I don't think i've understood your problem to be honest. About what has been removed i don't know, my config is a work made in collab with others, so maybe something has been changed since i did it. My original file is still as i made it (and updated accordingly to the update done by RJ)
I don't have an answer to your loading question. Honestly, I haven't used the CSP config since I made the initial version of my mod in 2022. And i've never had an issue with the track looking incorrect until I change the date. I guess I could disable my mod and try it the old CSP way and see what happens just to help you figure out what might be wrong.
I would like to comment on something you mentioned above about all the conditions being wrong. I wouldn't say 'wrong' is the right way to term it. Just more of a difference in opinions on how things should look. For instance, i've seen some CSP configs that turn the grass or pine trees orange in the fall. Maybe there are places in the world where that happens, but i've never seen it. So to me it's wrong, but is it really wrong or just something i've never experienced where I live in the US.
Thanks for your replies, gents!
Let me try to explain, as it seems I wasn't able to properly explain the 'problem' before. (Thanks for pointing out that the use of the word 'wrong' is not the wisest choice and it should have been in brackets)
I understand that almost everything about this game is ultimately a matter of preference and one cannot argue personal taste.
But, I hope you agree that the colours in the first screenshot I included in my first post are 'off', the grass is almost fluorescent and the trees have a weird white shade around them. The second picture is how I think it was meant to look. Colours like (almost) all tracks (and their additional 'aftermarket' skins and configs made by community members like yourselves, thanks for all that work!).
I use the latest CSP (although this 'problem' has been bugging me since I started with AC & CSP 3 years ago), in
settings > Custom Shaders Patch > Tracks configs the option to 'Install automagically' is set to true. So the game downloads the following config from Github:
This (original) config with versionnumber 2.7 is made by Benner900, atrip3, Peter Boese & gunnar333 and is dated 24/11/2022.
Lines 701 to 876 contain MATERIAL_ADJUSTMENT's for the condition SEASON_SUMMER set in line 677. When I investigated my issue yesterday I found that commenting out these adjustments made the track look like how I think it should look.
Because I'm absolutely sure that the authors of this config know what they are doing, I said "Surely, I am mistaken here. It can't be that all the conditions are wrong
![Confused :confused: :confused:](/wp-content/themes/gtp16/images/smilies/confused.svg)
Then I wanted to see if the conditions for the autumn and winter were 'wrong' too. I used Pure Planner to quickly change the months. And to my amazement, as soon as I add one month, the texture's / colours are what I think they were meant to be. So something goes 'wrong' on the initial loading but is 'fixed' when Pure (re)loads its parameters.
I saw that the
@CrisT86 /
@racinjoe013 (communal effort) config is based on the 2.6 version of the Github config, but is dated 24/11/2022 as well. This one does not have any MATERIAL_ADJUSTMENT's for the condition SEASON_SUMMER. And that's why with that skin/config the session loads the right colours immediately. I guess...
DISCLAIMER: The above ramblings are made by an enthousiastic idiot who has no understanding of the inner workings of AC, CSP, Pure, skins or configs. I just wanted the Red Bull Ring to look as good as all the other tracks available.
Thanks for your work. Appreciated
Welcome aboard 👋
There are some tracks by kunos, which have too bright textures for the "new graphics". You can use the AC colors corrections pack from the Sol/Pure discord Server, or like already mentioned, you use texture skins from other modders.
I removed the the shader adjustments in the community config. Because it is just better for this track and all other tracks, that the changes are made on the texture. So the idea behind is:
The original texture already has too much sunlight baked into. But this is not good if we try to put a realistic sunlight additional to it. So we edit the textures and trying to substract the baked sunlight.
Wow, Thanks very, very much for your reply
@Peter Boese!
I'm sorry, I was not aware that there was another AC colour corrections pack available on Discord (there's so many places to look for stuff)
I had the old 20200413 pack, but with this new 20220102 pack my issue is
Can I take the oppurtunity to express how deeply thankful I am of your work with SOL, Pure and the new thing coming up. Absolutely brilljant work! 👍