Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
I think the non-contact radius box thing around the AI cars is far too big and makes them not want to get to close and therefore not overtake. They do it to each other as well. It's the one major AI tweak I'd like to see.

Yeah exactly! I've seen some people saying that in previous builds the AI was much better and that they raced each other and were very competitive even with the player: trying to overtake him and blocking his way when he tries to overtake them! Yet for some reason, after people complaining about how hard the AI is, Kunos modified it to how it is now!
Yeah exactly! I've seen some people saying that in previous builds the AI was much better and that they raced each other and were very competitive even with the player: trying to overtake him and blocking his way when he tries to overtake them! Yet for some reason, after people complaining about how hard the AI is, Kunos modified it to how it is now!
I think on the whole their behaviour is better now. Before they would often ruin your race with reckless driving and crash you out; they just need to overtake more often.
Bit of a disappointment. At nordschleife, in the group a touring cars. Get a little bored after 3 or 4 laps, so I decide to slow down to about 40 mph for a few miles. NO ONE PASSED ME. I had 6 cars behind me for miles, just following me. Looked like a caution lap or something. I know they may not be designed to pass at that low of speeds, but this just looked terrible. Kinda funny watching them try to overtake, then freak out and blink the brakes.

If it makes you feel better, it's the same way on the PC. I've all but given up on racing the AI unless I'm making a video or trying to get some photos. They're close to being quite good but this is a bit of a fatal flaw, especially if you're trying to do a mixed class race or a track day.
If it makes you feel better, it's the same way on the PC. I've all but given up on racing the AI unless I'm making a video or trying to get some photos. They're close to being quite good but this is a bit of a fatal flaw, especially if you're trying to do a mixed class race or a track day.

I do wonder if there is a master AI programmer out there...
I do wonder if there is a master AI programmer out there...

He is called Stefano Casillo, and yes, he is aware of all the AI problems. He just doesn't seem to know how to fix them (without making the AI too aggressive so it crashes on the player or other cars). But you can bet he is trying badly.

Yes, even now that he is a rich man.
Well, I've completely gone off this game. Haven't played it since way before the last update, & have no desire to fire it up either. I think I've gone off sim racing in general actually. It's been a long time coming, & I'm not that surprised it's happened. I think it's down to my Anhedonia which is currently reaching epic levels.

Well, I've completely gone off this game. Haven't played it since way before the last update, & have no desire to fire it up either. I think I've gone off sim racing in general actually. It's been a long time coming, & I'm not that surprised it's happened. I think it's down to my Anhedonia which is currently reaching epic levels.

I experienced this years ago when i quit smoking cannabis and had depression, just didn't enjoy doing the things i enjoyed nor did i have a desire to do them. My cure was to hit the gym, train and eat properly and give my body and brain the fuel it needed. May i suggest you look into L-Tyrosine and 5HTP ( Research them, especially if on other meds ), as well as essential fatty acids. I still struggle to make time for things i enjoy but thats due to my health situation I've had over the last 7 years really.
If it makes you feel better, it's the same way on the PC. I've all but given up on racing the AI unless I'm making a video or trying to get some photos. They're close to being quite good but this is a bit of a fatal flaw, especially if you're trying to do a mixed class race or a track day.
You know that I share your frustration on this matter. My AI racing has taken a back seat over the last few months. It probably didn't help that I broke my wheel and had to borrow one from my friend (we shared it...what a hassle :banghead:). However, I do still run several track days each week. If I see some nonsense I will often get along side of the train conductor's car and push him the hell out of the way for everyone else. :lol: Also, as we've already pointed out, on the PC we can set a range of the AI's Strength/Ability and just doing that tends to help. Sometimes only a little bit and sometimes a heck of a lot! You've just got to get lucky with picking the right combination of cars or picking the right car for a single-make race. I get so depressed talking about the AI's shortcomings. :grumpy:

He is called Stefano Casillo, and yes, he is aware of all the AI problems. He just doesn't seem to know how to fix them (without making the AI too aggressive so it crashes on the player or other cars). But you can bet he is trying badly.

Yes, even now that he is a rich man.
A rich man? I doubt it. The deal was for €4.3 million. Only €2.75 million was cash. The remaining €1.59 million will be in the form of stock, which quite often can not be sold for a certain period of time when deals like this happen. Although I have no proof that is the case here. So, each owner received €1,375,000 which certainly sounds like a lot of money. No surprise, but I don't know crap about taxation in Italy. According to Wikipedia the highest tax bracket is 43% on anything over €75,000/year. If that's what he's on the hook for, his cut is now down to €783,750. I don't know if either owner had any personal debts, but it wouldn't surprise me...especially for a company like Kunos (very small) that began Assetto Corsa with only €70,000. Very often, owners can't even afford to pay themselves while the company is in the very early stages.

