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AI for Newcastle (akr_newcastle 2019) plus VAO:

Thanks for the track RenaultDJRTP. Maybe it doesn't look as good as the paid mod, but the track is fun to drive. The ai is kind of mess though, so I tried to improve them.

Couple notes:

-VAO file included is not named correctly, so I made another to make it work. Possibly renaming original file will work (?).
-Preview outline cropped is not correct track. I deleted it in the UI and the game made the correct one on next startup.
-Pit spots are stacked on top of each other. Cars ghost through and sit on top of each other, kind of annoying. Not sure if someone can fix that.
-Slow race starts. Just like Everland, it's probably because starting positions are too close to each other. Again, hopefully someone else can fix that.

Hope you guys like it, let me know if you find issues.


Cool, Thanks allot Kevin. I will give your update a try later today. I did some laps on the track this morning and the Side lines for AI "without your fix" were off the track, so the AI were into the walls allot. Good thing though there are no invisible meshes or walls driving the track.

I will touch up the AI just a little bit for the paid track. Not all cars like the raised kerbs.
If you can convert TDU models successfully then you'd be a hero, so many cars in that game that would be good to have in AC. I'd happily offer to do the shader/physics work once converted. I've become relatively fast at applying standard Kunos shaders to the exterior of different models, I'm currently burning through my car list at quite a rate, getting everything looking nice and shiny (when I can't be bothered to plug in the wheel to do AI lines). It's surprising just what a difference it can make without even opening Blender.

Some examples when finished, all from readily available mods of very varying graphical quality:

where can i download those?
peterboese Today To 15:08
Sol 1.6.1 + Sol 1.5.5 RC1
please use the uninstall.bat to remove Sol completely. The content weather folder names were changed! 1.5.5 - 1.6.1 RC1.7z?dl=0

- core: added variable __Sol__version, useable also in custom configs.
# if __Sol__version and __Sol__version >= 1.6 then
# --do stuff for Sol versions 1.6 and higher
# else
# --do stuff for versions before Sol 1.6
# end
- files: removed capitals from weather folder names to prevent troubles with online server

- ppfilter/custom configs: __Sol_Extra, different sky preset for Sol 1.5 and 1.6

- updated weatherFX manifests
Hi my old friend ! :)
It’s always a pleasure to share some thoughts with you.;)

From my point of view and as a "beta owner", It began really bad in physics with the first beta version of the Brabham Yamaha BT60Y but I’m far from my rig so I can’t verify when the first beta version of this car was released.

The car was so wrongly efficient instead of the other "top car" yet released as free from this period.
I was in hard tyres, without any modification in the setup on one of my "shakedown tracks" (Vanilla Brands-Hatch) and I thought "This car worked very badly in real world, ASR ****ed up with this first beta, I will wait for some modifications because It feels insane, the car is currently a rocket !"... after and from my memory, all the cars previously released were modified in this way of rotten physics... SADLY !!!

Cheers ! :cheers:

My bad, the physics went terrible with the first beta of the Minardi M191 released in 2019 November !
I accidentally found an old version of the Williams fw14. car. You can compare, because this is one of the first versions.
I simply edited the cars ui_car.json for (brand), add my own icon badge.
does not cause mismatches. I did this with all of my F1/VRC/ASR into 70s,80s,90s,1991, 2000, 2010, etc.
Yeah, i think i'll edit it too. But add subfolders there would be a nice feature for CM. We could put divisions, like lexus in toyota, to keep that page more clean, with so many mods coming every day.
We needed some extra ventilation and also, just in case it got seriously hot :)

View attachment 939734 View attachment 939735

So the newest model has vents? Maybe it's an option? I thought they redesigned the ducting under the car so they aren't necessary.

Personally, I like the vents, especially when you can see them on the fenders in VR.

I'm looking forward to the next update! I'm about to take v1.5 around High Plains Raceway from @gutbomb (now that I've learned the track with the MX5).
So the newest model has vents? Maybe it's an option? I thought they redesigned the ducting under the car so they aren't necessary.

Personally, I like the vents, especially when you can see them on the fenders in VR.

I'm looking forward to the next update! I'm about to take v1.5 around High Plains Raceway from @gutbomb (now that I've learned the track with the MX5).

They took them off, and then put them back on again (SR3 XX) So we have put them back on, although not full SR3 XX, as I hate the steering wheel dash, it's practically an SR3 XX.

Best of both worlds I think, and I agree, I love the vents as well
guys, thanks for help with the brazilian stock cars. Great two packs of cars.

Question re tracks tho. Are there any resources that would increase number of pit boxes at Santa Cruz and Velo Citta to at least 22?

Also, question regarding Content Manager - what does Scheduled Rounds mean and how does it work (custom champs)?
High Plains Raceway, some early laps, rough cut video.

