Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
It is sounding to me like 'ST KonRad' and 'Petros Mak' are personas of the same individual. Or the same persona in different people, that is promise the world but deliver 4/5ths of buck all.
I dont know, Brasov looks pretty amazing, and some other tracks look really good as well. mostly are rally tracks though which are not a fan favourite, regardless of how great they look.
the bad track record comes from the unfinished tracks. i would finish anything you have received funding for, get them out there, and later on if you have a better track record maybe do commission work.

Your problems are simply too many tracks to work on at the same time. i dont mind paying for some of your tracks, as i already did, but a finished product without early access would help you.

And maybe a lists of whats missing in those early access tracks.
I re-downloaded the original from Assettoland. Obviously the net is back and I still can't see through it, but the needles in the gauges are OK.
So removing the net might have borked the gauges ?

Oh that’s no good, I’ll have a look later when I get time to see if there’s anything I can do about that.

Throw it his way? For 1 Pound there is a fee from paypal for 0.60 cents + VAT + income tax, then how much is left after ?
We would love to sell tracks cheaper but then we get some 20-30% of the price...

C’mon man! I was in no way insinuating you with my comments or having a sly dig...besides, if that’s how you do your maths, no wonder your “company” is struggling! 60cents fee + VAT for a £1 payment by selling an item (virtual or real) through PayPal, where do you get these figures? Your accountant??

You obviously take any form of criticism very personally and you have even resorted to personal insults in your last post. Do you know what professionalism is? I’d be surprised if you are on this forum for much longer, having a go about the quality of a mod or the lack of keeping ones word about a delivery of a product is one thing; telling someone to “go back to Your buttplug cave” is on another level.
@ST KonRad
Just please stop responding to the so called "diffamations" is so unprofessional and pointless.

People have the right to complain, and in your specific case they have good arguments why they are complaining.

here a few tips:
- do not ever ask money in advance from your fans/community/users otherwise you will always find yourself in this same situation
- finish a track!, post a restricted version, and than ask for money, so that the buyer can decide if he likes the product and quality or not
- if you plan on selling your products to the simracing community, than rethink your prices and bring them way down
- a better way would be maybe to offer your products to the game developers, that way you will avoid sticking your nose in a modding community tradition that is used to see this all as a hobby, not as a business. What you are doing is like if someone tried to sell me a Linux distro...

I have tried all of the tracks by SIMTRAXX and I like just a few of them, and those few i like a lot (peyregrosse, drazgose and semetin)... but as I am aware of, you didn't built them ?!? you just "optimized" them... whatever that means.
The tracks are good, but very far from a quality that is required to sell them. (this is of course a subjective opinion)

So to come to an end point: use the simracing community as a marketing platform where you show off your work and what you are capable off doing, and than sell the real thing to the "big players".

Now, I'd say that it is enough with all this crap... just move on and take care of your business somewhere else... this is not the place to make money, and as I see, this is your agenda.
You are hurting yourself and your company (IMHO, you already went beyond the no return point)

Cheers and good luck!
I dont know, Brasov looks pretty amazing, and some other tracks look really good as well. mostly are rally tracks though which are not a fan favourite, regardless of how great they look.
the bad track record comes from the unfinished tracks. i would finish anything you have received funding for, get them out there, and later on if you have a better track record maybe do commission work.

Your problems are simply too many tracks to work on at the same time. i dont mind paying for some of your tracks, as i already did, but a finished product without early access would help you.

And maybe a lists of whats missing in those early access tracks.