I know Stefano has moved around quite a bit, hoping from one continent to the next. :D So, it wouldn't surprise me if he now wants to put down some roots and remain where he currently is, or relocate once more to a desirable place and settle there. Maybe he decides to purchase a home with cash. Or, as I alluded to earlier, perhaps he has some personal debts that he's going to take care of with that money. There probably a few things I'm missing here, but even if he were able to bank €600,000 I wouldn't consider that rich. Comfortable? Sure.

Well, I've completely gone off this game. Haven't played it since way before the last update, & have no desire to fire it up either. I think I've gone off sim racing in general actually. It's been a long time coming, & I'm not that surprised it's happened. I think it's down to my Anhedonia which is currently reaching epic levels.

Do you seriously have anhedonia? I had never heard the term until about 2-3 years ago. If you really have that, boy...I don't even know what to say. That's gotta be very rough. :grumpy: I only learned of the condition because I am in therapy (Major Depressive Disorder) and at the suggestion of my therapist I attended this workshop where someone mentioned suffering with it. There are so many crappy psychiatric disorders out there. Getting onto anti-depressants has helped me a lot.

I hope you stick around...I know you mentioned a desire to quit this scene, several months back. I believe it was before you had even purchased Assetto Corsa. Anyway, I was glad you hung in there then and I hope you ultimately decide to stay with us now. You've always been a pleasurable person to communicate with in these forums and we need more people like you! :cheers:

I experienced this years ago when i quit smoking cannabis and had depression, just didn't enjoy doing the things i enjoyed nor did i have a desire to do them. My cure was to hit the gym, train and eat properly and give my body and brain the fuel it needed. May i suggest you look into L-Tyrosine and 5HTP ( Research them, especially if on other meds ), as well as essential fatty acids. I still struggle to make time for things i enjoy but thats due to my health situation I've had over the last 7 years really.
Ugh...I know what you mean. I just had my 8th anniversary with my transplanted liver. Sadly, I've developed additional health problems and struggle to some degree just about every single day. 👎 :mad:
Is there any hint on chase cam settings because what we have now is absurd for sim racer... Its just like in Asphalt and other arcade crap... That awful camera sway and swing when steering... My God...
@BrandonW77 and @ALB123 although I agree with your comments on the short comings of AI, talking about PC version, I am curious. Are you talking in absolute, comparing AC AI to a perfect theoretical AI or are you commenting in compairison to an other existing AI you enjoy more?
As far as I am concerned any AI required a little or a lot of work to make it an enjoyable experience.
Driving against human driver also require a fair amount of work to find a group of people with similar talent and availability to be able to race regularly.
Some people expect too much of AI and will probably never be happy with any of them, others, like me, usually enjoy AI, dispite all their short comings.
AC, on PC, with all the option available from Kunos and Content Manager, give us by far the most option to customized and enjoy our AI experience.
Still far from perfect, but from my point of view, if someone cannot make AC AI work for them, it is probably that AI is not for them, not now and probably not ever.
@BrandonW77 and @ALB123 although I agree with your comments on the short comings of AI, talking about PC version, I am curious. Are you talking in absolute, comparing AC AI to a perfect theoretical AI or are you commenting in compairison to an other existing AI you enjoy more?
As far as I am concerned any AI required a little or a lot of work to make it an enjoyable experience.
Driving against human driver also require a fair amount of work to find a group of people with similar talent and availability to be able to race regularly.
Some people expect too much of AI and will probably never be happy with any of them, others, like me, usually enjoy AI, dispite all their short comings.
AC, on PC, with all the option available from Kunos and Content Manager, give us by far the most option to customized and enjoy our AI experience.
Still far from perfect, but from my point of view, if someone cannot make AC AI work for them, it is probably that AI is not for them, not now and probably not ever.

I'm just comparing to the minimum of what you'd expect from AI, to be aware of the player and other AI drivers, and to race/overtake them when possible. I don't feel like that's expecting too much, and as I've noted around here I make lots of concessions such as waiting at the start for them to get themselves sorted before going on the attack, or not overly taking advantage of them at that one turn on every track they always slow down too much for. So I'm totally willing to work with them in order to make the experience more enjoyable.

