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  • Thread starter daan
is there any way to by pass .mas file encryption ?

google search speaks of a .xor tool, but I cannot find this .xor tool

I have 3dsimed and .mas file extractor, its for an RF car mod that has encrypted models, would like to have the car in AC
You can use a little tool that I helped develop with Luigi A. many years ago...
Can be found on this page
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The showroom just has a completly different lighting. The interior of the car will never be that bright in dayligth.
The original issue is with the outside view. The exterior glass is dark black. Mostly a replay issue. All windows look like dark window tint. I must add , Peter, thank you for all the amazing work you do for this community.
I have this exact same issue. Have you found a solution yet?
Two pages back.
Two pages back.
Praise the Lord.
I thought I'd imagined the whole thing for a moment there.
2024 Race Lab British GT GT4 BMW M4 G82


Ps i don't use Blur for the Tires, it is like Legion says:

This was necessary in the past, today's PCs and cars no longer need tire blur.
I just can't understand this. Why don't modern cars require tire washout while driving? It looks ugly just like in the past :)
hi guys and gals, 2 questions bugging me :

1) why are cars tipping over so easily these days ... ???
eg: I just did a offline race with the Mazda Miata hell-spec v1.1 by D1ablO , on Leibzig Porsche test track, and all 6 opponents (same car) fell out of the race because at some point they flipped over in various corners! That car never used to tip over afaik. And I've seen it on other well respected mods as well recently...

EDIT : I believe it's due to the "use extended physics" checkbox in Drive - Single , turning that feature off kept the Mazda's from flipping over... so it's prob something not implemented correctly in the code of that feature, if cars that do not make use of extended physics start behaving differently (that's not right and certainly shouldn't be the case in a perfect world like AC... ;) a hint for improvement to the authors of the extended physics implementation in CM)

2) is it possible to do a setting so that in Online , you can see which cars on the server are your favourites , by having the fav icon shown? ( I know I can hover over every single car to see if it's a fav or not , but I want to be able to spot them with the fav icon, which is logical one would implement here :

but I can't seem to find the setting switch for it...

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Released : TVR Sagaris GT
3D Model: The Crew2
Texture Update : F302 (rework)
Skins: F302
3d work: F302
hope u enjoy the Car
ps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.2.3-preview1
PP filer GT_Sport 1.4
have fun!
To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simply
drag'n'drop archive to Content Manager
The original car was a street car and I converted it into a racing car for the GT4 class

This an update to my mod for Legion's Lime Rock Mountain. It was one of the first track's I ever tried to edit so the mod really wasn't that good. Since then i've learned a lot so I tried to make the mod better. It's still not great, but better than before. For the record, this is not supposed to be a period accurate mod. It's more of a 'what if' had the track existed today.

Lime Rock Mountain v3.0

Additional credits besides what's listed above:

AI tweaks and fixes to the terrain from @cammel
Sections file from @Fanapryde
Cable fix from @Masscot
Thanks to @Quikslvr , @Perico Lospa and @Fanapryde for testing and feedback.

There is a boat load of changes, but i'm only going to mention a handful because they are important.

-- I made changes to a bunch of objects. Some I made myself, some were borrowed from rt_lime_rock_park. I did not get permission to use the objects because honestly, I don't know who's involved in that team to ask. If it becomes a problem and they ask, I will pull the mod immediately.

-- The tree objects on this track are terrible and very hard to work with. I would love to replace all the trees with Y trees, but I have no clue where to even begin to do something like that for as many tree objects as this track has. So you will have to live with some goofy looking trees and trunks in some spots. Maybe some day i'll learn how to replace them all.

-- I added a raceday layout that is not really true to life. The real Lime Rock Park doesn't have grandstands as far as I could see in pictures, but the track seemed empty when I ran a race so I made a second layout with added grandstands so it didn't feel so empty.

-- You can use the track without any of the track skins enabled and it will be fine. The Grass skins are self explanatory as to what they do. The Trees skin just changes a couple of the tree textures. The Seasonal skins will change the trees too look like they should for the time of year.

As always, please let me know of any problems so I can try and fix them.
Link in the quote as been updated to a new version. Please delete or backup your old version first.

-- Changes to the grass textures. Much less saturated and with less yellow tint and a better green tint...... at least in my opinion.
View attachment 1326929
Released : TVR Sagaris GT
3D Model: The Crew2
Texture Update : F302 (rework)
Skins: F302
3d work: F302
hope u enjoy the Car
ps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.2.3-preview1
PP filer GT_Sport 1.4
have fun!
To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simply
drag'n'drop archive to Content Manager
The original car was a street car and I converted it into a racing car for the GT4 class

I already noticed a few things wrong with the car:

In the CM Showroom the livery shows up like this, but ingame and when changing previews it works fine.


Also the flames are positioned wrong, they're not attached to the exhausts.


And lastly when loading the car it says is missing.
Strange, it seems that the skins that come with the car are broken but the one i made for test actually works perfectly in the showroom. I can try reinstall the car again to see if it solves the problem.

View attachment 1326943

EDIT: I tried install the car again with the updated kn5 but the skins are still broken in the showroom.

It seems fine to me, I have the first release of the car without the fix too. I even tried making test liveries and nothings wrong, apart from the front bumper is mapped backwards just like his C6R (That part seems to be a common occurrence with his models).

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