Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I was talking about it with Brandon yesterday, so far i discovered that you can update mod cars avatars in the garage but i have to delve deeper into all the other possibilities.

Any more features that you use in CM that I should know about?
CM is really handy with Mod cars & tracks because some authors can be a little bit lazy and not include all possible data. You probably noticed that where you set the Time of Day & Temperature there is also an option to use Real Conditions. Well, you can only enable that option if the Track data mentions where the track is located. Some Track creators put this information in. Some don't. CM makes it very easy to fix this missing information. If you give it a City/State or City/Country it can go grab the Geo Tags for you. Now you can drive with the actual conditions of that location at that moment in time. That's really good with something like the Good & Bad Weather mod.

As you know, one of the recent mods broke most of the sound on Mod vehicles. That really sucks. Well, with CM you can take your sound damaged Mod car and hit the button "Replace Sound". Another window pops up showing all your cars...all you do is select one of them and CM will do the rest. It will copy all the good/working sounds and edit the files on the broken car and voila! you've now fixed the sound to that mod car. Of course, you want to select something very close. It won't be 100% perfect, but it's better than no external sounds if you're waiting for the author to fix his outdated Fmod files.

In that same area Content > Cars, sometimes you'll have a car with a damaged or mission power/torque curve. Or, maybe you edited the power on one of your cars for private use. With the click of a button it will re-scale the curves for you. Fix damaged or missing curves. It will even "fix formats" if you ask it to. For instance, some cars say "300hp" while others say "300bhp". If you're an obsessive maniac like me, that's enough to make you want to punch holes through your monitors. One click, boom fixed. Sadly, even Kunos vehicles are not uniform...just within the Porsche Packs, for instance, they needed updating.

You know how some cars have a few paragraphs of information underneath the car & power stats? Well, if the car doesn' soon will because you'll hit the Find Information and it will go get that info for you. I've only used this once. I don't know how he does it. The author of CM is Russian...those guys can do anything! Just ask Hillary Clinton. 👍

Go into Content > Miscellaneous > Weather -- Select one of the weather presets and then hit the Edit Mode button on the bottom of the screen. About 40 sliders appear on the screen. You can edit the crap out of weather files, if you so wish. Maybe you'd like to create your own Weather setting because you don't like the temperature tracks become on a certain preset or whatever. There are all sorts of crazy adjustments you can make...

My personal favorite:

Presets. You can create Presets for every 🤬 thing, just about. I'm sure you've seen those little drop-down boxes on several different screens. Those are where you can save/load/delete Presets.

I like to do a lot of Track Days (that reminds me. He figured out a way to have a Track Day option, not just using the Practice part of a Race Weekend like I used to have to do in the Kunos launcher.) Well, it's a pain in the ass selecting 25 different sports cars to do a track day when you just did an AI race with open-wheel cars. But, if you choose those 25 cars and save it with a name like "Sports Car Track Day Monza". And then you make a preset called "Low HP Cars Race Vallelunga Club", you can switch back and forth with like 3 clicks. You can even share Presets. Schnipp hooked me up with like 20 Presets organized by "Race - Cup", "Race - Mixed" & "Track Day". If you said "I had the best Track Day today...Lots of action with the AI cars!" maybe you put together a good collection of cars and you can send me the Preset so I can try the same Track Day you just ran.

There are also Presets for Assists - you know how the Kunos launcher gives you Gamer, Intermediate, Pro or Custom? Well, I created two different presets. One with Damage on 100% with my Factory assists @ Fuel Usage. I have another one with only 10% Damage and something else is different, I can't remember. You can have as many as you'd like, of course.

You can even make Presets of which apps you'd like to see on your screen when you get on the track. Maybe you want Sidekick open in the middle of your screen, down on the bottom and you want the Delta App & Kunos Tire App for practicing. Save that preset. Then you make another one that puts sidekick in the bottom right corner & helicorsa is activated - this is your racing setup. You can activate & deactivate as many apps 3rd party apps as you want. And CM will even show you the coordinates of where the apps will pop up on the screen. You can even lock or unlock their positions from the CM menu.

