It is sounding to me like 'ST KonRad' and 'Petros Mak' are personas of the same individual. Or the same persona in different people, that is promise the world but deliver 4/5ths of buck all.
I re-downloaded the original from Assettoland. Obviously the net is back and I still can't see through it, but the needles in the gauges are OK.
So removing the net might have borked the gauges ?
Throw it his way? For 1 Pound there is a fee from paypal for 0.60 cents + VAT + income tax, then how much is left after ?
We would love to sell tracks cheaper but then we get some 20-30% of the price...
I dont know, Brasov looks pretty amazing, and some other tracks look really good as well. mostly are rally tracks though which are not a fan favourite, regardless of how great they look.
the bad track record comes from the unfinished tracks. i would finish anything you have received funding for, get them out there, and later on if you have a better track record maybe do commission work.
Your problems are simply too many tracks to work on at the same time. i dont mind paying for some of your tracks, as i already did, but a finished product without early access would help you.
And maybe a lists of whats missing in those early access tracks.
Made net visible through and gauges still correct:
Oh that’s no good, I’ll have a look later when I get time to see if there’s anything I can do about that.
@ST KonRad
Just please stop responding to the so called "diffamations" is so unprofessional and pointless.
People have the right to complain, and in your specific case they have good arguments why they are complaining.
here a few tips:
- do not ever ask money in advance from your fans/community/users otherwise you will always find yourself in this same situation
- finish a track!, post a restricted version, and than ask for money, so that the buyer can decide if he likes the product and quality or not
- if you plan on selling your products to the simracing community, than rethink your prices and bring them way down
- a better way would be maybe to offer your products to the game developers, that way you will avoid sticking your nose in a modding community tradition that is used to see this all as a hobby, not as a business. What you are doing is like if someone tried to sell me a Linux distro...
I have tried all of the tracks by SIMTRAXX and I like just a few of them, and those few i like a lot (peyregrosse, drazgose and semetin)... but as I am aware of, you didn't built them ?!? you just "optimized" them... whatever that means.
The tracks are good, but very far from a quality that is required to sell them. (this is of course a subjective opinion)
So to come to an end point: use the simracing community as a marketing platform where you show off your work and what you are capable off doing, and than sell the real thing to the "big players".
Now, I'd say that it is enough with all this crap... just move on and take care of your business somewhere else... this is not the place to make money, and as I see, this is your agenda.
You are hurting yourself and your company (IMHO, you already went beyond the no return point)
Cheers and good luck!
From every not happy fan or hater we can get something to improve the company.
I do not speak English fluently, but I understood what the others are saying to you. Our community does not really like what you are promoting here. Maybe I'm wrong?Alot of tracks are build by the RBR community that we also created in the past. They are refreshed and enhanced versions of CLASSIC tracks for RBR created by several track makers who actively cooperate with us on newest high quality projects. The older projects will not look like new ones. We will not redo everything on them because of the respect for the original authors, so we just give a better look to CLASSIC projects. However we have some totally new high quality laserscanned projects as well. Some screens below
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Will not say more or post more about this subject not too clog this channel about SIM TRAXX but I will be back sometimes to see what happens and to see if our beloved BUTPLUGSTER is fine
Anyone wants to talk constructively about future of sim tracks we invite You to our support and news server on Discord: if anyone wants to throw some meat on us then we also inviteFrom every not happy fan or hater we can get something to improve the tracks and company.
PS. people have the right to complain but not to tell untrue on someone without any proofs and deliberately sharing false information that damage the company.
This was posted in 2016 (!) on RD, no updates...
v0.9 with lots of improvements soon in closed beta tests
if You want to rate less than 5 stars please wait for v1.0!
So it's still v0.85 ?
There is! You can find it here:
I do not speak English fluently, but I understood what the others are saying to you. Our community does not really like what you are promoting here. Maybe I'm wrong?
special script that can setup proper vegetation normals and was able to implement them for most of the older tracks
@ST KonRad I think people aren't going to pay for Sim Traxx mod tracks in any great numbers. Reasons:
1. A great many FREE tracks have been released by modders, and more are in development. Lots are at least as good as Sim Traxx content, and some are much, much better.
2. More FREE content is in development from other modders.
3. Your choice of tracks is not appealing to the average sim racer. Too many rally tracks, too many hill climbs.
4. Your tracks will leak as soon as they are released, and the community knows this. Why pay for something you don't really want in the first place when stuff you DO want is available for free?
5. Sim Traxx reputation. People are reluctant to support you based on previous experience or on advice from others.
I've said it before but you are trying to monetise your hobby, and you are literally betting the farm that the content that appeals to YOU is what other sim racers want, and that this forms the basis of a sustainable and profitable business.
I really believe a whole change of strategy is needed. Lose the Sim Traxx name and the baggage that comes with it. Downsize your 'staff' and cut your overheads. Finish existing tracks. Find out what people actually want, not what you think they want. Keep your promises. Lose the expensive obsession with laser-scanning public roads.
But above all, ask yourself this simple question: can a living be made producing tracks for video games? If this was the case then I'm sure some very talented modders would have given up their day jobs by now.
Above all I ask my self a question whats the difference between creating games and creating content tracks and why they should not sell if people want custom made tracks, not all the time same well known tracks in every sim all over again or some fake tracks like in most games.
We are content creators and there is no big difference. Not everyone has to create a game engine, especially now when everyone can export to UE4 and make their own game... And I did give up my job to give some people their dream tracks and also to create better tracks. Instead of buying DIRT rally or F1 every year with different tracks and lazy physics we create a database of realistic tracks that can be used for most engines even in the future.
can you share that, would be awesomecompany secret? it would not hurt you, only a nice move to show it to all interested
edit. on the same thing on and off, python blender script, if its ready, i will share it in all places i know
Save the wallpaper in Document\Assetto Corsa\Screens
CM will remember it's position.
By the way, here's mine.
From AC Classics...
I'm giving this track away for free. Enjoy.
Phoenix 91 GP
Download link:
Unzip Password:
ST up a video of your best track. The best thing ST has ever made.
From AC Classics...
I'm giving this track away for free. Enjoy.
Phoenix 91 GP
Download link:
Unzip Password:
It's not top obviously, but it it's not "junk" either.Yeah cause its junk lol
It's not top obviously, but it it's not "junk" either.
Have you tried it ?