Atheists most distrusted minority?

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Hitler, the Crusades, Palestine vs. Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan vs. America...

They were all religious wars. I bet if we were all Muslim Americans, we'd be loved by the Middle East. Explain why intolerant religious zealots believe extermination of another religion will grant them access to heaven? The answer is they don't. Or they are brainwashed because they are weak-minded. They just want to achieve their personal goals. We're all nuts. At least my intolerance of religion is justified by the fact that I am not looking forward to heaven. I can afford to be intolerant and hate every human being who comes up to me in real life and expresses their love for god.

To err is human.
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I was under the assumption that Hitler was a Christian, if not exactly a devout one? And that he had an appreciation for Islam?

For Hitler, Christianity was "the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity"; it was "the first creed in the world to exterminate it's adversaries in the name of love. It's key not is intolerance." Hitler thus echoed Nietzsche, who called Christianity "the one greatest curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one grea instinct for revenge for which no expedient is sufficiently poisonous, secret, subterranean, petty - I call it the one immortal blemish of mankind." Whatever category Hitler is put in, one thing is certain - he was both vehemently anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. -Gunning for God by John Lennox, p89

EDIT: And to 'fitftw', you need help.
I need help? Why? Maybe I'm a future Nietzsche or Hitler and you don't see it yet. I definitely have the insanity part down. People who "need help" usually have some interesting stuff to say. I just don't have the 18th and 19th century language charm on my side. I don't read books anymore. My vocabulary is extremely limited. I work with what I have. And I love the Lennox quote.
I need help? Why? Maybe I'm a future Nietzsche or Hitler and you don't see it yet. I definitely have the insanity part down. People who "need help" usually have some interesting stuff to say. I just don't have the 18th and 19th century language charm on my side. I don't read books anymore. My vocabulary is extremely limited. I work with what I have. And I love the Lennox quote.

"If God does not exist, everything is permissible." - Fyodor Dostoievski

I will discontinue any further conversation with you. If you support such acts, your a dangerous man without a sense of morality. Arguing with you for these reasons is futile.

And I'm not trying to be mean when I say this, but get help.
That Dostoievski quote is false. I will not murder anyone let's say, because it is not in my "nature" to kill.

Things are still inexcusable just because god might not exist. As humans we have morality and reason. If there's one thing I do like from the bible, it's "do unto others as you would like others to do unto you." Don't kill anyone unless you want to be killed, etc. It's funny that law enforcement and military are legally allowed to murder. Do you think they're religious? Wonder how that works...

I don't need help. Maybe it's everyone else but me who needs help.
I was under the assumption that Hitler was a Christian, if not exactly a devout one? And that he had an appreciation for Islam?

Not only was Hitler a christian but a man of peace as well.
Gonna have to say "not like religion has".
It comes down to three view points:
Socialism - what's yours is mine
Capitalism- what's mine is mine
Charity - what's mine is yours. (charity is the least likely to start a war)
War is the result of disagreement between what's yours and what's mine.
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That Dostoievski quote is false. I will not murder anyone let's say, because it is not in my "nature" to kill.

Things are still inexcusable just because god might not exist. As humans we have morality and reason. If there's one thing I do like from the bible, it's "do unto others as you would like others to do unto you." Don't kill anyone unless you want to be killed, etc. It's funny that law enforcement and military are legally allowed to murder. Do you think they're religious? Wonder how that works...

I don't need help. Maybe it's everyone else but me who needs help.

In the Bible it says though shall not murder. Something to do with the translation from Hebrew made it less clear. It does say that killing is justified for specific reasons, but I honestly don't know enough to go any further with that.
Not only was Hitler a christian but a man of peace as well.

A man of peace?? The guy who ordered the deaths of millions of Jewish people?

The pope is a man of peace, Hitler was a fanatical nut case
Hitler's belief in the occult and the otherworldly were legendary. And whatever his view of Christianity, many of his followers were Christian.

The crimes of the Nazis are not because they believed in no God, but because they believed that their cause was right and that the Jewish race was a sub-human race and not worthy of the consideration given to other human beings.

This is the same way that all wars, slavery and genocides are justified and supported. De-humanizing the enemy. The slave owners did it. Hitler did it. Stalin did it. Torquemada did it. The Conquistadores did it. Al Quaeda does it. Reagan did it. Bush did it. (Just listen to speeches about how enemies of the US are "evil", and see the racist violence against Muslims after 9/11). Nothing to do with religion, much to do with a breakdown in human decency and the willingness of people to give up their rights to judge points of morality and to defer all judgement to their leaders.

Note that while Stalin and Pol Pot were not religious, Communism and Marxism is often viewed with a religious fervor by its proponents, and that hero worship or leader worship is often encouraged in communist states. And while atheism forms part of Communist philosophy, this is not to say that all atheists are Communists... in the same way that not all religious are Satanists.

Which is why I find it funny when you lump all atheists, agnostics and whatnot under "Atheist", as a minority, because the truth is rarely that simple.

Note: seeing as how this is devolving into an atheism versus religion thread, if it continues in this vein, it might as well be merged with the "Do you believe in God" thread.
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Does this atheism include or exclude pastafarians? Because I don't trust them one bit. Boil them alive, I say.
In the Bible it says though shall not murder. Something to do with the translation from Hebrew made it less clear. It does say that killing is justified for specific reasons, but I honestly don't know enough to go any further with that.

The bible says a lot of things.

You could sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7), and that would be fine. If you work on the Sabbath, it is a crime punishable by death (Exodus 35:2). How do you feel about leather jackets? You shouldn't be wearing them, making you unclean (Leviticus 11:7). Been around any family members, girlfriend or wife while their on their menstruation cycle? Hope you handled it correctly (Leviticus 15:19-30, Leviticus 20:18, Ezekiel 18:5-6)

Do all the fabrics match up with your clothing? If not, death. Like crab or lobster meat? Death. Plant your crops side-by-side? Death.

