Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Does anyone out there have anything like this? It's from that '''' website. There's no download link for it.

I'm trying to figure out where it's from DiRT 4 or DiRT Rally maybe?
What will be the longevity of AC? With the possibility of ripping almost all content from other games, past, present and maybe future and what looks like will be the trend for new games coming out which is they won't be modifiable. Given that RF is still alive and kicking let alone GPL...dare I say 2050!! :nervous:
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What will be the longevity of AC? With the possibility of ripping almost all content from other games, past present and maybe future and what looks like will be the trend for new games coming out which is they won't be modifiable. Given that RF is still alive and kicking let alone GPL...dare I say 2050!! :nervous:

The golden age of AC has just begun. Racing sims usually get into its prime about a year or two after the developers has completed development. I never would have imagine mods like content manager, custom shader patch and SOL was ever possible on AC and all of this was done by the community!
The golden age of AC has just begun. Racing sims usually get into its prime about a year or two after the developers has completed development. I never would have imagine mods like content manager, custom shader patch and SOL was ever possible on AC and all of this was done by the community!

Yeah It's just gonna keep getting better and better. AC is a really solid base foundation of a game to build off of so I think it's going to stay relevant for years. And trust me, if theres enough support for it, other games will get modified as well. Im sure someone will find a way to mod ACC.

They originated from Grand Prix 4 - I made these cars with a few other guys a few (10) years ago.,966471,page=1

Happy for you to release for free if some people think they can charge for something they’ve ripped!

Yeah SimDream thinks they can rip anything and sell it for $10. They're THE WORST offenders. Thank you for making this mod years ago. The models like I said above are actually decent compared to usual SimDream rush jobs.
The golden age of AC has just begun. Racing sims usually get into its prime about a year or two after the developers has completed development. I never would have imagine mods like content manager, custom shader patch and SOL was ever possible on AC and all of this was done by the community!

Yes the next logical step for CSP is to integrate a database of real car and tire data where that data can automatically be applied to any car installed with the click of a button...Muha..Muhaha...Muhahahahahah :mad:
I'm hoping CSP could add more race features, like formation laps, safety cars, rolling starts. AC is a great "driving" simulator, but still far from a complete "racing" Simulator. It still amaze me on how much of a complete package RF1 was in terms of simulating an actual race, yet till now, the only game that could implement all the features simulating a race is either sims based on RF1 engine (AMS, PCars, Raceroom, etc) and F1 2018+
I was wondering... Is there a mod to control the driver, get out of the car and walk? Basically Im asking if anyone has developed a mod to transform Assetto into Grand Theft Auto
Apparently Gilles has found out that all his tracks have been leaked> Or he's just really working on drumming up business? lol

This was his latest email just now;

Just a heads up, AC CLASSICS is now back online. The website has a sleek new design.

ALL past and future AC CLASSICS tracks are now being sold for only £1 each, and you can buy as many as you want.
Here is the new URL

I was wondering... Is there a mod to control the driver, get out of the car and walk? Basically Im asking if anyone has developed a mod to transform Assetto into Grand Theft Auto

Ya. Its called Play in VR. Get out of the car and walk around, sit down, lie down, whatever you want.
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Not 70's but Nascar'ish (probably not what your looking for :D )

But maybe the Nascar GN's? Fun to drive at 'ole Riverside.


in fact, not exactly what I was looking for :D ... but nice that someone spent some time with that era of the american cars industry that was out of this world, considering the fact that it was more than halve century ago.

the second screen looks cool

Looks very good and more than happy to wait for that, both for the cars and sounds.

The NASCAR one I mean is this one:
I wouldn't want to vouch for the quality of it as I've only done the basics to make sure the cars are working, so not driven them properly yet.

Here's a link to the download:

The skins looks great in that video... sadly I don't have the time to try the mod right now... at least until I finish the one I am doing; otherwise, I'll never finish it :P