As long as I stick to one-make racing or a well balanced class like GT3 it's mostly fine and can be fun. But as soon as you try to mix classes with a variance in speed it all falls apart. Let's be honest, when we got the 919 Hybrid the first thing we want to do is load up a race with some of those and some GT cars to do some proper multi-class racing, which will likely fail as soon as the LMP AI catches up to the GT cars because they'll just form a train behind the slower cars. So we're teased with all the ingredients to do some WEC type racing, but it's just not really a possibility. Same with track days, when I saw that feature in Content Manager I loaded up the Tourist Nords layout with a range of street cars, excited to do a proper Nords track day like you see on the YouTubes. Well, the AI can't get out of the carpark, they just mindlessly bang against the fence. So, ok, let's try it at the normal Nordschleife layout. All the cars leave the pits, great! I wait a minute or two for them to all get out there, knowing that I'm in one of the faster cars and I'll catch up to them soon. So I leave the pits, get about three minutes into the lap and come across a train of Ferraris and McLarens and Porsches all driving slowly behind a BMW 1M, at which point I just gave up.

To be clear, I could not create AI that's any better so I'm not throwing shade on anyone. I'm just commenting that in their current state the AI just isn't really up to being able to handle mixing slow and fast cars which happens to be a good portion of what my offline interests are. If I stick to one-make/one-class racing then things are usually fine and fairly enjoyable (as long as I set an AI difficulty range in Content Manager) but if I want to do anything other than that it often doesn't work very well and ends up being more frustrating than fun. I don't expect them to be as good as racing humans or to provide the most epic racing I've ever had, I just want them to be able to pass slower cars which is a fairly basic requirement of AI. If they could do that it would pretty dramatically transform my offline activities, but since they can't my offline activities mostly consist of me alone on a track.

But just as a comparison, racing the AI in RaceRoom is almost as thrilling and realistic as racing real people. So it's quite possible to make good AI, even rF2 and AMS have pretty great AI. AC is the only one I know of where they get confused by slower cars and I do hope that at some point it can be fixed. In the meantime I have plenty of other ways to enjoy myself in AC so I'll just stick to those.
I miss my fix of online racing and championship organizing... :(

Any words or updates from the ac guys about private lobbies?

I do not want to go back to pcars because if I do I won't play ac anymore... and I have lots of problems jumping from one game to another, it takes me ages to get back the right feeling of the game
Porsche Pack Vol. 3 and update 1.12 coming to console on February 13th on PS4, no Xbone date yet.

Hi everyone! Today, we want to give our console community a quick update on the status of our next major update (v 1.12) and the Porsche Pack Vol 3 DLC.


We’re pleased to announce that the Porsche Pack Vol. 3 DLC will launch on February 13th 2017, along with Update v 1.12. Here’s what you can expect…


  • Added support for DLC content: Porsche Pack #3
  • FREE bonus car! – Porsche Macan Turbo
  • The damage and repair system has been improved. As a result, collisions will now appear more realistic
  • Various 3D models have been tweaked and improved, including that of the cockpit instrumentation
  • All-new special events
    15 events for The Red Pack DLC
    13 events for Porsche Pack Vol. 2 DLC
    12 events for Porsche Pack Vol. 3 DLC

Porsche Pack Volume 3 follows the first two DLC packs dedicated to the Porsche brand, introducing a selection of seven different vehicles. The pack places an emphasis on modern-day Porsche racing cars, including the entire 991 GT3 racing line and the latest 2016 Le Mans-winning 919 Hybrid, while also featuring two of the German brand’s most iconic racing cars, the 908 Lang-Heck and 917 K.

Volume 3 also brings players one of the most coveted modern road cars of the modern-day Porsche line-up, the Porsche 911 R, completing a perfect mix between road cars as well as modern and historic racing models.

PLEASE NOTE – The RSR GT3 2017 is not included, but will be released as a free update for the Porsche Pack Vol 3 DLC when ready.


  • Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2017
  • Porsche 911 GT3 R 2016
  • Porsche 919 Hybrid 2016
  • Porsche 908 LH
  • Porsche 917 K
  • Porsche 911 R
  • Porsche 911 Turbo S

Unfortunately, the team have encountered some issues with the Xbox One update (v 1.12) and we are unable to launch the patch and Porsche Pack Vol. 3 DLC on the same day as the PS4 version. Of course, we’re incredibly disappointed but be rest assured, the team are working incredibly hard to get it sorted. We’ll update you with more info as soon as we can!

Source: Assetto Corsa

I think custom championships on consoles takes longer because they have to rearrange the noob-UI we got on consoles. As of now, we cant even change the AI cars. I hope they add this option with the custom championship so we will finally get the real deal.
I'm just comparing to the minimum of what you'd expect from AI, to be aware of the player and other AI drivers, and to race/overtake them when possible. I don't feel like that's expecting too much, and as I've noted around here I make lots of concessions such as waiting at the start for them to get themselves sorted before going on the attack, or not overly taking advantage of them at that one turn on every track they always slow down too much for. So I'm totally willing to work with them in order to make the experience more enjoyable.

