Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi guys good morning
just wanted to know if it s just me or is there is a way to get rid of the crystal look at AC1 to make it looks a bit like AC Competizione
I think ACC Has better graphics only the rain effect which no game can beat AC1 Rain
Screenshot (130).png

Screenshot (131).png
What do you mean exactly? Some specific car of a pack? There are plenty of great Group C / IMSA GTP cars that are free mods and posted in this thread. You can use search function to look for them.
I mean if the forum had the Group C in download
Yes, that would be a problem unless they give the template like I think Guerrilla does. I'm not sure how Guerrilla managed that but people are able to make skins for the GT4 cars

We can view the cars in showroom and that's a big plus. Frankly if esprit or the Diablo modder would just let us update the previews / view car in showroom / make skins I wouldn't care that much about encrypted stuff. That's my biggest gripe.
We have a pretty robust way of setting tracks up now that cater for CSP and vanilla users with no file swapping required (which most users probably don't even realise is required, even if it's mentioned in ReadMe notes etc) so maybe, hopefully, the track will be updated at some point. I bet there are many users of this track who are effectively using it 'wrong' because these days people expect stuff just to work straight out of the box, and reading is hard.

To be fair to some, there is nothing wrong with expecting a mod to "just work" as many mods do indeed "just work".
In fact id say the majority of the mods i use do indeed just work and require very little user interaction.

Some mods actually require users to make such specific changes, and install specific version of specific files etc that they "can" actually break other tracks/mods etc. due to the specific requirements they force on the user to work.

This can be caused by a myriad of things such as inept modder who was unable to implement a fully functioning inbuilt workaround, lazy modders, or because a workaround simply doesn't exist. Some users may forgo these changes and run the mod slightly broken, and then forget a year later than this mod had such requirements when they re visit it.

Users also beta test and install so many mods, they cant be expected to remember every single word, bug, fix and workaround from every single readme file contained in every single mod/beta, every single time year they have installed a mod, that's incredibly unreasonable of you. You worked on this mod, so you remember the issue very well, not everyone had the same involvement on such activities.

A simple example of this is that you yourself have posted questions about how to find the location of settings in CSP, FFB Settings, file locations for your wheel etc etc. Did you not read the instructions before using it? :) (you see the point).
In fact just the other day you tested Zandervoot and reported that the first layout crashed for you, when it was clearly written in the post from RealCeeBee that it was known to be broken, is reading hard ;) (again i'm just pointing out that you shouldn't just tarnish all users the way you do, just because you happen to know the issue well as you worked on it) ;)

Users should not be lambasted because they politely report an issue with a mod from a while back, its completely unreasonable to expect users to remember every single mod setting, workaround, requirement, every single tweak, revision and modification that every single modder has asked them to make.

If a users then posts an issue regarding something, that comes from a good place, i think your "blame" to pop all that on the user is a tad misaligned, unwarranted and comes across a little bit elitist.
Has it been updated? Last time i drove this mod, it had been modded to be unrealistically slippy and had little to no grip against other GT3 cars?
yes this car is absolutely horrible even if I m a big fan of porsche in this game this car has a lot of bumping and 0 Grip you touch a kurb and you re done!!!!:crazy:
To be fair to some, there is nothing wrong with expecting a mod to "just work" as many mods do indeed "just work".
In fact id say the majority of the mods i use do indeed just work and require very little user interaction.

Some mods actually require users to make such specific changes, and install specific version of specific files etc that they "can" actually break other tracks/mods etc. due to the specific requirements they force on the user to work.

This can be caused by a myriad of things such as inept modder who was unable to implement a fully functioning inbuilt workaround, lazy modders, or because a workaround simply doesn't exist. Some users may forgo these changes and run the mod slightly broken, and then forget a year later than this mod had such requirements when they re visit it.

Users also beta test and install so many mods, they cant be expected to remember every single word, bug, fix and workaround from every single readme file contained in every single mod/beta, every single time year they have installed a mod, that's incredibly unreasonable of you. You worked on this mod, so you remember the issue very well, not everyone had the same involvement on such activities.

A simple example of this is that you yourself have posted questions about how to find the location of settings in CSP, FFB Settings, file locations for your wheel etc etc. Did you not read the instructions before using it? :) (you see the point).
In fact just the other day you tested Zandervoot and reported that the first layout crashed for you, when it was clearly written in the post from RealCeeBee that it was known to be broken, is reading hard ;) (again i'm just pointing out that you shouldn't just tarnish all users the way you do, just because you happen to know the issue well as you worked on it) ;)

Users should not be lambasted because they politely report an issue with a mod from a while back, its completely unreasonable to expect users to remember every single mod setting, workaround, requirement, every single tweak, revision and modification that every single modder has asked them to make.