Great job @gutbomb! It needs some good replay cameras.

Original post with link:

oh hey, I never tested lower levels of grassfx and it looks pretty bare. I have mine set to maximum and the grass is a lot thicker. Maybe try that! I also have the setting to have the grass cast shadows turned on too, and it looks pretty nice.

I didn’t notice any performance hit when I changed either setting and I use VR too so it might improve the way it looks a bit.

Edit: I just checked it out at different settings. It looks the way I intended at both high and very high, any lower than that and it looks pretty bad. Shadows setting didn't seem to do much.
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guys, thanks for help with the brazilian stock cars. Great two packs of cars.

Question re tracks tho. Are there any resources that would increase number of pit boxes at Santa Cruz and Velo Citta to at least 22?

Also, question regarding Content Manager - what does Scheduled Rounds mean and how does it work (custom champs)?
Since i was reuploading this for somebody else today and if you are still looking for brasilian cars, here are updated stock car brasil 2019 and copa clio Brasil 2006 if you want them. Changes to original ERL mods in this post (

For extended pitboxes check this post and links inside this post. Sadly, some tracks have been updated since and we now have newer versions of tracks but they don't have enough pitboxes. Hope @Foxeway comes back from where ever he disappeared to :), to update the never ones:
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And for the lovers of the Brazilian stock cars: Zombieboy (from F1 Classic forum) passed me the link for a car he has been doing some work on (replaced the sfx, made it a single-make series - as Stock Car Brasil was in 2017.
I have not tried it yet in its present state, but he says everybody is free to make other improvements...
View attachment 939528

Zombieboy is still trying to improve the car. Here a new link:

""""""""""""""""""""" ... r.rar/file

- Changed SFX to V8 engine sound.
- Changed UI to make a single-make series (true to Stock Car Brasil 2017).
- Changed badge and logo accordingly.
- Changed physics. Added weight, brake power and grip. Not realistic, but the car is more fun to drive now.
- Fixed cameras.
- Fixed tyres.
- Fixed brake glow.
- Tyre fix.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated so that improvements can be made.

I tried it, it felt better than before. I thinnk it's cured from Covid atm... :)
Zombieboy is still trying to improve the car. Here a new link:

""""""""""""""""""""" ... r.rar/file

- Changed SFX to V8 engine sound.
- Changed UI to make a single-make series (true to Stock Car Brasil 2017).
- Changed badge and logo accordingly.
- Changed physics. Added weight, brake power and grip. Not realistic, but the car is more fun to drive now.
- Fixed cameras.
- Fixed tyres.
- Fixed brake glow.
- Tyre fix.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated so that improvements can be made.

I tried it, it felt better than before. I thinnk it's cured from Covid atm... :)
I tested it and yes no grip was the problem, but other than that, it was pretty solid. Maybe didn't like how you could throw the car into a corner off throttle, almost openwheeler like, think these cars are to heavy to be this agile. Now let's try the edited one. :)
So, you have paid 15 bucks for a track, that you are modifying and sorting and fixing issues, in order to race without flaws.
Thats ok. :eek:

If you want to try the free version (without the invisible small walls), just shout. Some of us have it and we be glad to provide
a personel link. :)

Sorry, could not resist. ;)


Thanks @Paulo Ribeiro . I like exploring/changing things even when I paid for it. I got that free version that was posted here before the link was removed and tried a few laps. "I guess I got greedy and wanted the full scenery track".

Several of the Cars I have kunos and others seem to go around the track ok. It is the Kerbs that usually spin them out due to the side limit lines allowing them to go over some of the raised kerbs.

Have to see if that free version of the track I have does not those invisible meshes or walls as you mention. I know where it happens on the paid version. thanks again and take care.

Lol, man. I bought all of gilles tracks, just bought them all at the same time. Did the same with that grbrally joint.
Instead of racing on any of these tracks really, I've been fixing the salvageable and deleting the ones that are just so shyte, not worth it.
I don't mind spending the money on mods though. I've bought so much over the last few months, hundreds of dollars. Most of the purchases are well worth it, and I've been really pleased with the quality, ie, VRC, ASR, RSS, URD, Tyrone's Patreon tracks, and the last one I bought was the latest Tochigi track from URD.

When I buy batches of tracks from authors of questionable quality/skill, I'm pretty sure that I'm buying a load of 'fixer uppers'. So I'm not surprised when each track ends up being an easter egg hunt of 'everything wrong with this track' and 'OCD triggers in each track'.

