all we know, see we don't know as there is no tyre wear or heat cycle clues. Its not arcade to have a quick look at your tyre heat or tyre wear is it?
On the tire thing, they even said that they built in a break in period for the tires. So i assume they know that tires will actually wear. Not having a tire indicator doesn't mean the tire model is broken.
At the end of the day they gave us console users a sub par product at release, what the hell else am i to think that they are just rubbish at developing games?
This is an opinion that I think a lot of people agree with you. Game design is not a strength of AC.

It's an opinion based on absolutely nothing. Let's see some evidence of "listening to the wrong people" on the forums.
An opinion does not have to be based on fact.

However, there is a fine line between opinion and accusation.
Kunos IMO underestimated console users and have probably spent too long listening to the wrong people on their forums and dismissed console users as second rate and thought they could pull a fast one, again to clarify.. IN MY OPINION.
Putting "IMO" as a disclaimer to a statement does not make the statement less offensive or accusatory. Example: "IMO, dopedog spends half his day on forums and the rest of his day dismissing handicap people as second rate and trying to pull a fast one on them." I'm sure you would be offended and ask me to prove my so-called opinion.
This is an opinion that I think a lot of people agree with you. Game design is not a strength of AC.

An opinion does not have to be based on fact.

However, there is a fine line between opinion and accusation.

Putting "IMO" as a disclaimer to a statement does not make the statement less offensive or accusatory. Example: "IMO, dopedog spends half his day on forums and the rest of his day dismissing handicap people as second rate and trying to pull a fast one on them." I'm sure you would be offended and ask me to prove my so-called opinion.

Thats your opinion and your quite entitled to it, I could ask you to prove it which is my right, but then again who even is dopedog? Just a fictional name on a forum.
My point is I'm not bothered. (I do question why that thought is even in your own head though, they certainly aren't second rate and I can think of many able bodied people who are second rate..)

IMO Kunos didn't fully grasp what console users expect, we certainly don't expect after a race to magically pop into the pits and be faced with a frankly disgraceful looking thing which i believe is meant to represent some bloke holding a pole, whilst we watch really awful pixels pop into the rear view mirror and wait for the race to 'end'.
For all its flaws PCars gave me things that now i would like to see in all games, adjustable FOV, removing hands and wheel tyre wear and heat cycles (even if not perfect, in PCars case).
A console user can be just as keen as a PC guy, some of have full wheel seat set ups etc and to be fair a lot of PC guys use controllers anyway, not all have sim rigs.
Putting "IMO" as a disclaimer to a statement does not make the statement less offensive or accusatory.

Correct, it doesn't take away the accusation because "IMO" is incompatible with assumptions. Opinions are based on something you have reason to feel sufficiently informed about. All the space wasted here on page 151 could have been avoided if the assumption wasn't stated as fact, and thereby there would be no accusation. Ironic how the objective individuals calling for reason are then labelled as fanboys. :rolleyes:
Where has the developer said "we didn't underestimate the console users" can i find that on youtube?

I believe in THIS livestream from Stefano he says they do not want to make another Forza/GT type game because they know their lack of content and features would render it an immediate failure. I know Marco has said it before too. Indeed they are trying to sell it on the driving experience and they don't intend for it to be a good "game". Even if the console version released with the exact same build and all the features/content that we currently have on PC I suspect you'd still be rather disappointed with it because it's not much of a "game" (and yes the tagline "Your Racing Simulator" is quite inaccurate).

It's very justifiable to be disappointed with the current state of AC on the consoles. I don't think any of us anticipated that it would be released in such a bare bones state with so many necessary things missing. I'm confused as to why they released it in this state and can only presume they were pressured by external sources to do so because it doesn't make sense to release it this way. But frankly, from what I've seen, it's borderline useless for anything other than hot lapping in it's current state. But then AC has often been accused of just being a big hot lap simulator, even by myself (among many other criticisms I've directed towards it), but a lot PC racers would still rather hot lap in AC than do careers in PCars/Forza/GT. Hell, I was on AC for nearly three hours last night and all I did was hot lap and tinker. I know that AC on console will get better but it will always be a disappointment to a large portion of gamers, and I think a lot of us tried to make this clear from the early days. Luckily you now have other options for console racing and PCars or GTS will likely be a better fit for a lot of people. Even when AC gets up to snuff it will mostly be best at hot lapping and online racing, and maybe the special events. Unfortunately the current lack of private lobbies takes a big chunk of usability away.

IMO Kunos didn't fully grasp what console users expect, we certainly don't expect after a race to magically pop into the pits and be faced with a frankly disgraceful looking thing which i believe is meant to represent some bloke holding a pole, whilst we watch really awful pixels pop into the rear view mirror and wait for the race to 'end'.

That's not how a race ends on the PC side, I would expect that to change on the consoles at some point.

For all its flaws PCars gave me things that now i would like to see in all games, adjustable FOV, removing hands and wheel tyre wear and heat cycles (even if not perfect, in PCars case).
A console user can be just as keen as a PC guy, some of have full wheel seat set ups etc and to be fair a lot of PC guys use controllers anyway, not all have sim rigs.

Those things are all available on the PC. I don't see any reason to presume that because they currently aren't included in the console that they never will be or that Kunos declared that console players don't need such things. I've never seen anything to suggest Kunos looks down on console players in anyway.