If a users then posts an issue regarding something, that comes from a good place, i think your "blame" to pop all that on the user is a tad misaligned, unwarranted and comes across a little bit elitist.
Wow. You have managed to completely miss the point I was making, flipped this on its head and aimed a sarcastic attack at me in the process.
If you re-read what I wrote (which was also preceded by me saying that I still get the borked helicopters at Le Mans because I haven't even followed instructions that I'm fully aware of on a track that I actually had some input on) you'll hopefully grasp that I was saying there is already an established way to get the track working for vanilla and CSP users without having to read instructions and swap files, and that hopefully the track will be updated to accommodate this. I hate having to mess about with files unnecessarily to get a mod to work just because I use CSP and the mod has to cater for vanilla users too.
I don't need a potted history of how, where and when I've asked for help in the past and have this used as some sort of proof of alleged hypocricy and 'elitism', and I certainly don't appreciate being painted with the broad brush you used above.
You actually endorsed my original viewpoint above. The problem is you completely misunderstood it in the first place.
yes this car is absolutely horrible even if I m a big fan of porsche in this game this car has a lot of bumping and 0 Grip you touch a kurb and you re done!!!!:crazy:
There seems to be a lot of modders going this way lately? Chivas /Crash etc are making mods unrealistically hard to drive and removing mechanical grip etc? Why?

Is this because those hard core testers/ hardcore sim racers see it as hard to drive + real and as they have mastered them in such a state, it gives them an advantage?

Because even if you take this car and the Kunos/URD versions etc from previous years they have more grip etc than this one? So unless Porsche went backwards and removed all grip from their car, or Kunos and URD got it wrong and Crash knows something they dont know?

Its a bizarre trend we are beginning to see?

Add that to the already attractive, encryption of mods they stole from other games, pay walled mods, mods hidden in secret FB groups / discord groups etc. or hidden in region specific websites... I have no idea whats going on anymore what a weird place modding has become. I used to create mods for unreal many moons ago, and it forsure has changed a lot since then, people loved sharing content, getting it out, trying others contnet... now its pay me, like and subscribe and then i might give you access to a secret FB group that is for a specific region only... then i will give you access to amod i ripped from forza XD
Hi guys good morning
just wanted to know if it s just me or is there is a way to get rid of the crystal look at AC1 to make it looks a bit like AC Competizione
I think ACC Has better graphics only the rain effect which no game can beat AC1 Rain
View attachment 963184
View attachment 963186

See in the top one, better grass, more realistic colour palate. Its really insane how good AC can look.

AMS2, PCars franchise, ACC seem to have a really overly vibrant look and the trees leaves always look too big and the grass is rubbish.
Wow. You have managed to completely miss the point I was making, flipped this on its head and aimed a sarcastic attack at me in the process.
If you re-read what I wrote (which was also preceded by me saying that I still get the borked helicopters at Le Mans because I haven't even followed instructions that I'm fully aware of on a track that I actually had some input on) you'll hopefully grasp that I was saying there is already an established way to get the track working for vanilla and CSP users without having to read instructions and swap files, and that hopefully the track will be updated to accommodate this. I hate having to mess about with files unnecessarily to get a mod to work just because I use CSP and the mod has to cater for vanilla users too.
I don't need a potted history of how, where and when I've asked for help in the past and have this used as some sort of proof of alleged hypocricy and 'elitism', and I certainly don't appreciate being painted with the broad brush you used above.
You actually endorsed my original viewpoint above. The problem is you completely misunderstood it in the first place.

So instead of just saying that there was some miscommunication, and that your message could have scope for misinterpretation, you decided to paint me with the brush again and have another go assuming i am having a go :) ... eh... you do see that you are now doing exactly what you condemn me for apparently doing?

When in fact, i clearly wrote that i was kidding (and added winks to reinstate i was not having a go) but was just pointing out that there are lots of moving parts. I was not having a go!
I think you misinterpreted my message as an attack, when in fact it was just a polite conversation delivered with a smile.

You could have just said, i actually agree with you Ian, however my message was more jovial and i was making a joke, that was perhaps not clearly visible in the text i wrote. then i would have replied if it was not clear, this was not an attack on "you".