There is much more in Content Manager. If you have any ideas or suggestions for a future version - just go to the official support thread on the AC Official Forums. The creator of this app x4fab is super cool. He's already added a ton of features based on user requests. Or, if you need help the guy Schnipp seems to be incredibly knowledgeable about all the little features & options.
Thanks for that write up, it's almost a game on itself with all the customization you can do.

. I don't know how he does it. The author of CM is Russian...those guys can do anything! Just ask Hillary Clinton. 👍
OMG we are giving Putin access to our computers here, hope he didn't find my nudes!
Thanks for that write up, it's almost a game on itself with all the customization you can do.

OMG we are giving Putin access to our computers here, hope he didn't find my nudes!
Oh, he found them! They're making their way 'round Moscow right now. :D

Content Manager really is cool. Check out the main support thread some time. Every now and then someone posts something new that I had no idea about.

I hope you're running Content Manager in UI Mode. You've got to have the Kunos launcher open in the background, but when you run Content Manager in UI Mode it doesn't have to re-launch the Steam app every time you load a new car/track combo. Plus, in UI Mode it sync's with Steam.

I created a simple batch file to launch CM, Crew Chief & AC from 1 icon on my desktop. I don't always like to use Crew Chief so I have a second desktop icon with just CM & AC as well.
@ALB123 thank you for your post about CM, I visited the thread on AC Forum for the first time after reading it, amazing all that can be done, today I will probably spend some time just exploring CM capabilities.
CM is the perfect example why gaming in general and AC in particular is so much better on PC than on console.
@ALB123 thank you for your post about CM, I visited the thread on AC Forum for the first time after reading it, amazing all that can be done, today I will probably spend some time just exploring CM capabilities.
CM is the perfect example why gaming in general and AC in particular is so much better on PC than on console.
I can't say enough good things about CM. Unfortunately, it takes a donation to unlock the full version -- but I'm pretty sure there is no minimum donation amount. And the free version is pretty darn feature packed. I think the free version might have the Online section locked out or something like that. Not positive - it's been so long since I donated.
I can't say enough good things about CM. Unfortunately, it takes a donation to unlock the full version -- but I'm pretty sure there is no minimum donation amount. And the free version is pretty darn feature packed. I think the free version might have the Online section locked out or something like that. Not positive - it's been so long since I donated.
It's certainly worth donating a couple of beers for. Online is indeed locked out of the free version.
There's a lot locked from the free version. You can't edit track details (like the geotag).
Welp....There ya go! Thank you ProjectWHaT. 👍 I couldn't remember - perhaps it's more locked down than I remember. It has been such an improvement to my overall experience, it was easily worth a $5 donation, in my eyes. The author is such a great guy too. He does not leave a single question unanswered (not by choice) when he posts in that official support thread. There are supposed to be some cool new features coming soon too.

This link provides a lot more information on what he's up to with CM, if you're interested in that sort of thing:
I just find a very good track : Ahvenisto 1.0.
You have to try this, absolutely fantastic.

This is a quote from the maker of the mod track :
"Ahvenisto is a small but technical figure-of-eight track in Hämeenlinna, Finland. It has a lot of elevation changes and barely any run-off areas, which makes it one of the most difficult and dangerous tracks in the world. Because of this some people like to call it "the mini Nordschleife"."
I just find a very good track : Ahvenisto 1.0.
You have to try this, absolutely fantastic.

