Aussies/Kiwis : Monday Night Racing

  • Thread starter Rypien
I won't be home for the MNR as I will be out of town. Will be back the following week, hopefully with new car/track combos!
Desperate men take desperate measures!
I may have indeed contravened afew United Nations resolutions, but I have managed to get my PS3 repaired....yeeha!

Had no chance of any warranty coverage - had been over two years - was shocked at that - time flies when your having fun.

Anyway crisis averted so i will be back into it hopefully this afternoon for SAR.
Not sure if a week off driving will help or hinder.....sorry in advance if it is the latter!

*post 602!*
Great to hear you sorted it out Joeninety 👍

Regarding SAR, i should be able to do a couple of races this afternoon,but being mums birthday icant guarantee.
I don't think I've ever seen a race report for SAR before but since I won't be a definite start for MNR events because of uni :yuck: I thought I might post one. For the most part of today it was only me, GTP_joeninety and TORC_peekay racing.

Race 1 [DNF, mid-race disconnection]: Managed to connect to the race okay not knowing if the schedule was still running. Me, joeninety and peekay were the only ones in the Amuse. There were other AU/NZ drivers as well, like GTP_Paulie, but they arrived with other cars. Somehow lost connection after Spoon on the first lap, so no result for me there.

Race 2 [3rd]: Switched back to R2 tyres, didn't work since joe and PK got away from me at the start. Very close racing between the three of us for the first part of the race until joe ran wide in Turn 4 then went off the circuit (as a result of collision or not I couldn't be sure). A serious moment of lag saw me punt peekay in the final sector. Both of us stopped giving joeninety enough time to catch up. Unfortunately I had stopped for too long which let the two of them get away :crazy: Just kept driving until the end, only catching up to them by a few tenths.

Race 3 [1st]: I've never been able to get a good start off the line in an FR car using the DS3, and today wasn't any different. Plenty of JP drivers ran with us, including a yellow F430 which was all over the place through the S-Curves causing a collision with joeninety ahead of me. Managed to make a pass on the Ferrari with peekay following suit. Caught up with the front runners and had a close fight to finish 3rd in the race and 1st for MNR.

Race 4 [2nd]: Just me and peekay in this one, joe wasn't able to connect. I still haven't got a decent setup for the Lancia which allowed peekay to gap me at about a second per lap. Good speed mate, I just couldn't keep up today.

Race 5 [1st]: Like Race 3 we had a couple of JP runners with us, a Ferrari California ahead of me on the grid which had presence of mind to move across at the start, and an Evo X which, like the yellow F430, was weaving quite a lot at the start of the race. Avoided contact as much as possible which ended up with me, peekay and the California as the front runners. Very lucky to have the Ferrari hold up peekay enough for me to get a margin, and then also lucky later on in the race to be towed by his slipstream. Had a bit of a scare on Lap 9 running off the circuit, rejoined only to find joeninety right behind me :scared:. Got lucky again after him and peekay started arguing for 2nd place. Kept the car on the road and brought it home for another win.

SAR (26/07/09)
1. DNF
2. 3rd
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 1st

Yeah, like I said before I'm not a definite start for MNR tomorrow but if I can make it I will.

EDIT: Sorry, when I say "never seen a race report for SAR", I only mean in the time that I've been in MNR. No offence meant to previous runs of the SAR event.

EDIT: Not that it really mattered, but as per the pic posted by ss-88 I also have a 3rd place for MNR Race 5.
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Table updated with last week's results:


See you all tonight :)
Won't be there tonight. Sea Parol season finale.:D

May be there next week because there won't be TV problems anymore.:)
Good to see mad back racing tonight as well as chris :) 👍

Race 1: I think it was this race that the first time we ran it, it DC'd so we rescheduled & started again. Was driving well and up to the front with mad and toivonen. Heading into spoon mad was infront of me and then suddenly his car jumped all the way back into mine (thanks a lot lag!! :grumpy:) causing us to collide and I received a ramming penalty. This let mad & toiv get away into the distance. Tried hard to catch up and was perhaps slowly catching toivonen but lost concentration for a few laps and that was it. Finished 3rd.


Race 2: Vrrm and his subaru with a rocket attached to the rear :P were far too good and fast to beat. It was a battle for second with toivonen with some great racing. He got past me about half way around the final lap & we collided somewhere in the third sector :lol: but both carried on and I managed to draft him and get 2nd.


Sorry for the dark photo. The game was just about to finish the race as I took it.

