Well...I'm f'ed. Yesterday I tripped over some of the wires I have hanging off of my little TV tray where my wheel is mounted, along with an HDMI cable that runs from my laptop to my LCD TV. The wire that goes right into the back of my DFGT ripped out of the wheel, my $2500 laptop got pulled off this little padded office chair I have pulled up to the side of my recliner that I sit in when driving so I can have it close to me while in AC. Thank God it dropped onto a padded carpet. The headphone port on my laptop is completely broken now and my wheel is dead. I'm hoping that wire can be repaired - I mean, why not? Unfortunately, I'm completely useless with that kind of stuff.
The reason I'm most upset is because I know I'm going to miss the 1.8 release and I'll purchase the new DLC, but I won't be able to drive it. If my wheel is beyond repair (it was already on life support) I don't know WTF I'll do. I'm in a terrible financial situation right now and I stupidly just made a few other pricey purchases that can't be returned. I'm not going to waste money on buying a cheap used wheel. I'm going to want a new wheel and I feel so ghetto for not being able to spend money right now.
PRO TIP: Don't ever have a liver transplant, if you can avoid it. They're not cheap!