Ok we definitely want to cooperate and to hear people saying what they not like, because few people is doing almost everything from A-Z in company then some things are left undone. It is only mainly a matter of budget, but yes also the amount of tracks is too high for such small team.
We thought that more peopl would support us at the beginning and that financial problems will not slow down works on all tracks and development of the new ones. You are also right about too many rally tracks, we should do some 20 small circuits instead of 20 long rally tracks. We would finish them much earlier and with bigger detail. I guess we were doing what we like the most which is rally tracks. We will now try to balance and focus also on many circuits. We have an idea to go to Thunderhill owner and ask him to finance laserscanning and track creation and then we will be able to create the track with highest budget without profits and release it in SIM TRAXX Store for the owner to recover his costs and then perhaps profit on it.
The only problem is the amount of people paying. If we do this laserscanned high quality track and setup price for for example 6 EUR then we hope that sales will be high enough to at least get even. Also alot of peopel doesnt know that from this 6 EUR we get some half of it....after VAT and income taxes. As we dont have a profit yet then our taxes are 0 but still we need to include that for the future. We are not greedy, when we make lots of money then we will spend lots to improve track making and make even more tracks much cheaper. But first we need to build a market for high quality mods.I have spoken to Bram from Race Department and they are planning to also launch high quality mod store...So hopefully things will get more organised soon and we will be able to plan ahead instead of working day by day without budget.
@ST KonRad
Just please stop responding to the so called "diffamations" is so unprofessional and pointless.

People have the right to complain, and in your specific case they have good arguments why they are complaining.

here a few tips:
- do not ever ask money in advance from your fans/community/users otherwise you will always find yourself in this same situation
- finish a track!, post a restricted version, and than ask for money, so that the buyer can decide if he likes the product and quality or not
- if you plan on selling your products to the simracing community, than rethink your prices and bring them way down
- a better way would be maybe to offer your products to the game developers, that way you will avoid sticking your nose in a modding community tradition that is used to see this all as a hobby, not as a business. What you are doing is like if someone tried to sell me a Linux distro...

I have tried all of the tracks by SIMTRAXX and I like just a few of them, and those few i like a lot (peyregrosse, drazgose and semetin)... but as I am aware of, you didn't built them ?!? you just "optimized" them... whatever that means.
The tracks are good, but very far from a quality that is required to sell them. (this is of course a subjective opinion)

So to come to an end point: use the simracing community as a marketing platform where you show off your work and what you are capable off doing, and than sell the real thing to the "big players".

Now, I'd say that it is enough with all this crap... just move on and take care of your business somewhere else... this is not the place to make money, and as I see, this is your agenda.
You are hurting yourself and your company (IMHO, you already went beyond the no return point)

Cheers and good luck!

Alot of tracks are build by the RBR community that we also created in the past. They are refreshed and enhanced versions of CLASSIC tracks for RBR created by several track makers who actively cooperate with us on newest high quality projects. The older projects will not look like new ones. We will not redo everything on them because of the respect for the original authors, so we just give a better look to CLASSIC projects. However we have some totally new high quality laserscanned projects as well. Some screens below

Will not say more or post more about this subject not too clog this channel about SIM TRAXX but I will be back sometimes to see what happens and to see if our beloved BUTPLUGSTER is fine :D
Anyone wants to talk constructively about future of sim tracks we invite You to our support and news server on Discord: if anyone wants to throw some meat on us then we also invite ;) From every not happy fan or hater we can get something to improve the tracks and company.

PS. people have the right to complain but not to tell untrue on someone without any proofs and deliberately sharing false information that damage the company.
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From every not happy fan or hater we can get something to improve the company.

This was posted in 2016 (!) on RD, no updates...

v0.9 with lots of improvements soon in closed beta tests
if You want to rate less than 5 stars please wait for v1.0! ;)

So it's still v0.85 ?
Alot of tracks are build by the RBR community that we also created in the past. They are refreshed and enhanced versions of CLASSIC tracks for RBR created by several track makers who actively cooperate with us on newest high quality projects. The older projects will not look like new ones. We will not redo everything on them because of the respect for the original authors, so we just give a better look to CLASSIC projects. However we have some totally new high quality laserscanned projects as well. Some screens below
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Will not say more or post more about this subject not too clog this channel about SIM TRAXX but I will be back sometimes to see what happens and to see if our beloved BUTPLUGSTER is fine :D
Anyone wants to talk constructively about future of sim tracks we invite You to our support and news server on Discord: if anyone wants to throw some meat on us then we also invite ;) From every not happy fan or hater we can get something to improve the tracks and company.

PS. people have the right to complain but not to tell untrue on someone without any proofs and deliberately sharing false information that damage the company.
I do not speak English fluently, but I understood what the others are saying to you. Our community does not really like what you are promoting here. Maybe I'm wrong?
This was posted in 2016 (!) on RD, no updates...

v0.9 with lots of improvements soon in closed beta tests
if You want to rate less than 5 stars please wait for v1.0! ;)

So it's still v0.85 ?

