Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Big kudos to whoever you are that converted/created (dunno) this car, cheers :cheers: And what a fantastic livery! It even has the "SPEED" logo on the windshield - which is the dead speed channel on tv with 'ole Dave Despain :D

Big kudos to whoever you are that convert/made (dunno) this car, cheers :cheers: And what a fantastic livery. It even has the "SPEED" logo on the windshield - which is the dead speed channel on tv with 'ole Dave Despain :D

there were some minor issues with the skins so i had to fix them.
But i do agree the skin is awesome!
the car reminds me of the 2000 viper GTS-R concept
there were some minor issues with the skins so i had to fix them.
But i do agree the skin is awesome!
the car reminds me of the 2000 viper GTS-R concept

One tiny thing that might want to get addressed is the fender wells being reflective. Looks transparent but its reflective.
Seems like that would be a Content Manager function?
It is a CustomShadersPatch function, CM has some ui to change the config for that. To make further changes like maybe a Rolling start, that would be an enourmous thing to take control of the logic for the race start, it would have to be written completely new.

And regarding community, if x4fab and henter wouldn't have "raped" AC, like Stefano said about the patch, then it would not be possible at all. And thats simply a one man show in the end. About the rape thing: I would say "show her [ac] all the nice places shes never been", but i see Stefanos point.
Seems like that would be a Content Manager function?

it is a CM function: Settings, CSP, new ai behavior, cool down lap.

@KJRacing81 Thank you, that feature to move the driver in CM is amazing, I had not used it yet.
I made it better, at least the wheel is not going trough his leg anymore.
It does not seem to be able to modify how the body is, how wide the hands are, etc... All that can be done, and it is already a lot, is move up, down, sideways.
I am wondering if that car has the wrong driver, to get a good fit, it would need to have the arms more bended. Do you know?
Last edited:

Just tried it. Not too bad. Prefer the AG one. Something not quite right about this one for me. I wonder just how scratch made it is?

Re the mopar viper, i would guess it is a forza rip? Looks beautiful on track, wonderful modelling. Drives pretty well too, regardless how authentic it is, it has a nice feel.
Could you send me a link to the AG one? Made me curious...
.... All that can be done, and it is already a lot, is move up, down, sideways.
I am wondering if that car has the wrong driver, to get a good fit, it would need to have the arms more bended. Do you know?

Don't really check this stuff as I am not fan of VR. Haven't put in the effort to learn how to manipulate a Driver:Rig properly so for now I just use the best fitting model. Found a slightly better one for the AC 212 S/C. As always, Check the Blog.

Just tried it. Not too bad. Prefer the AG one. Something not quite right about this one for me. I wonder just how scratch made it is?

Same here.
I also prefer the AG version ---> available here:
The interior of this one is the same as the AG (bar a different rollcage).
Bodywork differs at a few spots (air vents, exhaust...)
CSP update:
x4fabToday at 12:13 AM

v0.1.25-preview194 • Mirrors fixed; • Particles FX: • Dust for new smoke (WIP); • New smoke behavior fixed; • Optional brightness multiplies for different states for traces; • Option to set emitting position for traces; • SHADER_REPLACEMENT_…: • Alter shader properties relatively to original values (increasing by X or in X times); • Skinned meshes now available to alter as well; • Vertex AO: • Support for cars & drivers positioned in cars; • Now affects reflections, after being scaled; • Patches can contain SHADER_REPLACEMENT_… sections, allowing to increase “ksAmbient” where necessary; • Option for gamma; • AO splitting, for smooth transitions; • Alternative AO set (for driver shadows); • Extra AO samples for fast and reliable ambient occlusion for dynamic objects; • Slow loading is fixed; • Splitting meshes to elements optimized (preparing distant emissives for Le Mans now take 0.02 s instead of 5.2 s); • Weather FX: • API to access track config; • Improved clouds light dimming; • Vertex AO and SSAO/HBAO+ support for stPerPixelMultiMap_specular shader; • New MultiMap-based shader for digital screen with masking; • Better blending for distant emissives; • New Python functions for free camera: ac.ext_setCameraPosition() and ac.ext_setCameraDirection(); • Instruments fixed; • Siren mode working with gamepads; • Disabled shadows in VR fixed; • New sets of shaders for disabled shadows, using VAO for diffuse shadows; • SSGI is now applied as light source rather than as post-processing effect; • Freer Camera: • Recond and restore positions with optional smoothness (lag); • Optionally, record and restore replay position as well; • More small fixes. Links: •; • (new bakery).(edited)


x4fabToday at 4:09 AM

v0.1.25-preview197 • Shadows in VR fixed (now, when they’re enabled); • A couple of smaller fixes.

Edit: x4fab messaged me - [windows down/use exterior sounds everywhere] should also be fixed.
CSP update:
x4fabToday at 12:13 AM

