Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
It's available in NZ too. EB games has it. Simply price match them to the cheapest local store (JB HI-FI is the cheapest I've seen at $94, $16 cheaper than EB).

Available in Aus too. I'm still confused as to whether you need to pre-order to gain access to the prestige pack though...
Available in Aus too. I'm still confused as to whether you need to pre-order to gain access to the prestige pack though...

Returning to your previous question, there actually is a Prestige Edition having a unique cover. I just found this video:

This version is only distributed at selected retailers as a physical pre-order deal. That said, people might be lucky to find it at other retailers in the days and weeks ahead. Those who opted for a digital pre-order were / are only offered the regular edition of the game bundled with the Performance Pack, which should be free to all players by now and contains three of the nine bonus cars from the Prestige Edition. It's unknown whether the remaining six cars exclusive to the Prestige Edition will be made available to all players later on. I'm optimistic though.
Returning to your previous question, there actually is a Prestige Edition having a unique cover. I just found this video:

This version is only distributed at selected retailers as a physical pre-order deal. That said, people might be lucky to find it at other retailers in the days and weeks ahead. Those who opted for a digital pre-order were / are only offered the regular edition of the game bundled with the Performance Pack, which should be free to all players by now and contains three of the nine bonus cars from the Prestige Edition. It's unknown whether the remaining six cars exclusive to the Prestige Edition will be made available to all players later on. I'm optimistic though.

I bought the Prestige Edition from EB Games yesterday in Northland (Melbourne) ; I was worried as I hadnt pre-ordered that I had missed out on the 9 cars, but luckily they had the Prestige Pack!! Not sure if I have to put a code in to download or pre-loaded on disc, I was too busy driving Ferrari's around Barcelona!! :)
I bought the Prestige Edition from EB Games yesterday in Northland (Melbourne) ; I was worried as I hadnt pre-ordered that I had missed out on the 9 cars, but luckily they had the Prestige Pack!! Not sure if I have to put a code in to download or pre-loaded on disc, I was too busy driving Ferrari's around Barcelona!! :)

Good news. So there were two different hard copies available - standard and prestige? I'll be dropping into EB tomorrow to find out
Good news. So there were two different hard copies available - standard and prestige? I'll be dropping into EB tomorrow to find out
Exactly, I went into EB hoping (begging) for them to let me pre-order even though the game had been released. when I asked, they told me that Prestige was actually a released edition!! Would be good if publishers made all this clear!! Anyway, alls well that ends well!
Exactly, I went into EB hoping (begging) for them to let me pre-order even though the game had been released. when I asked, they told me that Prestige was actually a released edition!! Would be good if publishers made all this clear!! Anyway, alls well that ends well!

Excellent! Yes the release info was a bit unclear. I really didn't want to miss out on the R8, 488, Gallardo or Nismo GT-R!

PS am I the only one who finds "unboxing" videos hilariously pointless?
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Heheh, think PCars or AC load times are bad? Three words: Amstrad, C64, Spectrum. Press Play to load. Wait 5 minutes while watching multiple colored stripes flashing on screen. Get "Loading error". Start all over again.
(Yes I know it's 2016). :P

Damn, that's some good / bad memories all at once. Appreciate you making me feel super old

After you tryed AC! you cant go back. :)

Yep, I think you could be right there. It will be hard but there are still some things that GT has that I like. I have a lot of cars tuned from @ Ridox2JZGTE that made the experience vastly improved

@sayba2th I am extremely happy for you!! :cheers: I was a GT6 diehard until I started playing AC (but I have AC on my PC) in Oct 2015. I haven't touched GT6 since. Personally, I think GT6 has pretty decent physics, but the flaws it does have are pretty big ones. I'm talking about physics related flaws. Assetto Corsa felt so different with my very first lap with a BMW M3 E92. The suspension made my eyes pop. The grip of feel them rolling over the tarmac so nicely through the force feed back. Weight transfer was incredible. Basically, everything.

It was exactly what I thought GT6 would be. GT6 was the very first computer/console driving simulator I ever played and I always heard how awesome GT is. I still think Gran Turismo is totally awesome. It's just has different objectives. And there is nothing wrong with GT6's objectives!!! But, I hope that people coming from a Forza or GT background for the last 10-15 years give Assetto Corsa's objectives a chance. Focus on just the driving for the first few days. Don't look around at scenery. Concentrate on the road in front of you and just drive... The rest can all come later. 👍

Couldn't have said better mate. As I mentioned above with the Ridox tunes and the physics GT has it wasn't too bad, just different. That's all I do everything else just blends into the background.

The car and track are the stars and all I give a hoot about. I am looking forward to Sunday when I can really smash some free time into it.