I just rambled. I just woke up after 20hours of sleep and I'm not even sure what I'm saying. Hope I made some sense just now. Going to get some coffee and read the rest of the 100 messages that happened while I was asleep. :P

Anyone ever had the crash while loading with the 'driver model is probably missing' warning, even though the diver referenced in the driver3d.ini is just a standard Kunos driver, and he works in other cars?
Is there another file where the driver is referenced that I need to check?

@Masscot which car is doing this for you?
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Lol, man. I bought all of gilles tracks, just bought them all at the same time. Did the same with that grbrally joint.
Instead of racing on any of these tracks really, I've been fixing the salvageable and deleting the ones that are just so shyte, not worth it.
I don't mind spending the money on mods though. I've bought so much over the last few months, hundreds of dollars. Most of the purchases are well worth it, and I've been really pleased with the quality, ie, VRC, ASR, RSS, URD, Tyrone's Patreon tracks, and the last one I bought was the latest Tochigi track from URD.

When I buy batches of tracks from authors of questionable quality/skill, I'm pretty sure that I'm buying a load of 'fixer uppers'. So I'm not surprised when each track ends up being an easter egg hunt of 'everything wrong with this track' and 'OCD triggers in each track'.

I just rambled. I just woke up after 20hours of sleep and I'm not even sure what I'm saying. Hope I made some sense just now. Going to get some coffee and read the rest of the 100 messages that happened while I was asleep. :P

Masscot, I'm not sure if this helps, and you've probably already downloaded it, but Legion has a

@Masscot which car is doing this for you?
From the Gilles tracks there are 3 tracks that I left in my collection. Morgan Park Australia is miles ahead of all his tracks in matter of quality. Don't know what happened there, but trees and boards textures are some of the best I've seen in AC. This one is a keeper for sure and worth the price he's asking IMO. I also like his Jarama. Not that it is perfect, but it is decent and best we have of this track in AC. Which is a shame as this track has one of best layouts out there. The third one is Hethel Lotus test track. Now this one is interesting. It looks quite OK as far as textures go, and it's a very fun layout, but I've seen footage from real life track (Was never actually there) and it doesn't look anything like his version of the track. It actually looks quite bad irl compared to his version of what ever track he made. It also has a very different layout. So that is strange. But nonetheless, this one, and Jarama as well, could be quite decent tracks with a little makeup.
Exactly my findings and what I told him... you can almost steer the car only using throttle...
OK. Ran a few races with the updated car. Again, it's not bad, but this does not feel like a stock car. It's like a touring car. You can smash the throttle as hard as you want and abuse it anyway you want and the back never steps out, it's still very agile and all together a very easy car to drive. And from what I know of stock cars (from AC and other sims, never actually driven one), these should be some of the hardest car to drive. They are beasts, that you have to fight with in every corner, and that what makes them different and unique and fun to drive.
From the Gilles tracks there are 3 tracks that I left in my collection. Morgan Park Australia is miles ahead of all his tracks in matter of quality. Don't know what happened there, but trees and boards textures are some of the best I've seen in AC. This one is a keeper for sure and worth the price he's asking IMO. I also like his Jarama. Not that it is perfect, but it is decent and best we have of this track in AC. Which is a shame as this track has one of best layouts out there. The third one is Hethel Lotus test track. Now this one is interesting. It looks quite OK as far as textures go, and it's a very fun layout, but I've seen footage from real life track (Was never actually there) and it doesn't look anything like his version of the track. It actually looks quite bad irl compared to his version of what ever track he made. It also has a very different layout. So that is strange. But nonetheless, this one, and Jarama as well, could be quite decent tracks with a little makeup.

I just checked and I did in fact mark Morgan Park and his Jarama as 'looks.4' or 5 which is a good rating from me personally. Basically a tag/note to myself not to outright delete it before checking functionality (pits, etc.).

The Hethel track, the only thing I did to allow me to keep it in my rotation is fix the bad surrounding mountains. I'll PM you that one if you're interested.
Gilles' tracks are hit and miss, mostly miss... :D
But I kept more than a few, mostly because @slider666 has put a lot of work in it.

I kept:

Union (Auto Union Ring heavily reworked),
Rivera (Autodromo de..),
Chimay (mostly because it's a Belgian street track, though it's pretty heavy on my system),
Saintonge (Circuit de...),
Gedinne (another Belgian street circuit),
Gotland Ring,
Hethel Lotus,
Penuelas (Autodromo de) pretty heavily reworked,
Beez (Carrières de...) another (Belgian) street track, reworked,
Lienz (very heavy reworked),
Cmb (circuit Maison Blanche reworked),
Lydden Hill,
Old Ring Park,
Riberao Preta (reworked),
Shanghai Pudong,
The Bend (reworked),

So that must be about 20% of his tracks that I kept installed (maybe I missed a couple).
One out of five is not too bad though.
Without Sliders work the count would have been much lower...:)
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