Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Ahh, so happy to have the previous(better) ASR 1991 cars again. Give all the cars 120-130KG of ballast in CM, and they're perfect.

Not sure what to do for the cars that are planned to be coming (Footwork, Lotus, Modena, etc), I'll deal with that when they're released/out of beta.

Autódromo Internacional de Goiânia - Version 2.0

Original track: Automobilista - Reiza Studios
Original conversion: VheEth

- Remapping: road, grass, curbs, trees, fences, walls, buildings, track objects and sponsor boards.
- New sponsor boards, people, trees and new flags added
- Bestemmie
- New file extension for Grass FX and track lights (very basic)
- New AI Line by @LiquidSkyMan
- Various fix by @Foxeway
- Added the VAO file

- Update of textures and materials
- Performance optimization
- Update of extension file
- Update the VAO file

- New conversion from scratch
- Reworked trees
- Update of textures and materials
- Performance optimization
- Update of extension file
- Update the VAO file


Anyone ever had the crash while loading with the 'driver model is probably missing' warning, even though the diver referenced in the driver3d.ini is just a standard Kunos driver, and he works in other cars?
Is there another file where the driver is referenced that I need to check?
I started working on the ai for the free version this afternoon, and hope to have it done tomorrow. I've got the GT3's running fine I think, but trying to get some open wheel cars at 100% pace and aggression through the start of a race clean (I'm looking at you Formula Agile) is proving to be a little bit tricky with the curbs and walls. May need to funnel a few lines down....track is pretty good though.

That is good to hear Kevin. I will try improve the AI on the paid version. Doesn't need much.

When you do your AI, try not to think like a real person would drive the track for the fast lane, which is what the paid version did and most people try to do. Sure the AI will go around the tracks faster, but the AI will eventually get off of the fast lane route and hit the walls or spin out if you do the fast lane lines by making them come very close to the inside corners or walls. I try to keep the fast lane line somewhat more out on the track than close to the inside kerbs to give the AI some breathing room.

I feel we are designing the AI lines for the first few laps when they are bunched up, once they are spread out and going single file, there are no or minimum incidents cause they are now following the fast lane. Also AI hints may be needed at times.
anyone finding that new r8 by BK from ACC impossible to drive,handling feels terrible to me compared to the new nsx and other acc releases.
Are you driving it stock? It's been setup for Barcelona and needs tuning for other tracks - or so they say. I can't drive it either (controller user and that isn't suited for this car) as I don't mess with setups cause I don't know what i'm doing :lol:
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Are you driving it stock? It's been setup for Barcelona and needs tuning for other tracks - or so they say. I can't drive it either (controller user and that isn't suited or this car) as I don't mess with setups cause I don't know what i'm doing :lol:
tried a few things, just feels like on ice and no grip, really bad on a DD wheel base
anyone finding that new r8 by BK from ACC impossible to drive,handling feels terrible to me compared to the new nsx and other acc releases.

I've driven it at Nurburgring, and no issues. Very controllable, and feels like a proper GT3 car.

Did you "analyze" the car in CM and change or "correct" anything? I think this mod relies heavily upon CSP for it's physics. If you "correct" anything in CM with a car like this, it usually completely screws up the handling.

To fix it can be difficult. If I remember, you have to quit CM, completely manually remove the car's folder, launch CM, check to make sure the car is completely uninstalled, then close CM again, then reinstall the car from it's original download rar or zip. Then launch CM, check "analyze" again to make sure it's reporting the same errors it reported before you corrected them.
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Thanks @Paulo Ribeiro . I like exploring/changing things even when I paid for it. I got that free version that was posted here before the link was removed and tried a few laps. "I guess I got greedy and wanted the full scenery track".

Several of the Cars I have kunos and others seem to go around the track ok. It is the Kerbs that usually spin them out due to the side limit lines allowing them to go over some of the raised kerbs.

Have to see if that free version of the track I have does not those invisible meshes or walls as you mention. I know where it happens on the paid version. thanks again and take care.