v0.1.25-preview194 • Mirrors fixed; • Particles FX: • Dust for new smoke (WIP); • New smoke behavior fixed; • Optional brightness multiplies for different states for traces; • Option to set emitting position for traces; • SHADER_REPLACEMENT_…: • Alter shader properties relatively to original values (increasing by X or in X times); • Skinned meshes now available to alter as well; • Vertex AO: • Support for cars & drivers positioned in cars; • Now affects reflections, after being scaled; • Patches can contain SHADER_REPLACEMENT_… sections, allowing to increase “ksAmbient” where necessary; • Option for gamma; • AO splitting, for smooth transitions; • Alternative AO set (for driver shadows); • Extra AO samples for fast and reliable ambient occlusion for dynamic objects; • Slow loading is fixed; • Splitting meshes to elements optimized (preparing distant emissives for Le Mans now take 0.02 s instead of 5.2 s); • Weather FX: • API to access track config; • Improved clouds light dimming; • Vertex AO and SSAO/HBAO+ support for stPerPixelMultiMap_specular shader; • New MultiMap-based shader for digital screen with masking; • Better blending for distant emissives; • New Python functions for free camera: ac.ext_setCameraPosition() and ac.ext_setCameraDirection(); • Instruments fixed; • Siren mode working with gamepads; • Disabled shadows in VR fixed; • New sets of shaders for disabled shadows, using VAO for diffuse shadows; • SSGI is now applied as light source rather than as post-processing effect; • Freer Camera: • Recond and restore positions with optional smoothness (lag); • Optionally, record and restore replay position as well; • More small fixes. Links: •; • (new bakery).(edited)


x4fabToday at 4:09 AM

v0.1.25-preview197 • Shadows in VR fixed (now, when they’re enabled); • A couple of smaller fixes.

Edit: x4fab messaged me - [windows down/use exterior sounds everywhere] should also be fixed.

No available as update within CM presing check for updates. Does it took some time usually to this?
Big kudos to whoever you are that converted/created (dunno) this car, cheers :cheers: And what a fantastic livery! It even has the "SPEED" logo on the windshield - which is the dead speed channel on tv with 'ole Dave Despain :D

How do people even get the special decals for liveries like these? I guess the skin was just converted together with the car from the game it originally came from.
Save the wallpaper in Document\Assetto Corsa\Screens
CM will remember it's position.
By the way, here's mine.

But you have to go into settings/appearance and select it, its not automatic.

Does not work for me. No problem I'm sure it will be fixed.

I don't think its broken. Is a firewall setting stopping it? On my end, it was close and restart and there it was.
Same here.
I also prefer the AG version ---> available here:
The interior of this one is the same as the AG (bar a different rollcage).
Bodywork differs at a few spots (air vents, exhaust...)

Looking at the models, there's certainly quite a few differences which seem to go all around the car, infact this newer one is a lot more close to the actual Competizione variant and has a pretty close looking skin too (2nd one). Also the new one states 210bhp which would be correct also. Is it just odd that is has "randomly" popped up? I didn't hear or see any development of this, although that doesn't say much lol. I haven't had time to try it and compare yet though, it should be interesting.
Does anyone out there have anything like this? It's from that '''' website. There's no download link for it.

I'm trying to figure out where it's from DiRT 4 or DiRT Rally maybe?View attachment 843302

There's this rally RS500 over on RD. I'm not really sure what the deal with that ASC site is, I registered and can now look at pictures, but there's no options for downloads, no area to contact anybody and clicking on some bits asks for a guest password...

Not that I would care for Ray Tracing but it shows again how Kunos is using false advertisement to promote their pile of trash. I bet they just wanted the publicity of getting mentioned in the big NVIDIA reveal show.
If you have no luck, give this a try, just removed the meshes again.

Normally I don't get to see much of the gauges, but when trying to compare the 'old' Punto (with the safety net removed) with the new one, I changed the view and I noticed this:


I re-downloaded the original from Assettoland. Obviously the net is back and I still can't see through it, but the needles in the gauges are OK.
So removing the net might have borked the gauges ?
£1 is absolutely spot on for a half decent track. Trouble is with his that some are really bad but some are quite the opposite! Can anyone recommend any? I think I'll throw a few quid his way. I was going to purchase Brooklands in the past until someone absolutely slated it :confused:

Throw it his way? For 1 Pound there is a fee from paypal for 0.60 cents + VAT + income tax, then how much is left after ?
We would love to sell tracks cheaper but then we get some 20-30% of the price...
Making my point even again. Even free tracks, that you THINK would be a good idea to be the best possible, to promote tracks for sale - are half arsed, broken and not very appealing to the eye (save the latest one, havent seen it).
Just like the entire moto of SimTraxx.

Free tracks is a coy maneuver to be able to say, "see I threw ya a free bone or two - we're good people!" OH By the way - send us more money. (for tracks that will never get finished) along with being in the 'club' and have special access to our whole portfolio of digital garbage, betas and endless verbal tripe.

Just send more money and we'll get better. I promise...


I can see You have a problem with understanding mathematics? Do You think any game or any professional company would do anything without money? We are building a community that can support us so then we can actually make some ultra res laserscanned tracks and get the costs back and hopefully finally some profits. We will also soon try to make coded download files so they will not run if copied, this way tracks will not be pirated any more at least for some time after release. Anyway You are crying about sending money, although progress needs money, I guess You save all Your money for a buttplug collection. Just stop defamating SIM TRAXX or I will start looking for Your real name which I will get eventually and send You a letter to court. Do You think You are anonymous? Instead of being in Your normal state of mind, try to figure out that the money we get is sort of crowdfunding for the future. We are improving tracks and creating biggest collection of various tracks for years to come. Also dont say for others, bring the unhappy crowd that You are saying and let them speak to me. Where are they? Where are these scammed people You say? Find them! Thats Your mission, find them because they will be Your only defence in the court. Good luck! Do You think we not know about some delays in track creations? And thats why we are extending periods of memberships for free for all affected people. Also as said before in some post, we are focused on helping people that start in real rallies or races, do You think they care first about road accuracy and reference points or about some visual fireworks?
What do You expect???These are budget tracks, but accurate. This is what real drivers need first. And many of them send us regards and say they are happy. So just go back to Your buttplug cave and dont crawl too often if You may.
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