Auto or manual?

  • Thread starter GM = TRASH
Not that it really matters in a video game anyway. The car doesn't really act different in auto vs. manual mode. You just control when it shifts. In auto, it shifts at redline anyway (unlike with a real car). There's also no clutch in the game, so it's hard to comprehend the assertation that if you use auto you're somehow less of a driver.

Myself, I use manual mode because I like to listen to the engine and decide when to shift based on the engine pitch. If racing in dual mode, where my individual engine noise is drowned out by another vehicle, I use auto mode so I don't have to keep watching the tachometer.
question: ppl shift diff times, but when speeding up, when u prefer to shift? i usulally shift wen i reach the redline, but some other ppl do it earlier... is dat beter/
I run manual all the way. But I miss my clutch. Enthusia and Pro Race Driver 2 have a clutch. My 86 300zx has a clutch. I love using clutch kick to initiate a drift.
MANUAL, without a doubt. You can leave it in longer, or you can take it out early. YOU have the control. If you wanna hit the rev limiter, you can. Choosing good shift points makes all the difference when in a tight race (of course guiding the car around the track helps too :sly: ). It also is an important tool when slowing down. It can give you more stability in braking, by downshifting. I guess if you want to make it more realistic, you could use AUTO on the cars that only come in AUTO. The Chapperals for example, and many other american cars :D.
dude your 15 don't talk about people not being used to driving :dunce:

BUHAHAHAHAHA~!!!.... *cough*..*splatter*...

i prefer the auto, mainly because i dont have to concentrate on revs, id much rather be concentrating on keeping the right lines. I must admit that the manual is more fun though, but especially in endurances races, my mind tends to faze and i forget to change gear.. and it takes me ages to recover from my day dream and remember to change gears.

i find that the R2 feature is very uselful, especially in hondas where theyre all tuned to have peak power in the red.
Why would I want to use auto tranny if I play a racing game...hell might as well not play at all. Been using manual tranny since GT1 and continued into the GT series always doing so. At first I use to concentrate too much on the rpm to check when to shift and was loosing some focus with the actual racing, now it's just an automatism and I don't even realize I'm the one shifting. No need to even look at the tach I know when to shift using the sound only. No way I'll ever change.
i remember when there was a poll on this and a big got kinda crazy the manual folks callin the auto folks girls and lazy...and then the handicapp folks got mad !!! but i think the poll said more folks were manual users!!!!! anyways i'm manual all the way i've got to the point where i depend on it and when i have to drive auto in te game I get all goofy tyin to down shift and then i screw myself up tryin to hold it in gear to long!!!!
Not that it really matters in a video game anyway. The car doesn't really act different in auto vs. manual mode. You just control when it shifts. In auto, it shifts at redline anyway (unlike with a real car). There's also no clutch in the game, so it's hard to comprehend the assertation that if you use auto you're somehow less of a driver.

Myself, I use manual mode because I like to listen to the engine and decide when to shift based on the engine pitch. If racing in dual mode, where my individual engine noise is drowned out by another vehicle, I use auto mode so I don't have to keep watching the tachometer.
Maybe the car itself doesn't act differently whether in auto or manual mode, but lap times differ for sure. You said it yourself: "You just control when it shifts." For example you can rev it in redline while approaching a corner knowing you have to brake and change down soon anyway or you can let the auto mode change up just before the corner, then you brake and it changes down again and changing gears takes time. Ofcourse there's not much difference between auto vs. manual if you're driving on test track or some other highspeed circuit but when it comes to more technical tracks with a lot of corners then I think manual is the only way to go fast. And like someone already said before; downshifting can be a good way to stabilize the car during braking and in manual mode you can choose the shifting point so it can be great help.

And if someone says he/she is using auto mode because shifting gears takes his attention off the track or messes up his/her concentration then he/she is less of a driver.<--IMO

Anyway it's nobody else's business whether someone is using auto or manual. Just enjoy the game the way you want to.

