Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Pretty big files, so let me know when you have them (lack of space on my Mega Drive)...

Btw: for people using track description, I posted an update including the new Dubai.
It has been sitting on my HD for so long, finally release was possible :D
Thanks man, I have downloaded them, migth be worth keeping up for a day or two for the guys that dont have it yet. Either way cheers.

The only problem with Velo's BR1
@MisterWaffles Asked for this one a while back and I liked the look of it so I thought why the hell not...I then discovered that half of the sponsors were impossible to find and the model did some weird things when I painted on it so I winged it a little bit :D. Anyway here's my take on the Swiss Team Maserati GT3. This is for the Assetto Garage Maserati GTS GT3 (which you can find on Assettoland if you haven't got the car)
Grab the skin here

I recently got the RS01 by ACM and, despite the real specs (550bhp @6000 rpm instead of the real 6800), the power.lut seems F'd up. can someone here have a crack at fixing it?

Also, i can't pack the data for the Guerilla/Rollovers Cayman GT4 (i did a drivetrain correction giving the 981 forward ratios whilst keeping the original reverse); it says "unable to pack data.acd, make sure there's enough space"
Love the update Zin5ki :cheers:
Is there an easy way with the the cars with the wing, to get the small spoilers like the rest? Thats what makes um look so sleek:tup:
These are going to go well with the VRC SCCA's, will have to see how equal they are.


What do i need to do to have the wind generators at zolder turn?I have tried turning wind speed up without results.Thanks

Those aren't animated right now.
I recently got the RS01 by ACM and, despite the real specs (550bhp @6000 rpm instead of the real 6800), the power.lut seems F'd up. can someone here have a crack at fixing it?

Also, i can't pack the data for the Guerilla/Rollovers Cayman GT4 (i did a drivetrain correction giving the 981 forward ratios whilst keeping the original reverse); it says "unable to pack data.acd, make sure there's enough space"

Its encrypted, i THINK you can just not re pack the data file, but don't quote me on that.
Oh boy, Race Department is being Spam/Virus hit heavily today.
Don't download any of that crap, the ones with the exe files. I haven't evaluated the content of any of those exe files yet but I'm guessing no good can come from it. They're uploading them minute after minute.
Oh boy, Race Department is being Spam/Virus hit heavily today.
Don't download any of that crap, the ones with the exe files. I haven't evaluated the content of any of those exe files yet but I'm guessing no good can come from it. They're uploading them minute after minute.

Love the description on his uploads
I mean seriously?? Open the exe and wait. After that you will.....become the fastest lapper in the Dallara challenge, lap the Nordeschleife in 4 minutes, win the lottery ;)

But yeah hopefully no one has downloaded any of those "mods" and been caught out with a dodgy virus but no harm in doing a quick scan if you have.
Stay safe people :cheers:

EDIT: And they're gone!!
Oh boy, Race Department is being Spam/Virus hit heavily today.
Don't download any of that crap, the ones with the exe files. I haven't evaluated the content of any of those exe files yet but I'm guessing no good can come from it. They're uploading them minute after minute.
yeah saw them too and based on the title etc I already thought it was 'phishing'. Tested them and indeed the executables were 'infected'. Therefor I also reported it
Love the update Zin5ki :cheers:
Is there an easy way with the the cars with the wing, to get the small spoilers like the rest? Thats what makes um look so sleek:tup:
These are going to go well with the VRC SCCA's, will have to see how equal they are.

Compare the files between different skins. Certain areas of the texture must be rendered transparent or opaque to hide or reveal the different wing variants, respectively.
Related to these two additional layouts mentioned here are the Norschleife and Endurance layouts in reverse: (~4MB)

Beware, it has no AI line yet, also missing: cameras, ai-hints, section names, time-attack and drs-zones, as i am too lazy for reversing them by hand.

Edit: updated link, one unwanted file removed in there
Edit2: Oh and you NEED that first download from the old post too! It contains the "no_wall" stuff
Edit3: i forgot to change "crew.ini" for Endu-reverse to have SIDE=1, but thats minor

View attachment 908242
Going to try and make some AI lines tonight if I can manage. Might take a few go rounds though. Kept trying to use these and it froze my Content Manager up before I remembered you said there were no AI lines.
That needs to be rectumfied. If I get something good enough, I'll share it up here.
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