Before creating one local track from scrath, i tried to make conversion to AC to know how all this works.
Found dozens of interesting tracks from rF and one of my favourite - Porsche Leipzig test track. It's version of the track before building up "Karusell part."
The track is unique for it's reproduction of famous racing corners.
And it's
five variations: Großer Kurs (longest version of the circuit 4.5km),
Kleiner Kurs (thats one with Laguna Seca's famous Corkscrew!!),
Speed Loop (1.74km - two long straights with Loews 180" corner from Monaco ans Sunset band from Sebring),
Kurs C (short version of Großer without last section) and
Parabolica B (speedy layout with two Monza's corners of Parabolica and Curvo de Lesmo). Actually the it could be more variations of the track. So among all these i added
free-ride version.
All has Ai and camera. The only one problem is Kleiner kurs with Corkscrew. Here i realized a miserable of AC Ai ingine. Cars dont define where they shoud brake and they just fly away on the full speed after the uphill to the corner...pitty.
Each variation has own layout of track objects.
All cones and roadside signes are destroyable.
Things to do are: night lights, better graphic with better trees, will publish it as long as have time to finish it.