Race 3: Poor race for me. Was battling for the lead with vrrm on the opening lap or 2, quite far ahead of the other guys when a ferrari cali decided to get into the mix. He slammed the brakes on going through the chicane and I gave him the lightest tap yet got a ramming penalty. Wasn't happy about it and drove too hard to try & catch vrrm. Went off at degner sending me way back into the field, then a few laps later as the frustration built, went off again at turn 1, too busy watching another car ahead. Got back on and tried to defend my position against chris but my tires were dirty and I just spun again :ouch: Was heading for 4th but mad spun during the final lap and was able to come home in 3rd.


Race 4: Used paulie's gearing again but changed 1st a bit. Had a great start and was into the lead at turn 1. From there just kept it clean while the other guys were battling a white GT-R. Finished 1st.


Race 5: Good start and again a battle with vrrm up front. We were a good distance ahead of everybody else but of course a random had to ruin it. A clio had caught us up and heading into the hairpin I purposely ran wide to let him through so as to not get any trouble. However he chose not to go past instead waiting for spoon to smash right into the back of me and send me off into the sand :grumpy: This left vrrm all the way up front while I had a great battle for 2nd with ed. On lap 7 or so not sure what happened to him but after exiting degner and looking in my mirror he had fallen behind. Used a random cali as a drafting partner for a number of laps and tried to not make mistakes. Finished 2nd.


Finishes are:

Race 1: 3
Race 2: 2
Race 3: 3
Race 4: 1
Race 5: 2

Cheers 👍
Here are my results:

Race 1: 1st
Race 2: DNS (matching issues)
Race 3: 4th
Race 4: 4th (wrong pp, parked. Weight bug....)
Race 5: 4th

Write up later today, after school.
Just wanna thank Sonic for propping this racing event up in my absence 👍

I'll begin work on a provisional table of results tonight.

Any word on the next event update?
Haven't heard anything about an event update yet. Surely it will be soon though as we've had the current one for 5 weeks now.

Was going to ask if you wanted my excel file for the table but sounds like you've got it all covered :)
Well, Sonic... as you say, we're already one race meeting beyond the initial schedule -- I was wondering if people were getting bored with the current combos (?).

If there is a general feeling that we might/should change things up, I was thinking of proposing an 'interim' format... something to keep us going until the next update... even if it's just for the one weekend.

Had something simple in mind... basically plagiarising Synwraith's SUZUKA 700PP - NISSAN GT-R vs FERRARI F430 event. Four races (four on the Sun, four on the Mon), each racer uses each car twice (per SAR/MNR)!

On the slim chance that an event update doesn't happen on the 7th of Aug (i.e. we get two weeks of GT-R v F430), I propose to score it.

Thoughts :)
I'm happy with that idea :)

I felt last night that running the same combos for a possible 6th week in a row would be getting a bit boring for everybody.

So basically run that event this week for no points, if an event update doesn't come the following week, that second week is scored? Or will both weeks be given points?

And for either SAR or MNR you run the 430/GT-R twice in any order you like over the 4 races?
Same tracks or just suzuka as it is in the GTP event?
I was thinking just the four races at Suz. If the two cars have different strengths, having 10 laps to play with would be better. The way Fuji works with 5 laps, if one car is superior, it'll be a one-make race, and no fun! Also, it may be just me, but I think we race cleaner at Suz... the longer, more involved lap, and the longer race, seems (imho) to be producing superior racing. I've been super-impressed with the on-track etiquette at Suz lately (...take a bow, guys) :)
Yeah I was thinking the same thing where it could turn into a 1 make race with the 430 being better at suz while the GT-R at fuji. I'm happy to do 4 at suzuka :)

I think we race cleaner at suzuka because you know if a mistake is made, you're in big trouble & in the sand. At fuji because of all the run off area's, people perhaps take more risks knowing if something doesn't work they can easily just use that to keep the speed up and recover.
Nice idea fellas but the event update always happens by the end of the month which is this Friday.

Hence I wouldn't be planning anything at a specific PP level until we see what is available, my bet is we will know Thursday night.

Add my thanks to Sonic for doing a sterling job in ol' skewl's absence. I enjoy the current format, like developing the cars over a period of time. The points thing is a bit of fun and like that it's not being taken too seriously (until we can get randoms out of the events it would be pointless). Is good that people can use best of SAR or MNR.

Was great to see some of the Southern Cross guys who race Friday nights in the mix last night (lol, thankfully driving cars they'd tuned in 3 minutes).
Hence I wouldn't be planning anything at a specific PP level until we see what is available, my bet is we will know Thursday night.
Ok, will hold off till the end of the week then, before we put something in stone, but you (all of you) can start tuning the sussies 👍

Was great to see some of the Southern Cross guys who race Friday nights in the mix last night (lol, thankfully driving cars they'd tuned in 3 minutes).
Aussies are racing on Fridays, too? Is it a private affair... or maybe just for the v. quick boyz... or can any old 'has-been' run?
Mad seems to be the organiser and has the younger quicks involved. Seems to be pretty casual, I stumbled in.