All I can say is that my expectations have been met and heavily exceeded and I have only just scraped the surface. Ferrari 488GTB, Abarth 500 Kunos, Alfa GTA and BMW M3 GT2. Just need to setup game come Sunday a bit more. But yep this is Something special, Something unforgettable it makes me say Ayyyyy O..........
Any controller settings?
Default are nightmare :-D

I was playing it last night at work, had to use pad, done some fiddling, though not much, but the difference was night and day, it felt really good. Alla that being said, i never, NEVER use a pad, though i tried pcars and dirt, couldnt do F all in those, but with this, I could drive with confidence, and reasonably fast with factory TC.
Ive packed it away now and I'm off home to sleep or I'd be posting settings as well as this post ;)
Well. Loaded the game at midnight and went into settings and copied my G29 settings into it. Then I did one or two laps of the 'Ring in the McLaren 650 GT3 and I can confirm the physics are the same as in the PC version. I know that would be the case, because Kunos said it would be, but it was nice to be able confirm it for myself.

Then I did something I was never able to do on the PC version (due to rubbish PC). I had a race around Brands Hatch Indy against the AI. I did it on default "hard" setting. Predictably I spun and came last. The AI was doing laps in the 45's. Not bad at all. There are a couple of easier AI settings and there's also a harder version as well. :crazy:

Anyway the Season Pass is now available in the UK PSN at £24.99. That gains access to the Japanese Pack, the Red Pack and the three Porsche Packs. Sound like a fair deal to me.
wow,some poor reviews being published - 5/10's ....surprised by that! Ive got to say looking at the graphics,they look poor - espeically the trees,trackside objects etc. Its more PS3 quality.

I keep thinking why get this when i could just have a blast on Pcars,with its superior lighting and dynamic weather/time of day...
You and the reviews are right - graphics aren't comparable to PC's which look amazing.

But, the sound and feel of the cars is impressive.

Gotta weigh it up
wow,some poor reviews being published - 5/10's ....surprised by that! Ive got to say looking at the graphics,they look poor - espeically the trees,trackside objects etc. Its more PS3 quality.

I keep thinking why get this when i could just have a blast on Pcars,with its superior lighting and dynamic weather/time of day...
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wow,some poor reviews being published - 5/10's ....surprised by that! Ive got to say looking at the graphics,they look poor - espeically the trees,trackside objects etc. Its more PS3 quality.

I keep thinking why get this when i could just have a blast on Pcars,with its superior lighting and dynamic weather/time of day...
When you experience the superior driving model, you will forgive all those shortcomings very fast !
Excusing guys who are just experiencing AC for the first time and being joyful, the truth is that AC and pCARS both have good and bad points. As a sim racing fan, the only sensible thing to do is own both and enjoy the best bits of both.

Where AC wins over pCARS is in the "naturalness" and connected feeling while driving. However things like track list, career mode, weather, graphics are all better in pCARS. So hotlap the laser scanned Nordschleife in AC then switch to a random weather race against the AI at Bathurst in pCARS and get the best of both worlds ;)

P.S. One experience I recommend to all newcomers to AC is to lap the Lotus Elise around Magione. The first time I heard the suspension squeak going over the bumps on the back straight (all the way back during the tech preview) made me realize just what lengths Kunos go to when simulating a car.
Excusing guys who are just experiencing AC for the first time and being joyful, the truth is that AC and pCARS both have good and bad points. As a sim racing fan, the only sensible thing to do is own both and enjoy the best bits of both.

Where AC wins over pCARS is in the "naturalness" and connected feeling while driving. However things like track list, career mode, weather, graphics are all better in pCARS. So hotlap the laser scanned Nordschleife in AC then switch to a random weather race against the AI at Bathurst in pCARS and get the best of both worlds ;)
I can only agree with this !
Can you guys on PS4 get the TH8A to work? I switched on the 'use H-shifter' function, tried both of the wires (one to put in the wheel, one to PS4) since Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo uses the USB wire one, while PCars the other one, plugged in the wire before and after launching the game (since you have to do it for PCars), and still can't make the shifter work...

Edit:I was trying it with the Yellowbird.
I have buy The season pass on xbox one but i cant get The cars and The track into The game, someone in here Who can help me with this problem? Mvh sweden

2016-08-26 09_39_13-P308R@AC_assettocorsa .png

To bad it is nowhere to be found :odd:
From the VVV preview seems only issue xbox one has over the PS4 at the moment is the FR drops and stutters at times, kunos confirmed that's patched next week though, so seems both PS4 and xbox are the same pretty much, Alan of VVV in that podcast is saying the screen tearing is bad on both console games, in fact every review mentions it. But the driving is awesome, so i'm stocked for it, can't wait.
Alan also says that both consoles are powerful enough for AC but they aren't optimised that well at the moment.
Some stuff makes it in before release, some stuff doesn't. The release is not the end, it's a beginning. :)

I agree with that but it was confirmed the 11th of April with a clear yes. That was 4 months ago. Remember trackmaker from GT6? We all know how that went. The problem with AC and many other games that are being released is the state they are released in. I find it a worrying trend.
From what I can tell by current (user) reviews, AC is actually in a pretty good condition. Sure, it has a few launch issues, but Kunos already said they'll fix most of that next week.