No its in v1.0 EA1 for closed community. But its a conversion of older track so it will not look like our new tracks. This track is CLASSIC and is enhanced by us. Converting long tracks to AC takes sometimes longer than building a track cause there is so many changes to apply. Maybe small circuits are easy but 8-72 (Targa Florio) km tracks are not. We just now added night lights for the lanterns and soon will be heading for release. For long time we couldnt improve tree normals (this is a conversion and all the trees have regular bad normals from older engine) as there were thousands of them on many tracks. Finally we created a special script that can setup proper vegetation normals and was able to implement them for most of the older tracks.
Whats left to do is setup some more optimisation, improve some shaders and high resolution road mesh that we added after v0.85.
Also remember that many things were added and improved to AC so we also had to change improve many things over years. So for example v1.0 in 2016 is totally lower than v1.0 in 2019...

I do not speak English fluently, but I understood what the others are saying to you. Our community does not really like what you are promoting here. Maybe I'm wrong?

Dont say for the community ok? Just say for Yourself. I get it Kran and ButsterPlugger hates us. Is there anyone else here?
Please make a list.
@ST KonRad I think people aren't going to pay for Sim Traxx mod tracks in any great numbers. Reasons:
1. A great many FREE tracks have been released by modders, and more are in development. Lots are at least as good as Sim Traxx content, and some are much, much better.
2. More FREE content is in development from other modders.
3. Your choice of tracks is not appealing to the average sim racer. Too many rally tracks, too many hill climbs.
4. Your tracks will leak as soon as they are released, and the community knows this. Why pay for something you don't really want in the first place when stuff you DO want is available for free?
5. Sim Traxx reputation. People are reluctant to support you based on previous experience or on advice from others.

I've said it before but you are trying to monetise your hobby, and you are literally betting the farm that the content that appeals to YOU is what other sim racers want, and that this forms the basis of a sustainable and profitable business.

I really believe a whole change of strategy is needed. Lose the Sim Traxx name and the baggage that comes with it. Downsize your 'staff' and cut your overheads. Finish existing tracks. Find out what people actually want, not what you think they want. Keep your promises. Lose the expensive obsession with laser-scanning public roads.

But above all, ask yourself this simple question: can a living be made producing tracks for video games? If this was the case then I'm sure some very talented modders would have given up their day jobs by now.
special script that can setup proper vegetation normals and was able to implement them for most of the older tracks

can you share that, would be awesome ;) company secret? it would not hurt you, only a nice move to show it to all interested
edit. on the same thing on and off, python blender script, if its ready, i will share it in all places i know
@ST KonRad I think people aren't going to pay for Sim Traxx mod tracks in any great numbers. Reasons:
1. A great many FREE tracks have been released by modders, and more are in development. Lots are at least as good as Sim Traxx content, and some are much, much better.
2. More FREE content is in development from other modders.
3. Your choice of tracks is not appealing to the average sim racer. Too many rally tracks, too many hill climbs.
4. Your tracks will leak as soon as they are released, and the community knows this. Why pay for something you don't really want in the first place when stuff you DO want is available for free?
5. Sim Traxx reputation. People are reluctant to support you based on previous experience or on advice from others.

I've said it before but you are trying to monetise your hobby, and you are literally betting the farm that the content that appeals to YOU is what other sim racers want, and that this forms the basis of a sustainable and profitable business.

I really believe a whole change of strategy is needed. Lose the Sim Traxx name and the baggage that comes with it. Downsize your 'staff' and cut your overheads. Finish existing tracks. Find out what people actually want, not what you think they want. Keep your promises. Lose the expensive obsession with laser-scanning public roads.