I did one race with them Friday and was both welcomed and left for dead.

Lol, just can't get the Cali consistently into 2.00's, Mad was doing 1.59's. Paulie was wearing me down in an NSX.
Ok... can't see it in the list of "Current Online & Offline Racing Events", so I'll maybe quiz Madison on it. Cheers, Rob :cool:
Race 1: 1st
Race 2: DNS (matching issues)
Race 3: 3rd
Race 4: 4th (wrong pp, parked. Weight bug....)
Race 5: 4th

Race 1:
I was agressive into turn 1 with Crazyhorse and rounded him up on the outside. This race I pretty much led the whole way doing 1'59's pretty much every lap pulling quite a big lead. Sorry for the lag hit Supersonic-88, I didn't know that was me.:(

Race 2:
I had matching problems therefore missed the race and that makes it a DNS for me

Race 3:
In the Amuse I just didn't have any speed at all unfortunately. Followed the MNR boys on lap 1 then got nailed by a Clio at Spoon sending me right back. I fought back as the others also experienced problems. I drove like crazy trying to catch up and eventually did. But I was leading on Lap 10 then got knocked off by the same Clio at the first esse! I was furious, resulting in me sending a message telling him to watch his driving as he hit me twice. His reply.... "Because?" That made my blood boil. I replied, "Because you hit me twice....and you also knocked off some of my australian friends". Reply, "That's normal at 700pp." I was angry that he could think like that.... Anyway moving on

Race 4:
In the Lancia, I was looking forward to it as I had great success in this combo for GTP_Race Event 03. I had good pace. But...I forgot about the weight bug and started with 584pp.:( I was going to try and push on but that extra weight made it near impossible to keep up. So I parked coming off Turn 1 and settled for a 4th.

Race 5:
I used R3's all round on the BNR34. This proved to cost me hugely in a straight line, I was getting blown away. I started with spinning off at Spoon, then a few more mistakes and including a slight off at Dunlop. I really needed to push to catch up. On Lap 9 I eventually did catch GTP_EDSTA_155 (I think that's it) and we had a good close race. On lap 10 I was all over his bumper but I just couldn't quite get the job done. So I finished 4th

Overall I was pretty disappointed with my driving last night, very inconsistent with spins and mistakes. You can't get away with that and still run at the front with these fine AU/NZ drivers.;) Thanks for the great races guys.:cheers: I'll be back next week.

Also, Southern Cross Racing has a Friday Race meet every week. Usually we announce the Event and Car/cars to use for the night in our social group here on GTPlanet. We also announce the schedule. This has been a bit low on numbers lately, it is designed for the SCR guys to get out and have a race but we encourage inviting more racers to join us.;) Almost always we have people outside of SCR in our SCR Chat on PSN and racing with us. So feel free to join us on Friday nights.;) We start about 6pm-7pm GMT +10 usually. So come and join us if you're interested. Check the SCR Group on Friday for the details.:)

Might see you guys again on Friday for the "It's Friday SCR!" Race meet.:D
Might see you guys again on Friday for the "It's Friday SCR!" Race meet. :D
Cool... will stick my head in, and if I have a tune for whatever you fellas are running, I'll no doubt be there to ensure that I'm left "...for dead-est" (i.e. slower than vrrm) ;)
Race 1 - 2 ...following a dc it was just Devie & I, and I got blown away.
Race 2 - 1
Race 3 - 1
Race 4 - 2
Race 5 - 1

I had one of those nights when all the randoms disadvantaged other drivers while the ones I encountered gave me a tow. A bit weird but I was not above taking it when it was there.
Event Update confirmed for the 30th, so it'll be a whole new schedule this coming SAR/MNR.

My apologies for the slow posting of results - hoping to get to it tonight!

Oh... just an FYI... I've already started tinkering with my GT-R (had fun racing Ed [ED5TA_155] last night). If it slots into any of the updated events, we will be running it 👍
lol i think we just posted together at the exact same time :P

Edit: So I guess once we see the new schedule everybody list their preferences?
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Yep I suppose so. I should be back again next week, enjoyed it thoroughly the other night.👍 Even after the pathetic driving performance from me.
Results posted (see link in sig). Seems like a lot of zeros there, and with Sonic only really able to score MNR with any degree of certainty (and that was a MASSIVE help 👍), please advise if I've screwed you out of any points...

...but, as it stands, a BIG congrats to Blair/Sonic, Rob/vrrm, and Ed/ED5TA for taking out the podium :bowdown: though, even as they enjoy their well earned champers, I will pass around the sparkling wine to all the other runners, by way of thanks for your participation, and your contribution to some awesome racing!

Cheers fellas... :cheers:

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