Nope.. you do exactly what you condemn me for apparently doing (which i didn't) and then double down and play victim...

Come on :)... Read my message again but as a brother or a "mate down the pub" or as a loved one (not in an aggressive manner) it was not having a go, read it.
I was saying we need a standard at some point as we are all guilty of not reading the manual and a standard moving forward is good.

The point about the track was a joke, it was funny, i was not saying that you were a bad man for posting about the bug, it was exactly a great example that we are all in the same place and a standard would be good for full releases at some point and its good that we look for a standard for future releases :)
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So instead of just saying that there was some miscommunication, and that your message could have scope for misinterpretation, you decided to paint me with the brush again and have another go assuming i am having a go :) ... eh... you do see that you are now doing exactly what you condemn me for apparently doing

When in fact, i clearly wrote that i was kidding (and added winks to reinstate i was not having a go) but was just point out that there are lots of moving parts. I was not having a go!

You could have just said, i actually agree with you Ian, however my message was more jovial and was i making a joke that was perhaps not clearly visible in the text i wrote.

Nope.. you do exactly what you condemn me for apparently doing (which i didn't) and then double down and play victim...

Come on :)Read my message again but as a mate down the pub, not in an aggressive manner, it was not having a go, read it, i was saying we need a standard at somepoint and we are all guilty of not reading the manual.
Sorry, but that's bollocks. Adding winks to thinly-veiled attacks is just making your intention clear but with a handy get-out clause.
Where is the jokey joviality in the statement below?

If a users then posts an issue regarding something, that comes from a good place, i think your "blame" to pop all that on the user is a tad misaligned, unwarranted and comes across a little bit elitist.

I think my reply was pretty restrained. Can't you just admit that you got things completely arse-about-face?
Sorry, but that's bollocks. Adding winks to thinly-veiled attacks is just making your intention clear but with a handy get-out clause.
Where is the jokey joviality in the statement below?

I think my reply was pretty restrained. Can't you just admit that you got things completely arse-about-face?

Ok i understand...

You can say:
I bet there are many users of this track who are effectively using it 'wrong' because these days people expect stuff just to work straight out of the box, and reading is hard.

Then when a conversation is rasied regarding this, you can "CLAIM" this is as a joke, and that it was not aimed at anyone (with no /s or /jk or smiley faces etc) especially not the person who "JUST" posted that exact issue you were referring to?

But if i post something (with /jk and smiley) it can "ONLY" be interpreted the way "YOU" dictate and decide upon, and can absolutely "NOT" be interpreted in the way in which i intended it to be, even though that's what you did/do with the exact statement you made before?

Ahh ok!
A rule for thee and a rule for me! I get it!
You now come across as an unreasonable, angry, hypocrite!

You will dictate to me how your words are intended, and how i should interpret them.
You will also dictate to me how my words are intended, and how they will be interpreted.

I of course will have "NO" say in this matter.
Got it! o7
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Ok i understand...

You can say:

Then when called out on it you can "claim" this is as a joke, and it was not aimed at anyone (with no /s or /jk or smiley faces etc) especially the person who "just" posted that exact issue you were referring to?

But if i post something, with /jk and smiley it can "ONLY" be interpreted the way "YOU" dictate it can be and not the way in which i intended it to be, even though thats what you did/do with you statement before?

Ahh ok!

You now come across as an unreasonable angry hypocrite!
Thanks agin for the further insults. Much appreciated.
I never claimed that the part you quoted above was a joke - you have conjoured this up from somewhere to suit your own narrative. In fact I was totally serious when I said it because my position is that users shouldn't have to manipulate files or read instructions to get a mod to work, especially when a protocol exists and has been used in a similar way on previous releases by the same modder. I even had this very discussion with the modder last week on our private development forum where I voiced my concerns that the majority of people will not even look at the file structure and won't realise they are meant to swap files or even read instructions in the first place.
I don't know why that is so hard to understand, I've tried explaining it a few times now.
yes this car is an absolutely horrible even if I m a big fan of porsche in this game this car has a lot of bumping and 0 Grip you touch a curb and you re done!!!!:crazy:
See in the top one, better grass, more realistic colour palate. Its really insane how good AC can look.