But above all, ask yourself this simple question: can a living be made producing tracks for video games? If this was the case then I'm sure some very talented modders would have given up their day jobs by now.

ad.1. True but there is no organisation in those tracks. We are trying to make most (especially new) tracks with same ways so they are consistent.
Each track from each modders is different and resembles different quality and different accuracy. We want to drive on real roads not faked roads.
ad.2. Ok let them come, unless we hire these modders to do something bigger and even better.
ad.3.True, we wanted more people to come from driving boring circuits to real fun rallying and multiplayer races on crazy hard roads.
Hotlapping is nice but hmm, something is missing, maybe its me. We are moving into some nice laserscanned circuits now though as said in some earlier posts, I am looking forward to speaking with Thunderhill owner.
ad.4. we are also thinking about solutions that will secure our tracks like there is possibility in rFactor2 that when the files are copied then they will not work.
ad.5. SIM TRAXX reputation in many aspects and many communities is very high, but of course there are also some that don't like us. Thats real life.
There was never anyone who would do good for all. But we are trying to improve what we can and make more people to have better thoughts about us.

About monetising the hobby, well its more like allowing for the hobby to flourish but not only for me but lots of people who like to have custom made tracks. Simple 1 man modder cannot create a custom made track for order. He is too small and it would take too long.
But we can.And we do. Some people who have money come to us and are eager to pay some thousands to have their dream roads done for them so they can drive them. Also many simulator companies need some custom made tracks. Who will do them? For how long. We do tracks even in 1 month with high quality. All depends on budget, but we can because we have a team and legal things like invoices and accountants to be able to run business globally. Do You think that some modder who works in his free time can do a professional order?

We will definitely review our strategy, SIM TRAXX name will stay and we will show people that we are not scammers and our name means something and that we are proud of it. We get awesome comments from hundreds of people, we do not get many hates. That also means something.

Above all I ask my self a question whats the difference between creating games and creating content tracks and why they should not sell if people want custom made tracks, not all the time same well known tracks in every sim all over again or some fake tracks like in most games.
We are content creators and there is no big difference. Not everyone has to create a game engine, especially now when everyone can export to UE4 and make their own game... And I did give up my job to give some people their dream tracks and also to create better tracks. Instead of buying DIRT rally or F1 every year with different tracks and lazy physics we create a database of realistic tracks that can be used for most engines even in the future.
Above all I ask my self a question whats the difference between creating games and creating content tracks and why they should not sell if people want custom made tracks, not all the time same well known tracks in every sim all over again or some fake tracks like in most games.
We are content creators and there is no big difference. Not everyone has to create a game engine, especially now when everyone can export to UE4 and make their own game... And I did give up my job to give some people their dream tracks and also to create better tracks. Instead of buying DIRT rally or F1 every year with different tracks and lazy physics we create a database of realistic tracks that can be used for most engines even in the future.

This is literally the thing you dont seem to understand.... creating an entire GAME is very different than creating some custom tracks FOR that game. People are more likely to pay for a FULL GAME since it is made up of many different parts that all amount to the central theme or goal within that game and most of the time, it reaches full 1.0 status or completion. Paying for custom content is definitely not out of the question, especially in the Sim world but paying for half finished projects, or stuff that doesn't interest anyone playing said GAME that the content is for really isn't likely to happen. Its quite hard to get people to part with their money unless the product is rather deserving of it. And priced accordingly as well. Wanna see how not to price things? Look at RTM. Wanna see how not release products? Look toward SimDream. Wanna see me pirate everything the two of them release? Good cause I will. Cause I can.

Which leads me to pirating in the AC community. Its rampant. Every paid mod is available for free... somewhere. And most of the user base knows this. So already you're competing in an uphill battle. RSS, VRC, URD, they survive because they're products are worth the $6-$10 they charge. And again, people know this, they've proven themselves time and time again. You have not.

If you want to salvage this in any way you need to really do what several people have mentioned already here.... ask the community what they want, maybe they do want the "same old tracks over and over again." You might not, but that doesn't matter.... the customer does, and you should be creating what the market demands.

The free tracks that have been mentioned time and time again... many are quite good, some are def better than anything SimTraxx has released thus far, others, not so much. But understand, when you CHARGE MONEY for a PRODUCT it needs to be completed, and it needs to be rather high quality. Your latest free release is actually quite good, if you can release other projects to that standard thats a start.

Again all this just begs the question though.... why would you spend thousands of dollars laser scanning random roads in the hope that some one might want to drive it in a 6 year old racing sim on PC? It just makes literally no business sense. Kunos, and Turn10 and SMS, all the big studios can laser scan tracks because they have one thing you dont.... BIG BUDGET FUNDING.... and they have a product they know will sell. And last time I checked... they weren't sitting on a forum for the last 4 days saying the same thing 28 times over.

