Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
This is simply the human race... they hate everything except THEIR thing. Fanboy outrage everywhere.
This always baffles me. It's like, "Why the hell do you care what sim I play? Just worry about yourself..." I want the other sims to keep improving because that means the developers of the sim I play must keep working hard to stay relevant. So, in a way, AMS's successes, rFactor 2's successes and R3E successes are successes for the Assetto Corsa player.

I don't know how the other sims forums are handled, but I know the official AC forums allow us to discuss other sims in the Chit Chat forum - not to bash the products, but to discuss innovative things they're working on or have released. I respect that about the Kunos team. They're not jealous and afraid of competition. Heck, I remember Stefano blasting some dude for unjustly insulting Forza just a few months ago. These are the people who's meals get paid for by the success of their product and yet they don't behave like your typical fanboy...So, if they don't why would a simple player of their game act so childishly?
These are the people who's meals get paid for by the success of their product and yet they don't behave like your typical fanboy...So, if they don't why would a simple player of their game act so childishly?
This always baffles me. It's like, "Why the hell do you care what sim I play? Just worry about yourself..." I want the other sims to keep improving because that means the developers of the sim I play must keep working hard to stay relevant. So, in a way, AMS's successes, rFactor 2's successes and R3E successes are successes for the Assetto Corsa player.

I don't know how the other sims forums are handled, but I know the official AC forums allow us to discuss other sims in the Chit Chat forum - not to bash the products, but to discuss innovative things they're working on or have released. I respect that about the Kunos team. They're not jealous and afraid of competition. Heck, I remember Stefano blasting some dude for unjustly insulting Forza just a few months ago. These are the people who's meals get paid for by the success of their product and yet they don't behave like your typical fanboy...So, if they don't why would a simple player of their game act so childishly?

I didn't like this once I saw it. Gives console players a bad name. :/
The iRacing guys despise Assetto Corsa?
This is a bit of a generalization, but it seems like a lot of people who like one sim hate any other sim. And yes, a lot of iRacing and rF2 fans seem to especially hate AC.

The iRacing community were the ones that were getting so excited about it before it was even released. There was a 80 page thread that started in like 2012 or 2013. And many of us play Assetto quite often like myself. I'd say it's quite the opposite of despise.
The iRacing community were the ones that were getting so excited about it before it was even released. There was a 80 page thread that started in like 2012 or 2013. And many of us play Assetto quite often like myself. I'd say it's quite the opposite of despise.

Sure, I didn't say it was the majority. But there is certainly a lot of hate for AC out there, seems like there's whole legions of people who spend a lot of effort to find any flaw in AC and then spam forum threads repeatedly harping on those issues, and some even have tabloid websites dedicated to trashing it at any opportunity. In my brief time with iRacing and rF2 it also became apparent that some people who use those sims tend to look down on anyone who plays other sims, because majorly simulation value. Not all of them, not the majority of them, but they can be a rather vocal minority. Just check around the AC forum at RaceDepartment, it won't take long to find a thread that quickly devolved into mud slinging between haters, trolls, and fanboys.

Personally, I don't get it. I think the more people in this hobby the better, regardless of what title, platform, or equipment you play on.
Sure, I didn't say it was the majority. But there is certainly a lot of hate for AC out there, seems like there's whole legions of people who spend a lot of effort to find any flaw in AC and then spam forum threads repeatedly harping on those issues, and some even have tabloid websites dedicated to trashing it at any opportunity. In my brief time with iRacing and rF2 it also became apparent that some people who use those sims tend to look down on anyone who plays other sims, because majorly simulation value. Not all of them, not the majority of them, but they can be a rather vocal minority. Just check around the AC forum at RaceDepartment, it won't take long to find a thread that quickly devolved into mud slinging between haters, trolls, and fanboys.

Personally, I don't get it. I think the more people in this hobby the better, regardless of what title, platform, or equipment you play on.

Some people need to constantly reinforce themselves about the choices they make.
Ace Pumpkin is finally banned from the Official Forums? Let's count how many tears I'll shed over his departure... Hmmm.... Zero. I guess the answer is zero. :D

Don't get too excited, it's only a 1 week ban.
Sure, I didn't say it was the majority. But there is certainly a lot of hate for AC out there, seems like there's whole legions of people who spend a lot of effort to find any flaw in AC and then spam forum threads repeatedly harping on those issues, and some even have tabloid websites dedicated to trashing it at any opportunity. In my brief time with iRacing and rF2 it also became apparent that some people who use those sims tend to look down on anyone who plays other sims, because majorly simulation value. Not all of them, not the majority of them, but they can be a rather vocal minority. Just check around the AC forum at RaceDepartment, it won't take long to find a thread that quickly devolved into mud slinging between haters, trolls, and fanboys.