Cheers mate. :cheers:
Thanks, but there's nothing in there that helped. Just lots of puzzled people, lol.
It's a weird one!
Yeah sorry I just know it was one of the things that i looked at when I had the issue. But on further reading it prolly didn't help me either. If I find the one that did help I'll send it your way
I've driven it at Nurburgring, and no issues. Very controllable, and feels like a proper GT3 car.

Did you "analyze" the car in CM and change or "correct" anything? I think this mod relies heavily upon SOL for it's physics. If you "correct" anything in CM with a car like this, it usually completely screws up the handling.

To fix it can be difficult. If I remember, you have to quit CM, completely manually remove the car's folder, launch CM, check to make sure the car is completely uninstalled, then close CM again, then reinstall the car from it's original download rar or zip. Then launch CM, check "analyze" again to make sure it's reporting the same errors it reported before you corrected them.
What?What SOL has to do with how car drives ?Also how can CM analyze scew up physics(you can only fix weight or UI stuff
)?Sorry but this post make no sense at all....or I am crazy lol If mod is bad or good no csp,sol or cm will change that.Also when you delete car folder its deleted no need to check in CM...whats to check if folder is gone...
2all: Do you press fix on mods when analyize found errors?Thanks
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Here are the 1991 ASR cars as of May (along with some 3rd party skins).

Note: this only includes the car folders, not the font and driver folders:

Is there a significant difference in terms of physics between the May versions and the latest?

I'm wondering because it seemed to me that the physics were already boring since the beginning of 2020. I've seen some people complain about it here and in some others forums much earlier than May.

And I must admit that the 91' cars are a bit disappointing in the physics area compared to the older versions, the tires especially.

Last resort, copying the VRC Jordan 191 physics over the ASR ones.
Far from ideal I agree, but at least the cars will feel more alive ;)
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@Masscot What version of CSP you running? I just read something about rolling back or reinstalling your current CSP and it fixed the driver missing thing. Worth a try but back up any INI files you've edited first (which you prolly already know)
What?What SOL has to do with how car drives ?Also how can CM analyze scew up physics(you can only fix weight or UI stuff
)?Sorry but this post make no sense at all....or I am crazy lol If mod is bad or good no csp,sol or cm will change that.Also when you delete car folder its deleted no need to check in CM...whats to check if folder is gone...
2all: Do you press fix on mods when analyize found errors?Thanks

[EDIT] These mods rely on CSP, not SOL.

Watch this video about the IER mod that uses CSP to extend it's physics model. For this mod, you DO NOT fix any of it's issues reported by Content Manager. If you do, the car won't stay on the track.

If you fix anything with CM, it backs up the original data files, and makes a new edited version. Unless you get rid of that, by checking that the folder and new "fixed" data is completely removed, it will continue to affect the mod.

Note that there's a more extensive video about this posted below.

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Watch this video about the IER mod that uses SOL to extend it's physics model. For this mod, you DO NOT fix any of it's issues reported by Content Manager. If you do, the car won't stay on the track.

I believe it’s the video after this one? This is just the showcase. Chris has another, 30 minute or so talk with the creator about the physics.
Guys, in the "brands" page of CM, its possible to create subfolders? i have many f1 seasons, and it get a bit messed with all that seasons among the car brands. I just want a "F1" brand there, and the seasons as subfolders. Anyone here did that?
I believe it’s the video after this one? This is just the showcase. Chris has another, 30 minute or so talk with the creator about the physics.

I'm not seeing that video on his channel. I can see his other "talks," but I can't identify one about the IER creator.

Post it if you know where it is. I'd like to see it. [EDIT] Found it, posted below.
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I don't think Sol has anything to do with those cars. Extended physics are a Csp feature. Sol is a weather mod so not related to that. Anyway the data of that r8 is encrypted so if you mess with it it will broke but that should really cause the game to crash, not the car to drive worse. And imo it's really well made and totally manageable.
Don't press fix if cm finds any issue, make a clean install of the car (delete it and reinstall the latest version with hot fixes) or drive it a couple of times and the error should disappear

Yes, you're correct, it relies on CSP, not SOL. I had a strange DirectX issue to deal with this morning, so brain was a little scrambled I guess.

