All I've said is that i believe Kunos saw the money in consoles and saw what SMS did and thought "Go for it", with that they clearly left a lot on the shelf, not little things but big things, the whole race end is borked and so jarring that i'm embarrassed witnessing it sat on my own so God knows how Kunos can live with releasing it like that.
Again, you act like this is something set in stone that can never be fixed, and leap to the conclusion that this means they are only doing it for a cash grab. You know the game can be patched/updated, right? AC on PC has received countless improvements and additions during its life on the PC but it started in a very basic form. Why would you expect that none of these things are going to be addressed and act like it's the end of the world because you have to sit in the pits for a couple minutes at the end of the race?
They went for the money, i get that and nothing wrong with that its business and the money and rewards in console sales is night and day to only shifting stuff to PC.
But they have to take criticisms, i'm sure they do, its just people like you that can't for ome reason?
Yes, businesses usually do things in order to make money. Not sure why that's such a surprise? But they've said all along that they know AC won't be wildly popular on console and don't expect to make a huge fortune off of it. But if they see it as an untapped sim market why not take a stab at it?
Also, I have no problems criticizing Kunos and have done so on many, many, many occasions. There's a whole list of things I can and do criticize AC for. It's your attitude and wild accusations I have a problem with, despite several of us offering you explanations for why things are the way they are and making clear that you can expect improvements you insist on throwing about the claim that this was all just a big cash grab to screw console users and the game will never be fixed, and that is demonstrably false.
You also keep banging on about how you hotlap and tinker like you and Kunos and AC all invented this
I've been doing that since ToCA 1 on PS1, heck Forza 1 started out and people were private lobbying Nordschleife and doing make shift drag races! the whole drift scene in forza was organic and created by people 'tinkering'.
There's literally LOADS of games that you can go off and do your own thing, tread your own path and any sand box driving game will be the same, arguably in fact there's a lot more to do in say PCars than AC in that respect and stupid amounts more to do in say a Forza/horizon or say a Seb Loeb Rally Evo.
Hot lapping with no way to compare your times to other people or even your own times?! lol.
Yeah, my point was that there is still fun to be had even if some things aren't quite working correctly. I don't care about comparing my times to other people or even my own times. I enjoy driving for the sake of driving and I'm sure some others do too. It doesn't always have to be a competition. I never claimed that me or Kunos invented hot lapping, stop putting words in my mouth. Clearly it's been around since the first racing game and millions of players have done it over the years. I happen to find it more enjoyable in AC than I did in GT or PCars and want to share with others the joy that can be had from driving around the Ring all night, is that so terrible?
No tyre wear or heat cycles on a 'sim' is poor
Where's your proof that there's no tire wear? Just because you can't see a little display showing it means it isn't there? Even though other console users have declared they notice tire wear you still are throwing this claim around.
One of your PC mates in another thread called it 'AC LITE' on consoles and i don't remember if you chastised him?
Brandon, have you even played the console version of AC?
Why would I chastise him? I fully agree, the current state of AC on console looks like it could be called AC Lite. I've never claimed it's in full working order. Just yesterday I said that the way setting up races and online is currently handicapped has a negative impact on a lot of the things that are enjoyable about AC. I don't understand why you continue to act like it will never be fixed or improved though. Games are now released in various states of being broken and often require several patches before everything is working right. It sucks, terribly, and sadly Kunos/595 is not immune to this trend but it's a fact of life so to declare a game a failure before it's received a single patch is short-sighted.
No, I haven't played the console version yet but it's clear that several key things are missing and that has a negative impact on the fun. I've never claimed otherwise. Quite frankly it's a bit embarrassing and totally unexpected and I feel for console players, but if they have a little patience and faith I'm sure it will turn into something that gives them a lot of enjoyment. It may take 4-6 months but it will eventually improve. It will never be much of a "game" in the traditional sense and there will always be things missing that we desire from a racing sim, but it will still have plenty of good to offer for those who enjoy such things.
Don't bother responding, you've earned the honor of being the first person I've ever added to my ignore list.