Well after a couple of months of playing AC i can say the ONLY things it has over Pcars1 is :
- Car Audio is slightly better,also on the other AI cars around you.
- Physics are more refined,you can 'feel' more contact on the road and what the tyres are doing.
- Ferraris/Lambos are in it.
- Tracks feel more realistic thanks to the laser scans.
In my mind EVERYTHING else Pcars does better,and i think i may go back to it until Dirt 4 appears. AC just feels so bare-bones,a work in progress game. The career is very soul-less and i got bored very quickly,you have to grind some of the championships to get to some of the juicier ones,and frankly i cant be bothered.
Custom Championships wouldve been a big bonus - but i havnt heard its coming in the next console update??