Anyway, our mods are totally different... mine is based on stock cars, mainly sourced from assettoland, converted from who knows where to AC... most of the cars were signed by smallblockhero, but they had loads of non working parts; lights, tachos, fuel gauges, tires, suspensions, collision boxes, flames, double faces, strange materials and textures, non appropriate shaders, etc... so I redone them from ground up making them all drive different, with different suspensions, engines, gearboxes, new skins, textures, materials; but they all can reach similar top speeds to allow for a fair competition, so theoretically you can win with whatever car you choose to drive ... they only share the same tires. (although, to be honest, I was not able to win one single race against the AI with the maxed skill level and maxed aggression :P )

related to the post about the "Aussie vintage pack"
to fix the "fast steering" open the car.ini file and up the value of the steer ratio ... afterwards start the kunos ingame app for the suspensions and tune the linear steer rod ratio by turning your wheel at 90 degrees and make the steer ratio match the value that the app shows, (you alter the values of the linear steer rod ratio until the steer ratio and the value displayed in the app are the same)

here an example of the car ini to make it more clear

STEER_RATIO=16 (in this example 16 gives a fast steering feel ... on the contrary, 25 gives a slow steering feel, or to be more precise, you need to turn the wheel a lot to make the wheels turn)
LINEAR_STEER_ROD_RATIO=0.00265 (alter this value, after you decided what is the best steer ratio for you, and make the steer value you have chosen match the value the suspensions app shows ingame when turning the wheel at 90°)

It is a personal preference directly related to your controller setup and to the suspensions geometry... I for example like a more direct feeling on the steering with a very light ffb feedback... someone else may like the opposite.
Easy to fix and tune to your liking as you can see

but, if if you say that the whole mod drives as crap, there is no point in doing that.

@Cote Dazur

Here how to do it:

EDIT: ups, sorry @Cote Dazur... just saw now the post above, that explanes how to do it in CM in a much simpler way... I use CM just to preview the cars, so it was unknown to me. Cheers !
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Apparently Gilles has found out that all his tracks have been leaked> Or he's just really working on drumming up business? lol

This was his latest email just now;

Just a heads up, AC CLASSICS is now back online. The website has a sleek new design.

ALL past and future AC CLASSICS tracks are now being sold for only £1 each, and you can buy as many as you want.
Here is the new URL

£1 is absolutely spot on for a half decent track. Trouble is with his that some are really bad but some are quite the opposite! Can anyone recommend any? I think I'll throw a few quid his way.* I was going to purchase Brooklands in the past until someone absolutely slated it :confused:

*Didn't realise he was ripping directly from fellow modders
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£1 is absolutely spot on for a half decent track. Trouble is with his that some are really bad but some are quite the opposite! Can anyone recommend any? I think I'll throw a few quid his way. I was going to purchase Brooklands in the past until someone absolutely slated it :confused:

I don't know man at the rate he's going we're going to have hundreds of these half assed mediocre tracks in no time. Yes they are drivable but at the end of the day useless and headed for the trash can. A lot of them would be highly desired to have IF they were proper conversions but they are not so it's just a waste sadly.

I mean you could be thankful that he's getting them into the game and that they can be improved on from their current state but from what I understand the work to get them to where he has them currently is easy and can be done within an hour so...better off just doing it yourself if you really want a certain track in game - and if you decide to go that route, just share it on this forum for free :cheers:

What's the point of it anyway? Just an attempt at a quick cash grab? He's kind of proving himself as a non player/enthusiast of the game.
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I found loads of simtraxx, traxx... i mean tracks on RD as way of research.... in fairness they were free..... half arsed..but free. Why are they free?
I am very confused i'll be honest. If he gives them away for free then he is also a crap scammer!!?

Making my point even again. Even free tracks, that you THINK would be a good idea to be the best possible, to promote tracks for sale - are half arsed, broken and not very appealing to the eye (save the latest one, havent seen it).
Just like the entire moto of SimTraxx.

Free tracks is a coy maneuver to be able to say, "see I threw ya a free bone or two - we're good people!" OH By the way - send us more money. (for tracks that will never get finished) along with being in the 'club' and have special access to our whole portfolio of digital garbage, betas and endless verbal tripe.

Just send more money and we'll get better. I promise...

Making my point even again. Even free tracks, that you THINK would be a good idea to be the best possible, to promote tracks for sale - are half arsed, broken and not very appealing to the eye (save the latest one, havent seen it).
Just like the entire moto of SimTraxx.

Free tracks is a coy maneuver to be able to say, "see I threw ya a free bone or two - we're good people!" OH By the way - send us more money. (for tracks that will never get finished) along with being in the 'club' and have special access to our whole portfolio of digital garbage, betas and endless verbal tripe.

Just send more money and we'll get better. I promise...


"All publicity is good publicity" unless it's about Sim Traxx coming from @P1ButtPlug that is :lol:
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