This is a quote from the maker of the mod track :
"Ahvenisto is a small but technical figure-of-eight track in Hämeenlinna, Finland. It has a lot of elevation changes and barely any run-off areas, which makes it one of the most difficult and dangerous tracks in the world. Because of this some people like to call it "the mini Nordschleife"."
Looks great thanks for the tip 👍

@ALB123 how do you know if you are in UI Mode or not, I looked but could not see anything
And yes if a donation was ever deserved, this app is a game changer, as AC menus are not a very good aspect of the SIM.
@ALB123 how do you know if you are in UI Mode or not, I looked but could not see anything
And yes if a donation was ever deserved, this app is a game changer, as AC menus are not a very good aspect of the SIM.
In Content Manager go into Settings > Content Manager > Drive

The very first option should be a drop down box called "Game Starter". It's probably on "Official (Recommended)" by default. Change it to say UI Module.

Now start Assetto Corsa the way you normally would. Don't just hit the OK! button in CM to drive. Once Assetto Corsa is loaded you should see something new on the screen, probably in the upper-right hand corner and it will say "CM Helper". Now switch back to Content Manager and don't worry about the Assetto Corsa launcher anymore. When you do select car & track combos in CM you should see some fairly significant improvements in loading times by doing it this way.

If that seems like a pain in the butt, it's really not...however, it can always be easier, right? So, I created a simple .bat file to do everything for me. Go into the folder where you installed Content Manager. It's probably C:\AC Content Manager -- that's the default installation location. Create a new text document and inside that text document paste this:

start "" "C:\AC Content Manager\Content Manager.exe"
start steam://rungameid/244210

Now name it something like "CM-Launcher.bat" or whatever you want...just make sure it ends with .bat

Right-click that newly created .bat file and select Sent To > Desktop (Create Shortcut).

You can name that shortcut whatever you want. Mine is named Assetto Corsa Content Manager - just so I know its the shortcut that loads both.

This part is option, but I recommend it: Right-Click on that newly created desktop shortcut. Select Properties. Now click on Change Icon. Hit the Browse button and navigate to the main root folder where your copy of Assetto Corsa lives. Select the file AssettoCorsa.exe -- you'll notice it's giving you the ability to select the official Assetto Corsa desktop Icon. Select it. Hit OK. Hit OK Again... You're in business.

Now, whenever you want to play Assetto Corsa in the future just double click on the new shortcut you just created. It will start Content Manager AND Assetto Corsa for you and keep Steam running in the background which is why it can open new combos so much faster. With the default way of using Content Manager everytime you leave a track and are in CM selecting a new Car/Track combo and then hit GO! It has to relaunch Steam over and over. This saves a significant amount of time - more so if you're on HDD. SSD's are already lightning fast.

I hope I laid everything out in a clear manner.
In Content Manager go into Settings > Content Manager > Drive

The very first option should be a drop down box called "Game Starter". It's probably on "Official (Recommended)" by default. Change it to say UI Module.

Now start Assetto Corsa the way you normally would. Don't just hit the OK! button in CM to drive. Once Assetto Corsa is loaded you should see something new on the screen, probably in the upper-right hand corner and it will say "CM Helper". Now switch back to Content Manager and don't worry about the Assetto Corsa launcher anymore. When you do select car & track combos in CM you should see some fairly significant improvements in loading times by doing it this way.

If that seems like a pain in the butt, it's really not...however, it can always be easier, right? So, I created a simple .bat file to do everything for me. Go into the folder where you installed Content Manager. It's probably C:\AC Content Manager -- that's the default installation location. Create a new text document and inside that text document paste this:

start "" "C:\AC Content Manager\Content Manager.exe"
start steam://rungameid/244210

Now name it something like "CM-Launcher.bat" or whatever you want...just make sure it ends with .bat

Right-click that newly created .bat file and select Sent To > Desktop (Create Shortcut).

You can name that shortcut whatever you want. Mine is named Assetto Corsa Content Manager - just so I know its the shortcut that loads both.

This part is option, but I recommend it: Right-Click on that newly created desktop shortcut. Select Properties. Now click on Change Icon. Hit the Browse button and navigate to the main root folder where your copy of Assetto Corsa lives. Select the file AssettoCorsa.exe -- you'll notice it's giving you the ability to select the official Assetto Corsa desktop Icon. Select it. Hit OK. Hit OK Again... You're in business.

