Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I was browsing the screenshots-videos section on Discord: Lights Shaders Patch channel, when I found this...

View attachment 821999

What version of the M6 GT3 is this one? The ones I have don't have that left back window glowing strip and position number plate.
I would say this is a real photo, if it was not on Discord channel :confused:
I'd need that red strip for my rework...

GTE, not GT3. It's by AGU Modding.
Thanks @rshumi

By the way on AGU Modding facebook page and on Assettoland as well, I read GT3.
Also I read he was updating the car for a private project...

and some dispute by guerilla mod, about his car update after their car released

I see also this...

Honestly I have no idea. I dowloaded an AGU modding BMW M6 but.. it doesn't have what I've seen on that screenshot...
Is there anybody who have that cool GTE version?
Thanks @rshumi

By the way on AGU Modding facebook page and on Assettoland as well, I read GT3.
Also I read he was updating the car for a private project...

and some dispute by guerilla mod, about his car update after their car released

I see also this...

Honestly I have no idea. I dowloaded an AGU modding BMW M6 but.. it doesn't have what I've seen on that screenshot...
Is there anybody who have that cool GTE version?

They write on their page, that it's a GTE/LM, not a GT3. And Guerilla Mods doesn't have those liveries and the glowing stripes.
It's likely that screenshot you saw on Discord was the new AGU version, which is sadly as you said was private.
Le Mans FM7 ai

Better ai for Le Mans, chicane
ai behaves themselves now, shouldnt crash into outside barrier on first Mulsane chicane n ****.
Added an ideal line for noobs, apparently helps ai calculate fuel load. URD Ford gt should not pit on lap one. (URD ford gt still pits early must be bug with the Mod?)
Track limits are a bit strict but ai functions better that way, i think

should work on all the chicane versions.
Is it still compatible with the latest sx lemans 0.95 version?
Did someone reworked the M8?
Because I'm almost done with it... fixing the extra lights. The Rollover version I have didn't have yellow lights.
Also I had to rename some objects in the 3D model, because they had spaces between words instead of "_"
OK, I have something for you.

Do this:
1) CSP 74 + SOl 1.1.1
2) Open Sol config app
3) On page 0, uncheck all 3 "pp modify..." checkboxes"
4) Change filter to default (or really anything but _Sol).
5) Now at least you have glare and rays back.
6) Note: To actually see changes, you have to change the filter type. That seems to "reboot" CSP each time.


And here's what happens when you switch back to the _Sol filter: Good ole exoplanet time.


My opinion: Sol is interacting with CSP in a way that just happens to produce a not-that-great-looking sun (basically a mildly luminous ball). The "fault" is clearly with the Sol filter itself, it would seem. Of course, this could be a conscious design decision.

But here I go killing your hope. Here's what you get when you put the sun a bit higher in the sky by rolling back the clock 60 min or so:


So, we're right back to square 1. It really all depends on the clouds, the angle, and God only knows what else. I think this is just the price we pay for CSP + Sol actually treating the sun just like any other light source.

In effect, the sun appears to just be a very bright, far-off light maybe? I've tried playing with all the various sun settings, cloud opacity settings etc. All to no avail thus far. I'll keep trying and report back if I stumble upon anything. But yeah - the sun looks like crap in that last shot, and that's my best-case combo so far in terms of CSP + Sol + Filter.[/QUO
OK, I have something for you.

Do this:
1) CSP 74 + Sol 1.1.1
2) Open Sol config app
3) On page 0, uncheck all 3 "pp modify..." checkboxes"
4) Change filter to default (or really anything but _Sol).
5) Now at least you have glare and rays back.
6) Note: To actually see changes, you have to change the filter type. That seems to "reboot" CSP each time.


And here's what happens when you switch back to the _Sol filter: Good ole exoplanet time.


My opinion: Sol is interacting with CSP in a way that just happens to produce a not-that-great-looking sun (basically a mildly luminous ball). The "fault" is clearly with the Sol filter itself, it would seem. Of course, this could be a conscious design decision.

But here I go killing your hope. Here's what you get when you put the sun a bit higher in the sky by rolling back the clock 60 min or so:


So, we're right back to square 1. It really all depends on the clouds, the angle, and God only knows what else. I think this is just the price we pay for CSP + Sol actually treating the sun just like any other light source.

In effect, the sun appears to just be a very bright, far-off light maybe? I've tried playing with all the various sun settings, cloud opacity settings etc. All to no avail thus far. I'll keep trying and report back if I stumble upon anything. But yeah - the sun looks like crap in that last shot, and that's my best-case combo so far in terms of CSP + Sol + Filter.

The only picture with the sun in it from 1.2 on RD. I figure that if the author isn't going to show it off then it's just not meant to be for now.


I can't really complain. it all looks awesome. i like a low sun, go rays, etc. but I'm good with it as is.

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Did someone reworked the M8?
Because I'm almost done with it... fixing the extra lights. The Rollover version I have didn't have yellow lights.
Also I had to rename some objects in the 3D model, because they had spaces between words instead of "_"

With so many variations of everything I have I don't know, cant keep track.
Hi chaps, where i have a car with more than 900 degs steering so say 1080 and my wheel is only 900 degs, what happens then?
Reason being i have been changing it to 900 in CM but if i didn't would the steering be all out of wack?
Or is changing it to 900 stupid...for example the mazda mx5 cup i changed to 900 via CM
Thanks for these. Sharemods is useful but MY GOD why the hell do sites like this allow advertisers with full-page pop-ups that play extremely loud high-pitched tones with warnings about imaginary viruses?
Edit: reinstalled AdBlock so hopefully no more. Wasn't working properly.
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Thanks for these. Sharemods is useful but MY GOD why the hell do sites like this allow advertisers with full-page pop-ups that play extremely loud high-pitched tones with warnings about imaginary viruses?

Install Adblock add-on for chrome or Firefox and you're all set ;)
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Having issue with replay camera 7 at the FM7 Le Mans. All the car views are fine but the track camera appears to be located in the correctly wrong place.
Despite the new SOL and CSP, Zolder (pascalwb) still looks like this:


Anyone with a clue how to remedy this ?
I know I can drive another version of the track, but this really is the most accurate version...
@leBluem maybe ? 💡

Edit: FIXED by leBluem
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Open the track kn5 into 3DsimED... go to that zone where you have issue and check the transparency of the texture.
In alternative, you can open it in 3DSimEd and save it as .fbx file, opening the fbx into Kunos editor and checking in the same way the trasnparency...
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