I have begun to miss the times when CSP was recommended but not required. There were tons of stunningly beautiful and nice-to-drive tracks and cars before mandatory CSP-features.
I may be one of the last mohicans, but I often run the good old base game without CM, when it's possible. Reason to this is that the pre-CM/CSP/Sol-AC is practically bug-free and if there's an issue with any track or a vehicle, I probably know how to fix it.
Anyway ite feels kinda dumb to complain because I still believe that were are living in the golden days of AC-mods. But one sometimes wonder where we are going...
EDIT: To avoid double-post: anybody know if there's a stock-version of Nissan Fairlady Z 432? I have three versions but all of them seem to be more or less tuned.
your sentiment here is indeed on point. We are indeed living in the golden age for modding, and i am grateful for that and all the work and effort modders put into their cars and tracks, id go as far to say, we all agree on that.
However, you are also correct in the point of "where are we going" and this point worries me a little.
Many communities end up destroying themselves, groups, movements in society etc they all inevitably become the basis for their own downfall.
Without getting political, i recently saw a woman get beat within an inch of her life, for being part of a movement... ironically the people who nearly killed her, were not from the opposing side, they were from her very own group...
However, that group thought that she was different enough, that she was not a "true" member of said group and had no right to be there. When you start attacking your own members, because they are different, then your group is not what you think it is!
We are already entering that phase!
Kicked from a group because you are NOT from that region. forget that you are part of an already small niche community that should support its members, you are not part of this even smaller group within the group so get out!
You dont want to use Discord, well get out you cant use these mods and you are not welcome to ask for links! We will even PM mods saying take out links down, even though we stole the content from Kunos/SMS/Turn10?
You dont use FaceBook... Well you cant use our mods either and if you even try to post them outside of facebook we will remove the links (to the content we stole) from being shared with anyone, including our facebook members!
You dont pay for our mods, or like and subscribe to our vids to make us money! Then you cant use our stolen cars we took from Forza/PCars etc either!
we are veryl slowly consuming ourselves, until the point comes where its all micro transactions and no one wants to share anything without being paid, and no one wants to pay for everything so we hit a stale mate.
there are indeed many people who deserve money, including URD, Ilja etc for sure but i respect more the modders who share their content for free and allow me to donate if i feel its good. If i use a mod for more than 12 hours i send $5 as this is just a "grab a beer" from me. But it should be about sharing, enjoying and discussing the love of racing, not about gimme gimme gimme some money or i wont share any more?
We turn on each other for the stupidest of things, your not a wheel user, you are not french, you are not using VR, you are not a real race driver etc etc etc... and my absolute favorite is "mod it yourself then". I find this hilarious, as i have shared content in lots of games and modded Unreal maps, added mods for games on Steam and have a workshop of content i share. However i dont really mod car stuff, i leave that to car modders, but the best is "do it yourself" as its just another fragment of the group. We are modders we will decide?
I created a 12 course map for a game i still update today based on user feedback, its nothing special but i make it for people to have fun with, so when they say.. can you add this here, or add that there i just do it or add it as an option, the last thing i would ever say to them is ... "do it yourself" i cant stand this mentality.
If i was to sit and learn car modding, i would no longer have time to mod DOTA so should i just drop all DOTA modding/mods/updates etc for all the people who use my mods, to learn how to mod a car when the experts are already doing it? It makes no sense! This attitude and needs to go before we end up devouring ourselves, as the modders in this scene seem to think everyone who uses their mods is some buffoon who just sits there banging the keboard demanding more, when in fact, while they are modding cars, i (any many others) are modding maps/characters/levels etc for games they probably play in their downtime!
I too fear for the future of sim racing mods as its going in a horrible direction, however the GTP team here seem to have the right mentality, with the exception of it being a pain in the arse to find anything and any mention of doing so is met with "search it yourself" again wasting more time and not very community minded.
Rant over XD