If it makes you feel better, it's the same way on the PC. I've all but given up on racing the AI unless I'm making a video or trying to get some photos. They're close to being quite good but this is a bit of a fatal flaw, especially if you're trying to do a mixed class race or a track day.
You know that I share your frustration on this matter. My AI racing has taken a back seat over the last few months. It probably didn't help that I broke my wheel and had to borrow one from my friend (we shared it...what a hassle

). However, I do still run several track days each week. If I see some nonsense I will often get along side of the train conductor's car and push him the hell out of the way for everyone else.

Also, as we've already pointed out, on the PC we can set a range of the AI's Strength/Ability and just doing that tends to help. Sometimes only a little bit and sometimes a heck of a lot! You've just got to get lucky with picking the right combination of cars or picking the right car for a single-make race. I get so depressed talking about the AI's shortcomings.
He is called Stefano Casillo, and yes, he is aware of all the AI problems. He just doesn't seem to know how to fix them (without making the AI too aggressive so it crashes on the player or other cars). But you can bet he is trying badly.
Yes, even now that he is a rich man.
rich man? I doubt it. The deal was for €4.3 million. Only €2.75 million was cash. The remaining €1.59 million will be in the form of stock, which quite often can not be sold for a certain period of time when deals like this happen. Although I have no proof that is the case here. So, each owner received €1,375,000 which certainly sounds like a lot of money. No surprise, but I don't know crap about taxation in Italy. According to Wikipedia the highest tax bracket is 43% on anything over €75,000/year. If that's what he's on the hook for, his cut is now down to €783,750. I don't know if either owner had any personal debts, but it wouldn't surprise me...especially for a company like Kunos (very small) that began Assetto Corsa with only €70,000. Very often, owners can't even afford to pay themselves while the company is in the very early stages.
I know Stefano has moved around quite a bit, hoping from one continent to the next.

So, it wouldn't surprise me if he now wants to put down some roots and remain where he currently is, or relocate once more to a desirable place and settle there. Maybe he decides to purchase a home with cash. Or, as I alluded to earlier, perhaps he has some personal debts that he's going to take care of with that money. There probably a few things I'm missing here, but even if he were able to bank €600,000 I wouldn't consider that
rich. Comfortable? Sure.
Well, I've completely gone off this game. Haven't played it since way before the last update, & have no desire to fire it up either. I think I've gone off sim racing in general actually. It's been a long time coming, & I'm not that surprised it's happened.
I think it's down to my Anhedonia which is currently reaching epic levels.
Do you seriously have anhedonia? I had never heard the term until about 2-3 years ago. If you really have that, boy...I don't even know what to say. That's gotta be very rough.

I only learned of the condition because I am in therapy (Major Depressive Disorder) and at the suggestion of my therapist I attended this workshop where someone mentioned suffering with it. There are so many crappy psychiatric disorders out there. Getting onto anti-depressants has helped me a lot.
I hope you stick around...I know you mentioned a desire to quit this scene, several months back. I believe it was before you had even purchased Assetto Corsa. Anyway, I was glad you hung in there then and I hope you ultimately decide to stay with us now. You've always been a pleasurable person to communicate with in these forums and we need more people like you!
I experienced this years ago when i quit smoking cannabis and had depression, just didn't enjoy doing the things i enjoyed nor did i have a desire to do them. My cure was to hit the gym, train and eat properly and give my body and brain the fuel it needed. May i suggest you look into L-Tyrosine and 5HTP ( Research them, especially if on other meds ), as well as essential fatty acids. I still struggle to make time for things i enjoy but thats due to my health situation I've had over the last 7 years really.
Ugh...I know what you mean. I just had my 8th anniversary with my transplanted liver. Sadly, I've developed additional health problems and struggle to some degree just about every single day. 👎