Ahh yes! I love Lake Louise. I have the full 50km map. That's a lot of fun to drive with street legal cars. I suppose it could be fun with race cars too, on certain sections, but I've never tired. You're correct about it being removed...from what I have heard, the creator of Lake Louise is getting away from gaming for the foreseeable future and he doesn't want to feel obligated to support it, so he took it down.
The creator also has a public personal blog online. Someone posted a link to it on RD. There were several entries about being in love with a girl who lives somewhere in the US while he in a Canadian citizen who lives quite a long way from the border. He was debating leaving his job, which sounded like he was making six-figures, to move closer to her but still staying in Canada. Eventually he did leave his job and was in the process of moving, however, I don't think it worked out with that girl -- I could be wrong. It was actually pretty depressing to read. I truly felt bad for him. And then the postings stopped. Hopefully he is doing alright...