As long as I stick to one-make racing or a well balanced class like GT3 it's mostly fine and can be fun. But as soon as you try to mix classes with a variance in speed it all falls apart. Let's be honest, when we got the 919 Hybrid the first thing we want to do is load up a race with some of those and some GT cars to do some proper multi-class racing, which will likely fail as soon as the LMP AI catches up to the GT cars because they'll just form a train behind the slower cars. So we're teased with all the ingredients to do some WEC type racing, but it's just not really a possibility. Same with track days, when I saw that feature in Content Manager I loaded up the Tourist Nords layout with a range of street cars, excited to do a proper Nords track day like you see on the YouTubes. Well, the AI can't get out of the carpark, they just mindlessly bang against the fence. So, ok, let's try it at the normal Nordschleife layout. All the cars leave the pits, great! I wait a minute or two for them to all get out there, knowing that I'm in one of the faster cars and I'll catch up to them soon. So I leave the pits, get about three minutes into the lap and come across a train of Ferraris and McLarens and Porsches all driving slowly behind a BMW 1M, at which point I just gave up.

To be clear, I could not create AI that's any better so I'm not throwing shade on anyone. I'm just commenting that in their current state the AI just isn't really up to being able to handle mixing slow and fast cars which happens to be a good portion of what my offline interests are. If I stick to one-make/one-class racing then things are usually fine and fairly enjoyable (as long as I set an AI difficulty range in Content Manager) but if I want to do anything other than that it often doesn't work very well and ends up being more frustrating than fun. I don't expect them to be as good as racing humans or to provide the most epic racing I've ever had, I just want them to be able to pass slower cars which is a fairly basic requirement of AI. If they could do that it would pretty dramatically transform my offline activities, but since they can't my offline activities mostly consist of me alone on a track.

But just as a comparison, racing the AI in RaceRoom is almost as thrilling and realistic as racing real people. So it's quite possible to make good AI, even rF2 and AMS have pretty great AI. AC is the only one I know of where they get confused by slower cars and I do hope that at some point it can be fixed. In the meantime I have plenty of other ways to enjoy myself in AC so I'll just stick to those.

Thank you for your reply, I am a little puzzled though, I cannot relate to AMS or RF2, I do not drive them anymore as they lack VR support, but R3E I do.
My experience of AI in R3E is not good, enjoying racing the AI is very hard for me, they do not seem to realize I am racing amount them and act as if I was not there. Also
How do you set multi class racing in R3E?
It is kind of hard, isnt it? To a certain point, AC is the work of amateurs... or at least... dilletantes. Yes, i love the game... so plz dont get me wrong. But this game doesent even have proper audio settings. I noticed this just recently when i used my new playstation headphones for the first time in AC. Compare this to Dirt Rally, where you can tweek all kinds of audio options. AC? Nothing. Yes, Kunos is a really small team, and it shows. Everything takes forever and there are so many missing features, some of them will never arrive. But im sticking with it. This is the game that finally lets me drive a brand new GT3 porsche against the greatest GT3 rivals in the world... with the greatest physics in the world. Something that those behemots Forza and GT never achieved.
Huh.. I actually expected a little something more with this update.

I wonder (and hope) if there will be one big patch/update that brings custom button mapping, custom championships, custom/private lobbies.. etc. As all of these need UI changes.

Really want to try that Porsche GT3 cup car but not worth buying the pack for just that car yet.

At least there is still progression with improving the game.
Thank you for your reply, I am a little puzzled though, I cannot relate to AMS or RF2, I do not drive them anymore as they lack VR support, but R3E I do.
My experience of AI in R3E is not good, enjoying racing the AI is very hard for me, they do not seem to realize I am racing amount them and act as if I was not there.

That's not been my experience, R3E is the only game I've ever played where the AI made me go "Wow, that was freaking intense!". You still have to kind of work with them and make sure they don't hit you from the rear but I've always thought they felt the most "realistic" and I've had some races against them that were just as good as racing humans online. I've not played in a while but apparently the most recent update made them even better. Obviously your mileage may vary.

Also how do you set multi class racing in R3E?

