Hi guys!
I discovered that some of my ppflters could not work as expected if the color grading doesn't exist in your system. So, I made a new package with these gradings and some minor adjustments in some filters, as follows:
To all the filters in this package:
- Filters are focused on vintage, but not limited to, of course
- Difference with or without patches may be subtle, but there is
- It is not for the taste of most, I know
- They must be saved in
- All color gradients must saved in
- Both paths are in the zip structure, so all you have to do is to extract the zip into
assettocorsa root folder (confirm when asked to replace files).
- Files were renamed starting with "alex_zuotoski" for a better organization in filters/photo mode Gui
- Filters names typos with "collor" corrected to "color"
Changelog for each filter:
- alex_zuotoski_b&w-vintage (v7):
* Added "3-strip Alt.png" color grading file
Before the patch:
After the patch:
- alex_zuotoski_b&w-old-newspaper.ini (v1):
* No changes
- alex_zuotoski_b&w-color-splash.ini (v4):
* Added "3-strip Alt.png" color grading file
Before the patch:
After the patch:
- alex_zuotoski_b&w-color-splash-2.ini (v6) ** NEW **:
* To be used in brighter images;
* Auto-exposure Tweaked;
* Removed Chromatic Aberration;
* Color tweaked to increase it a little bit more (more color);
* Diaphragm (darker);
* Ext_color_grading 0 strength;
* Ext_HDR adjusted to 0.13;
* Tonemapping tweaked for a yellowish look (close to Sepia);
* A little bit more vignet
alex_zuotoski_b&w-draw.ini (v4):
* Added "Dark Blue.png" color grading file
Before the patch:
After the patch:
- alex_zuotoski_b&w-draw-2.ini (v6) ** NEW **:
* Enhances the lines, making the image very minimalist like a sketch draw (known as thresholds effect);
* Auto-exposure Tweaked;
* Color tweaked to add more contrast and definition;
* Added strength 1 to external color grading;
* Raised the external auto exposure to define lines;
- alex_zuotoski_color-draw.ini (v5) ** NEW **:
* Similar to the b&w draw, but with a little bit of color.
* This filter is tricky, not every image, position and compostion will work or give you the best result - see examples below.
Not so good:
Better one:
- alex_zuotoski_color-draw-2.ini (v7) ** NEW **:
* Similar to the color-draw, with a littble bit of color tone.
* This filter is tricky, not every image, position and compostion will work or give you the best result or give you the best result - see examples below.
Not so good:
Better one:
The link to the package is attached.
Sorry for the long post.