Please explain to those of us here how these are relevant today.
The bible says a lot of things.

You could sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7), and that would be fine. If you work on the Sabbath, it is a crime punishable by death (Exodus 35:2). How do you feel about leather jackets? You shouldn't be wearing them, making you unclean (Leviticus 11:7). Been around any family members, girlfriend or wife while their on their menstruation cycle? Hope you handled it correctly (Leviticus 15:19-30, Leviticus 20:18, Ezekiel 18:5-6)

Do all the fabrics match up with your clothing? If not, death. Like crab or lobster meat? Death. Plant your crops side-by-side? Death.

Please explain to those of us here how these are relevant today.

Those are part of the old testament which doesn't really pertain anymore. You weren't aloud to have tattoos, or shave your beard. Guess what, people do. So now the new testament is more modern and doesn't punish with death or something serious like that.
Those are part of the old testament which doesn't really pertain anymore. You weren't aloud to have tattoos, or shave your beard. Guess what, people do. So now the new testament is more modern and doesn't punish with death or something serious like that.

Which parts don't? There are those who say that Jesus abolished all the old laws, but then those who say he didn't abolish them, but simply summarized them. It's worth noting that even amongst the apostles, there were those who chose to only eat kosher food (notably Peter, who talked about this at one point)... Christians are still circumcised like Jews.

Then there is the whole brouhaha over whether or not we should allow women priests, which is more of a dogmatic thing in different denominations than anything else... and homosexuality, with the "official" Catholic Church strongly opposed to it, despite proscriptions against it being found not in Christ's teachings but old Hebrew law.

And then the general proscription against contraceptives, which is a whole lot of hogwash about "contravening the natural order" (as if having sex during infertile days of a woman's period is any different. The sperm still end up in the toilet) and based on sketchy evidence in the Old Testament...
The thread's title makes me very sad.

The only title that would be worse would be "Science most distrusted religion?"
The bible says a lot of things.

You could sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7), and that would be fine. If you work on the Sabbath, it is a crime punishable by death (Exodus 35:2). How do you feel about leather jackets? You shouldn't be wearing them, making you unclean (Leviticus 11:7). Been around any family members, girlfriend or wife while their on their menstruation cycle? Hope you handled it correctly (Leviticus 15:19-30, Leviticus 20:18, Ezekiel 18:5-6)

Do all the fabrics match up with your clothing? If not, death. Like crab or lobster meat? Death. Plant your crops side-by-side? Death.

Please explain to those of us here how these are relevant today.

The thread's title makes me very sad.

The only title that would be worse would be "Science most distrusted religion?"

Don't confuse atheism and science though. I know many atheists that certainly don't have scientific view to world. Likewise I know many scientists that are not atheists.
Science isn't religion, science is fact

Hmm, science is the best working, provable, repeatable theory.. problem with calling science 'fact' is when, for instance they say "nothing can travel faster than the speed of light"... and then find something that can travel faster than the speed of light. I'd say Mathematics was the facts, Science was the theories and principals, and religeon is....... not sure.. the reason why I'm drinking champagne at 10am on December 25th?
Hmm, science is the best working, provable, repeatable theory.. problem with calling science 'fact' is when, for instance they say "nothing can travel faster than the speed of light"... and then find something that can travel faster than the speed of light. I'd say Mathematics was the facts, Science was the theories and principals, and religeon is....... not sure.. the reason why I'm drinking champagne at 10am on December 25th?

I would say that science is the closest thing we have to facts. The closest thing we have to knowing. So in a way I don't think it's unfair to say that science deals with facts.
I just don't understand it...

Being an atheist doesn't necessarily mean anything about your personal values or beliefs, you just don't believe in (a) God.

Atheists still have values and things which they believe are right and wrong, but instead of being TOLD what's right and wrong, they make their own choices, through the thought process.

This sums it up for me. Ridiculous some of you are saying you can't trust a man because of his beliefs. I am an atheist. I believe it took longer than 7 days to create the Earth. I believe the universe created Earth which is and always will be our provider. There is stardust in your body.

I have many freinds of different faith and trust them all.
You weren't aloud to have tattoos, or shave your beard. Guess what, people do. So now the new testament is more modern and doesn't punish with death or something serious like that.

I once had an interview at Best Buy and the guy told me if I was hired, I'd have to shave. I then said something along the lines of "I am a religious man, sir, and the word of the Lord says I shall not trim the hair on my face." Needless to say, I didn't get the job, but I sure as hell kept my awesome beard, and I always will even if I end up homeless because of it 👍 Oh and I'm not religious whatsoever, not since my bar mitzvah, and really not since way before that but I couldn't tell my parents I hated hebrew school.
This link says it better than I ever could:

There are (as usual) a couple problems with that site. For one thing:

It's asking a bit much to pick out the word "God" from every important document from history and claim that the document was influenced by Christianity

For another thing, given that many of his references are to the Old Testament, I'd say the article makes a better argument for Western society to be based on Judaism rather than Christianity.

And the parts about Christianity espousing freedom, liberty, etc. are flagrantly ignoring much of the Church's history. You know, when anything like freedom of expression was brutally suppressed sometimes resulting in contributions to bonfires -- not just the ideas but those holding the opinions as well. Or the threats to excommunicate scientists for blasphemous thoughts such as "The Earth moves".

A reference later in this thread to the pope being a man of peace... such as the Popes who launched 200 years worth of Crusades?
I'm a Christian. I had an atheist room mate. We talked about our beliefs plenty. Neither of us were trying to convert the other, just explain our point of view.

I trust the guy, hell I had him in my wedding!
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