Not sure, but it's really not necessary because there are so many different classes and each class usually has several cars in it so the grids are always fantastic looking with a lot of variety. In AC we get a well-rounded GT3 class, a fledgling GT2 and GT4 class, and the rest is pretty much one-make races. I've spent most of the last 6-7 years doing one-make races and I just want to see some variety on the grid, parity racing and R3E are really the only sources that have provided that.
I think the non-contact radius box thing around the AI cars is far too big and makes them not want to get to close and therefore not overtake. They do it to each other as well. It's the one major AI tweak I'd like to see.
Very true, I did it again and stayed on the left side of the road and they never passed. Watched the replay and there was 3 feet of space beyond what he would've needed to pass.

Edit: no custom championships may be my last straw. Love the game, just not enough to keep me going. There's only so much I can do hotlapping the nordschleife over and over.
It is kind of hard, isnt it? To a certain point, AC is the work of amateurs... or at least... dilletantes. Yes, i love the game... so plz dont get me wrong. But this game doesent even have proper audio settings. I noticed this just recently when i used my new playstation headphones for the first time in AC. Compare this to Dirt Rally, where you can tweek all kinds of audio options. AC? Nothing. Yes, Kunos is a really small team, and it shows. Everything takes forever and there are so many missing features, some of them will never arrive. But im sticking with it. This is the game that finally lets me drive a brand new GT3 porsche against the greatest GT3 rivals in the world... with the greatest physics in the world. Something that those behemots Forza and GT never achieved.

That is weird that you have no audio options on console, since we have total flexibility on PC.
Really strange and curious to know why. Surely it is not because Console have inferior sound cards, like we sometime think inferior hardware is why some other feature we enjoy on PC are absent on console.
Really strange! :ill:
Quite disappointed with the 1.12 update notes.... Still waiting for the brake pressure setup option that was added in the 1.10 Update from PC or sound fixes, button mapping...lets see if they have fixed the setup control system or the F1 cars of Ferrari...
But i don't think they did....

BTW.... Private lobbies aimed for 1.13 update...
Custom Championships.... In August to celebrate the first year of Assetto on consoles?? :banghead::D

That is weird that you have no audio options on console, since we have total flexibility on PC.
Really strange and curious to know why. Surely it is not because Console have inferior sound cards, like we sometime think inferior hardware is why some other feature we enjoy on PC are absent on console.
Really strange! :ill:

Actually we have multiple options for volume levels - engine, wind noise, opponents, tires, .. Unless this is in reference to stereo vs surround or the dynamic range.
That is weird that you have no audio options on console, since we have total flexibility on PC.
Really strange and curious to know why. Surely it is not because Console have inferior sound cards, like we sometime think inferior hardware is why some other feature we enjoy on PC are absent on console.
Really strange! :ill:

Well... Ps4 has dolby surround, DTS HD sounds up to 7.1 so...Sound card isn't that bad.

I don't know where the other user looked in Assetto options... Because They are sound settings (tyre volume, engine volume, wind volume,AI engine volume and more)

The only bad thing are the sound issues of the game, mostly in the IU were sounds come only trough one chanel sometimes and do some strange effects on track... But the game has sound issue since launch
Well... Ps4 has dolby surround, DTS HD sounds up to 7.1 so...Sound card isn't that bad.

I don't know where the other user looked in Assetto options... Because They are sound settings (tyre volume, engine volume, wind volume,AI engine volume and more)

The only bad thing are the sound issues of the game, mostly in the IU were sounds come only trough one chanel sometimes and do some strange effects on track... But the game has sound issue since launch

This isnt about volume settings. Its about dynamic and surround settings, a dedicated TV or headphone mode... that kind of thing. Like i said, Dirt has it, and sounds awesome with headphones.
The only bad thing are the sound issues of the game, mostly in the IU were sounds come only trough one chanel sometimes and do some strange effects on track... But the game has sound issue since launch

Can't you turn those off? If a game has menu music, usually the first thing I do is turn it off (presuming that's an option). Thankfully AC on the PC has no menu music.

This isnt about volume settings. Its about dynamic and surround settings, a dedicated TV or headphone mode... that kind of thing. Like i said, Dirt has it, and sounds awesome with headphones.

We don't have anything like that on the PC version so don't get your hopes up.
Quite disappointed with the 1.12 update notes.... Still waiting for the brake pressure setup option that was added in the 1.10 Update from PC or sound fixes, button mapping...lets see if they have fixed the setup control system or the F1 cars of Ferrari...
But i don't think they did....

BTW.... Private lobbies aimed for 1.13 update...
Custom Championships.... In August to celebrate the first year of Assetto on consoles?? :banghead::D

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With decent pedals you don't need brake pressure settings?

Can't you turn those off? If a game has menu music, usually the first thing I do is turn it off (presuming that's an option). Thankfully AC on the PC has no menu music.

Yeah it can be turned off. I have it off as the music has gotten so old for me now, sadly.

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