You have the ability to make a good product no doubt.... you are just lost, and it seems.... delusional. But hey now I get to sit back and wait for you to say the same thing again for the 29th time. :D
can you share that, would be awesome ;) company secret? it would not hurt you, only a nice move to show it to all interested
edit. on the same thing on and off, python blender script, if its ready, i will share it in all places i know

Well, it was a company secret, but I just gave out. It was always a problem for us and at some point we discovered a way. We wouldnt do it without the people that supported us throughout the years, which are then insulted by some guys like PlugsterButter that are suckers to pay us. Many other people dont know that we are not doing only tracks but inventing new ways in Blender to create laserscanned complex tracks in a fastest and best way to be able to lower costs for the community.
We are sort of VR engineers, we use Blender, Cloud Compare, we process billions of points for laserscans, we teach the classicfication scripts to separate scanned trees from terrain mesh and from only road surface mesh. Road surface needs more polys than for example roadside and near terrain, also far terrain even less for optimisation. We want to go also now into deep AI learning and creating tracks from videos with newest NVIDIA technologies, so not exactly like Your sunday regular BTB, RTB modders.

I guess we have to think about sharing the Python script/plugin. It can later be used to rip tracks from other games and make them look good which we cant say we are fans of if there is no permission from the author or owner.
Also our script can later be used by some of our competitors. I will really have to think about. As much as I would like to share but I need to consult this with a person who wrote the script and perhaps with some more people. Stay with me on that, perhaps You can join our Discord and talk to me there to SIM TRAXX Kon Rad. The script works with X and Y trees quite well. In a matter of some minutes/hours depending on track size and hardware it can change normals for all selected objects.The normals are setup same like in AC original trees.
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Ok, so some of you guys don't approve of the Sim Traxx business model. KonRad is clearly not going to be able to say anything to change your minds. Nor are any of you going to be able to change his mind about his business model. So what's the end goal here? Just pollute the thread with nonsense and make it hard to find/talk about mods? Keep arguing until your keyboards catch fire? If you don't approve of Sim Traxx there are plenty of free tracks out there for you to enjoy, you can argue back and forth all you want but it's not going to change the situation. Save the cat fights for RaceDepartment threads.
ST up a video of your best track. The best thing ST has ever made.

I cannot show the private projects which we signed contracts on like for example some 150km laserscanned Pensylvania woods for RBR so the real rally drivers can train on them. But I will show the projects that I think are the most visual spectacular and accurate and realistic as possible and we can show to public but are not yet entirely finished although already driveable and looking very good in many places ((of course it needs VAO (which AC is missing and x4Fab who cooperates with us is preparing also for our tracks) and more shaders improvements, some more models)). Remembering that for example MAGNOLIA is 1cm laserscanned we can be sure that the roads have as realistic feel as possible before the quantumscanning arrives :D

Then there is BRASOV which is made from aerial laserscanned references but is still very accurate and has thousands of details:

Most of the public projects still need some love I can agree on that, but they will be done.


And of course something we are currently creating 1cm laserscanned Transfagarasan 35km which will have a quality like Magnolia and Provence Alps in terms of textures and modelling and also high poly trees for AC & rF2 at least. perhaps Beamng, AMS, gRally, RBR and some UE4 or UNITY based sims.
ls_transf1_ST.png trans_compare_01.jpg unknown.png unknown3.png unknown5.png 39090170_1991920924192405_8193745887831261184_o.jpg unknown555.png
I know You said one video... But its just wrong to show unfinished track without explanation why its the most accurate 1cm laserscanned best ever created track for simracing (specially about street simracing).
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From AC Classics...

I'm giving this track away for free. Enjoy.

Phoenix 91 GP
Download link:
Unzip Password:

Thanks! I didn’t see this on the website though? There’s a version of this being made by a guy on another forum and he is putting in a hell of a lot of effort! I’ve loved this track since playing it so many times on the original F1GP on the Amiga! The new version looks amazing, this will get me warmed up lol :cheers:

Not sure if I can link to another forum from here but no doubt this is one the first places it will spread to.
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