Unfortunately ... No :-(
You have to completely redo the animation (it really isn't hard to do but it somehow is one of those chores that one always kicks into the next day, and the next, and ...)
Here is how I set up the F1 cameras when working on a mod:
1) get car in game, set up cockpit camera to taste, click save to car.ini in the Kunos cockpit camera app -> cockpit camera done
2) open car in CM in custom showroom + open the car.ini file
3) switch in custom showroom to the driving camera you want to adjust (F1 key works here as well as many other shortcuts)
4) adjust camera to taste in car.ini (and dash cam in dash_cam.ini), save the ini file -> dash cam, bumper cam and bonnet cam done
If you like to have some "visual feedback" when adjusting the camera (like a road or track objects you can either place the car in a respective showroom or you have to jump in game to verify your cam settings.