Sorry again for my bad English...
Manual is a lot better but I can see why anyone else would use auto. Sometimes manual seems like a whole lot of bother. I use manual in GT mode, and auto in Arcade because Arcade is for mucking about in my opinion.
I used to drive auto with the DS2.
I found shifting too odd with a gamepad.
But with my recent wheel aquisition I drive manual now.
The shifter stick makes it a lot more intuitive.

In general I find my acceleration through and out of corners much better.
I'm slower overall because of having to get used to the wheel, but acceleration is definately improved.
Reason I know is the relative ease I have had in golding certain lisence tests that involve high speed cornering.
Manual since i've started GT4. I've never used automatic in this game. With an MT you have a better control of the car.
i cant remember if i posted in this thread

i use Auto, but used manual specifically in one mission, the honda oddysey slipstream mission. if it shifts into fifth its impossible to catch the first car. leave it in fourth and its a walk in the park
I use a manual about 99% of the time. It just feels more realistic. However, for missison 34, I switched to an automatic so that all I had to worry about was my driving.
I started GT3 in auto, then taught myself manual with the MR-S (quick enough to be fun, slow enough to stay out of trouble). Once I got the hang of it I never looked back. That was about the same time I started turning off the driving aids.

I agree that shifting manually gives you more control, but more specifically I think so because it makes me more aware of my speed. I always know what gear I'm in, since I put it in that gear, and that gives me a better idea of "how fast 4th is", for example. It also helps me time my braking, since I have a better idea of how much I need to slow down by.

Auto shifts at redline, where in manual I can go all the way to the rev limiter, which I usually do. Most cars you can squeeze out an extra 500 RPM. Even though the power curve is waning at this point, I still think it's beneficial because of gearing. This effect seems to really help on uphill segments and at high speed when you're fighting against air.
I use a manual about 99% of the time. It just feels more realistic. However, for missison 34, I switched to an automatic so that all I had to worry about was my driving.
I got 100% and all Gold in GT3 and am a little way into GT4. I used auto until yesterday. I started to do my Qualifying time for the weekly race events. I thought it was a good time to give it a try. I think I prefer manual and I think it is faster than auto. I was a racer before and am one still. I think some auto users could kick some manual users buts. It really boils down to how well you can drive and how well you know the track. I have to admit that there is a slight advantage to driving manual but its just that , slight. I used to use the ds2 now I have a DF. It is definitely easier to go manual with a wheel.
For example you can rev it in redline while approaching a corner knowing you have to brake and change down soon anyway or you can let the auto mode change up just before the corner, then you brake and it changes down again and changing gears takes time

Thats what the R2 things for. If you think its going to shift before a corner, you hold R2 and it will take the car into the redline and not shift.
Thats what the R2 things for. If you think its going to shift before a corner, you hold R2 and it will take the car into the redline and not shift.

You're absolutely right, that is what the R2 thing is for. However, if you're willing to hold down the R2 button in instances like this (of which I believe there would be many) why not use both L2 and R2 in manual mode? I seriously find it amusing.
...It also is an important tool when slowing down. It can give you more stability in braking, by downshifting...

Has anyone noticed that when you change down a little too early, and bounce the engine off the limiter for 1/2 a second or so, you get no engine braking for this time - when this happens it often makes me overshoot as I rely on this engine braking to help get rid of the speed. Why does this happen? - it doesn't happen in real life...
Has anyone noticed that when you change down a little too early, and bounce the engine off the limiter for 1/2 a second or so, you get no engine braking for this time - when this happens it often makes me overshoot as I rely on this engine braking to help get rid of the speed. Why does this happen? - it doesn't happen in real life...
Yeah, it's weird. I wondered that myself but thought it was no biggie.
Yeah, it's weird. I wondered that myself but thought it was no biggie.

I found a way to demonstrate this to the extreme - when just letting the car slow down by itself (ie: without using any brake), I would change down when I thought the lower gear would be suitable. Changing too early gets the engine bouncing off the limiter, and there is NO braking applied at all. When the speed does drop low enough, the engine comes off the limiter and the deceleration is quite rapid again.

A bit of a glitch I guess... :)
lol i use both and i'm glad to say that theres no difference in my driving still managed a 7:21 with a stock 330i at the ring with both so i don't see the difference.

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