I did find Chris Haye's longer video.

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Is there a significant difference in terms of physics between the May versions and the latest?

I'm wondering because it seemed to me that the physics were already boring since the beginning of 2020. I've seen some people complain about it here and in some others forums much earlier than May.

And I must admit that the 91' cars are a bit disappointing in the physics area compared to the older versions, the tires especially.

Last resort, copying the VRC Jordan 191 physics over the ASR ones.
Far from ideal I agree, but at least the cars will feel more alive ;)
Hi my old friend ! :)
It’s always a pleasure to share some thoughts with you.;)

From my point of view and as a "beta owner", It began really bad in physics with the first beta version of the Brabham Yamaha BT60Y but I’m far from my rig so I can’t verify when the first beta version of this car was released.

The car was so wrongly efficient instead of the other "top car" yet released as free from this period.
I was in hard tyres, without any modification in the setup on one of my "shakedown tracks" (Vanilla Brands-Hatch) and I thought "This car worked very badly in real world, ASR ****ed up with this first beta, I will wait for some modifications because It feels insane, the car is currently a rocket !"... after and from my memory, all the cars previously released were modified in this way of rotten physics... SADLY !!!

Cheers ! :cheers:

My bad, the physics went terrible with the first beta of the Minardi M191 released in 2019 November !
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I made a while back an guide for it:
Ok, just create a new skin with CM and press "override textures", then select
the textures you want to override and voila ...
press "skins"

if you don´t have a skin yet you get this:
View attachment 939655
there you go:

but you need also something to edit *.dds files as most textures for AC are this
format. I use Gimp with dds plugin. Don´t forget to compress them at the end,
for less filesize ...
CM extract them for you and put them in the new created skin folder named as
you want, easy peasy ....
there you select the ones you wanna override

One problem still left, most of the times dds textures are squared or have a
hard aspect ratio for the directx compression. So you need to under- or
overstretch the image you want to override.

I put this all together in one pdf you can download.

How the hell had i missed this!
Oh my days...... absolutely insane.

Thank you so much for explaining it in such simple terms, this is going to be yet another fun little side 'game'....
If you can convert TDU models successfully then you'd be a hero, so many cars in that game that would be good to have in AC. I'd happily offer to do the shader/physics work once converted. I've become relatively fast at applying standard Kunos shaders to the exterior of different models, I'm currently burning through my car list at quite a rate, getting everything looking nice and shiny (when I can't be bothered to plug in the wheel to do AI lines). It's surprising just what a difference it can make without even opening Blender.

Some examples when finished, all from readily available mods of very varying graphical quality:

is there a link to any of these cars?
As promised, here is AKR's Newcastle 2019, also threw in the free version of The Bend Motorsport Park too, as it seems that not everyone has that track either. Made small changes to both (mainly just added geotags and changed the track preview image)


AI for Newcastle (akr_newcastle 2019) plus VAO:

Thanks for the track RenaultDJRTP. Maybe it doesn't look as good as the paid mod, but the track is fun to drive. The ai is kind of mess though, so I tried to improve them.

Couple notes:

-VAO file included is not named correctly, so I made another to make it work. Possibly renaming original file will work (?).
-Preview outline cropped is not correct track. I deleted it in the UI and the game made the correct one on next startup.
-Pit spots are stacked on top of each other. Cars ghost through and sit on top of each other, kind of annoying. Not sure if someone can fix that.
-Slow race starts. Just like Everland, it's probably because starting positions are too close to each other. Again, hopefully someone else can fix that.

Hope you guys like it, let me know if you find issues.


edit: also hotlap start is non existent...
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Guys, in the "brands" page of CM, its possible to create subfolders? i have many f1 seasons, and it get a bit messed with all that seasons among the car brands. I just want a "F1" brand there, and the seasons as subfolders. Anyone here did that?
I simply edited the cars ui_car.json for (brand), add my own icon badge.
does not cause mismatches. I did this with all of my F1/VRC/ASR into 70s,80s,90s,1991, 2000, 2010, etc.
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