Now, whenever you want to play Assetto Corsa in the future just double click on the new shortcut you just created. It will start Content Manager AND Assetto Corsa for you and keep Steam running in the background which is why it can open new combos so much faster. With the default way of using Content Manager everytime you leave a track and are in CM selecting a new Car/Track combo and then hit GO! It has to relaunch Steam over and over. This saves a significant amount of time - more so if you're on HDD. SSD's are already lightning fast.

I hope I laid everything out in a clear manner.

Thank you, yes very detailed, I like the touch about using the proper logo for the shortcut
Thank you, yes very detailed, I like the touch about using the proper logo for the shortcut
Yeah!!! I was psyched when I was told it could be used. I know it's a little bit of a pain in the butt setting up, but it's not the end of the world. I don't know if you use that app called "Crew Chief" where you're given details and position info from a supposed Crew Chief in your pits. It's a pretty cool app, but I don't always like to have it enabled. However, if I know that I'm definitely going to race and that's it. Maybe a single 10 lap races is all I have time for. I made a second .bat file to start that as well.

start "" "C:\AC Content Manager\Content Manager.exe"
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Britton IT Ltd\CrewChiefV4\CrewChiefV4.exe"
start steam://rungameid/244210

It works great. Technically, I could just always use this one and disable it once I get onto the track, but I don't use it way, way more than I I went this route.
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Britton IT Ltd\CrewChiefV4\CrewChiefV4.exe"
You got me thinking on automating a few things... startup Content Manager, CrewChief and DashmeterPro.
This will launch the CrewChief executable but how to you force CrewChief to start up (without clicking the "Start application" button)? Also, I don't see how to force CrewChief to use a particular game profile on startup. I use CrewChief for pCars, RaceRoom, AMS, and AC. It remembers the last game but automating it's startup needs a way to force a game profile.
Sorry if this had been posted / solved before, but I can`t find a solution (maybe i`m really bad at searching). either way I´m sure you guys do have a solution for this issue.
I´ve downloaded some sound mods and since the last update the sounds of some cars seem to be just missing (mostly gt3 cars). Is there any way to relink their default sounds?
Thanks for your help in advance!
You got me thinking on automating a few things... startup Content Manager, CrewChief and DashmeterPro.
This will launch the CrewChief executable but how to you force CrewChief to start up (without clicking the "Start application" button)? Also, I don't see how to force CrewChief to use a particular game profile on startup. I use CrewChief for pCars, RaceRoom, AMS, and AC. It remembers the last game but automating it's startup needs a way to force a game profile.
Oh boy...I didn't think about people using multiple sims. The only sim I have is Assetto Corsa, so I didn't even consider the possibility of having to select a profile. I recommend asking in the Official AC Support Thread for Crew Chief:
They'll be able to help you with those questions quickly, I'm sure.

I remember these popping up about a year ago, seem to remember some drama about them being ripped and not of great quality. Have you tried the new ones, and if so are they any good? These are exactly the kinds of cars I highly desire in a sim, even if they're ripped. I have the other ACL pack (though I haven't got the newest update yet) and thought they were decent.
I remember these popping up about a year ago, seem to remember some drama about them being ripped and not of great quality. Have you tried the new ones, and if so are they any good? These are exactly the kinds of cars I highly desire in a sim, even if they're ripped. I have the other ACL pack (though I haven't got the newest update yet) and thought they were decent.

Not yet. I had the others too, but you couldn't adjust the gears so racing them together wasn't much fun and I deleted them. I'm not sure if these are from the same modders, but it looks like it. The car list is different though.
I tried the ACL TransAm pack just for a few laps. While they are not AC quality, they are certainly not bad. Everything works except the dash cam.
Looks great thanks for the tip 👍

That is video of the 60`s Ahvenisto, here is from that newer version. Great little track :)

I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
I will not buy a PC just for Assetto Corsa.
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