Personally, I don't get it. I think the more people in this hobby the better, regardless of what title, platform, or equipment you play on.
It's unbelievable how much hate there is for AC. Okay...I don't expect every person to like AC and we are all entitled to our own opinions, even if they're universally believed to be ridiculous. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, have as many negative opinions as you want. Getting back to the AC hate...I used to find it humorous when I first started playing AC. Now, I find some of it annoying, but for the most part I find it pathetic.

If there is a thread in an Assetto Corsa forum called "Let's compare the Porsche 911 Cup car from AC with the Porsche 911 Cup car from iRacing", someone espousing the iRacing version destroys the AC version in that thread would be considered odd - the person wouldn't necessarily be a hater. He's just stating his opinion. That is, unless he's never even driven the 911 Cup Car in AC. And the same applies in a vice-versa situation. The point of that thread is to compare the two and critique the two vehicles. However, if there is a thread titled "3 Drivers are tied in my Porsche 911 Cup Car league with only 2 races to go!" and someone feels the need to enter the thread solely to bash the car - that's pathetic, in my opinion. Especially when it's almost always the same people over and over. On Race Department I know of several people who have never said a positive thing about AC. They bash the sim/cars/tracks in multiple posts every single day. In most of those cases the person has never even played AC or they played it for one hour at a friend's house.

What compels a human being to hang out in the Assetto Corsa forum solely so he can bash the sim? Don't people usually spend their free time doing things they enjoy? There is that one ass clown, Associator, who lives to rip on AC and claim rFactor 2 has been give to us by God himself. He became even more pathetic to me when it was revealed that he only has like 14 hours played in rFactor 2 and hasn't even started the game in almost a year...or something like that. I know of many pathetic individuals who behave like this on every forum I visit. Why not spend your free time on a forum for the sim that you actually do enjoy?

Unabashed fanboys are equally pathetic. The game isn't your child. It's okay to admit in public that it has faults. The game won't stop loving you. :lol: If you do love AC and don't care for the other titles then stay in the AC forums. It works both ways. Don't go stirring up nonsense in the AMS or R3E forums.

Good to know, but does not change thing much for me, I do not see his post. :mischievous:
Smart man. I need to use the Ignore function more often than I currently do. Normally, I put up with it because I have thick skin and it's often fun to laugh at certain people for repeatedly showing their stupidity. There are even a few people who's posts I used to enjoy reading...and now they sit in my own personal jail cell called "Ignore Penitentiary". :(
What compels a human being to hang out in the Assetto Corsa forum solely so he can bash the sim? Don't people usually spend their free time doing things they enjoy?

Because trolling is life.

blimey troll.jpg

What compels a human being to hang out in the Assetto Corsa forum solely so he can bash the sim? Don't people usually spend their free time doing things they enjoy?
Looks like you answered your own question. Some people take pleasure in causing conflict and misery. Expect to hear more and more from these people.
Ace Pumpkin is finally banned from the Official Forums? Let's count how many tears I'll shed over his departure... Hmmm.... Zero. I guess the answer is zero. :D

I am guessing he wasn't liked so much. I remember he used to comment on my AC videos, then I made want talking about future plans and he commented something like: I like the reviews you do, but you're not that good a driver to know these things blah blah... I replied back saying... Yeah but I have a qualification in this so I know exactly what I am talking about... And as this is general discussion, I may need two people to help me out in AC with a video I am making. I need two drivers...
I am guessing he wasn't liked so much. I remember he used to comment on my AC videos, then I made want talking about future plans and he commented something like: I like the reviews you do, but you're not that good a driver to know these things blah blah... I replied back saying... Yeah but I have a qualification in this so I know exactly what I am talking about... And as this is general discussion, I may need two people to help me out in AC with a video I am making. I need two drivers...
Yup...Sounds like typical behavior from him. He's been a user that always stuck out to me in the forums. I'm sure it's because he's often saying stupid things and insulting other people for their opinions, or whatever.