Estoril 1994 - 1996 v1.1
Circuito do Estoril with 1994 - 1996 layout.
Conversion from F1 Challenge.
-CSP recommended
-3 layouts (Only change billboards)
-32 pit/start
-AI, cam
Credits & Thanks;
F1 Challenge Track by dmarques
(Converted by Frentzen127 from Carrera.4's rFactor version with added elements from F-1-SR's 1994 rFactor version)
Terms Of Use;
Enjoy this mod to the fullest, that's all. If you want to convert or use this
as a base to create other cars, you're welcome in doing so as long as the
appropriate credit is given to the respective authors of the files you are
using. You can find all authors in this file
AC converted by
@shi (shin956)
Pit tent from F1-S-R's 1994 Track Pack
AI and sidelines by IMEAN
cam by
@Gregz0r (Edited by shin956)
logo.png by
Animated flagmen by Alessandro Micali (ASR Formula) (Original by doublezero)
Crowds texture by
cameraman and some textures by kunos
Download (MEGA)
v1.1 changelog;
Added sections file by Fanapryde. (Thanks)
Updated logo.png by Fanapryde. (Thanks)
Updated ext_config.ini. (darker trees and grass, config by Mascot)
Fixed aspect ratio of many billboard logos. (Thanks Mascot for the report.)
Added some balloons and airliners and choppers by Mascot. (Thanks)