Yes I do and an AI package too, altho it's not one of mine, don't know who did the AI. I don't remember where I DL'd it from.
But I think that the updated version by CrisT86 is the better choice
Guys, I have an issue regarding tracks like rt_sonoma and vhe_interlagos. The issue is that I get very low fps on these tracks, like 25 to 40...instead in other tracks (kunos, and other mods) I get over 60 fps...I tried disabling SOL and CSP...but nothing. Those tracks are unplayable for me...
Here's the original if needed tho.
AI and track limits
And Greetings to all, I've been away for a while dealing with a death in my family. I think it will be a little while B4 I'm back in action.
My sister Sandy died from a bacterial infection that she was too weak to fight from having COVID for 2 months B4. So I'm not quite ready to start doing any serious AI work for a little bit yet. Both my parents are taking it really hard. I am taking care of their needs right now and have very little time for sim racing for the next several weeks.
Stay well every one