AMS2, PCars franchise, ACC seem to have a really overly vibrant look and the trees leaves always look too big and the grass is rubbish.
100% wrong...I m using more colors on ACC using NVIDIA Filter + ACC Has the best 3D Trees of all sim games *AC1 Has rubbish trees* + grass on ACC Is realistic rather than AC1 Grass which is a bit kind of a stadium grass!!!! + Weather on AC1 Is a lot more better than ACC I assume that...
anyway it s a matter of taste
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There seems to be a lot of modders going this way lately? Chivas /Crash etc are making mods unrealistically hard to drive and removing mechanical grip etc? Why?

Is this because those hard core testers/ hardcore sim racers see it as hard to drive + real and as they have mastered them in such a state, it gives them an advantage?

Because even if you take this car and the Kunos/URD versions etc from previous years they have more grip etc than this one? So unless Porsche went backwards and removed all grip from their car, or Kunos and URD got it wrong and Crash knows something they dont know?

Its a bizarre trend we are beginning to see?

Add that to the already attractive, encryption of mods they stole from other games, pay walled mods, mods hidden in secret FB groups / discord groups etc. or hidden in region specific websites... I have no idea whats going on anymore what a weird place modding has become. I used to create mods for unreal many moons ago, and it forsure has changed a lot since then, people loved sharing content, getting it out, trying others contnet... now its pay me, like and subscribe and then i might give you access to a secret FB group that is for a specific region only... then i will give you access to amod i ripped from forza XD
Has it been updated? Last time i drove this mod, it had been modded to be unrealistically slippy and had little to no grip against other GT3 cars?
yes, the car has been updated and it can be driven a lot better
It's on the Discord as an update inside

2019 Porsche 911 GT3 R (991.2)

its finally back! a bit overdue but its back

i havent really written a changelog but the biggest change overall are the Physics (thank you unknown hero!), for now there is only 1 tire compound available, i will try to push out an update for the tires at some point to add more compounds
yes, the car has been updated and it can be driven a lot better
It's on the Discord as an update inside

2019 Porsche 911 GT3 R (991.2)

its finally back! a bit overdue but its back

i havent really written a changelog but the biggest change overall are the Physics (thank you unknown hero!), for now there is only 1 tire compound available, i will try to push out an update for the tires at some point to add more compounds

Nope, this is the update we are talking about, and that's the one update which made it undriveable..
they are rubbish, their lmp2 cars drive better than their lmp1, plus the ginetta, dallara, rebellion, and bykolles lmp1 cars sound the same which is wrong
Would someone be able to pm me a link to them? Unable to access the downloads page on their discord anymore. They’re all I’m missing to complete a full Le Mans grid post 2016, looking for them for a mostly aesthetic purpose, as I personally only drive the Kunos LMP1 and the URD LMP2 and GTE cars when racing in a modern Le Mans grid.
Would someone be able to pm me a link to them? Unable to access the downloads page on their discord anymore. They’re all I’m missing to complete a full Le Mans grid post 2016, looking for them for a mostly aesthetic purpose, as I personally only drive the Kunos LMP1 and the URD LMP2 and GTE cars when racing in a modern Le Mans grid.

the same for me, I would like to try them but I can't find download links for their mods
Hi guys good morning
just wanted to know if it s just me or is there is a way to get rid of the crystal look at AC1 to make it looks a bit like AC Competizione
I think ACC Has better graphics only the rain effect which no game can beat AC1 Rain
View attachment 963184
View attachment 963186

ACC is a much newer title that uses Unreal Engine. It can manage the higher poly count and other more demanding models and assets, so trees etc., can have much higher detail. It was also released just two years ago, whereas Assetto Corsa is almost six years old, and uses it's own rendering engine.

As for mods in ACC, I doubt it will happen with that title. I hope that Kunos will take what they've learned using the Unreal Engine, and release a new "open mod" simulator (maybe another version of AC) in a couple of years.

Considering the age of AC, it's amazing what the community is still doing with it. I appreciate ACC's graphics, but I still spend more time in AC, and I think the graphics are more than adequate in VR to provide an immersive experience. The weather, rain, and nighttime transitions and lighting are also what keeps bringing me back to AC.

One of my recent videos.
yes, the car has been updated and it can be driven a lot better
It's on the Discord as an update inside

2019 Porsche 911 GT3 R (991.2)

its finally back! a bit overdue but its back

i havent really written a changelog but the biggest change overall are the Physics (thank you unknown hero!), for now there is only 1 tire compound available, i will try to push out an update for the tires at some point to add more compounds

I will have to agree that this latest release has issues. I gave it a chance, but the car breaks traction and oversteers way too easy, and it can't be pushed to and beyond the limit of grip and still be controllable.
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