Auto or manual?

  • Thread starter GM = TRASH
lol i use both and i'm glad to say that theres no difference in my driving still managed a 7:21 with a stock 330i at the ring with both so i don't see the difference.
For all those people who like to use down shifting for brakes stop it. Brakes are for braking. Think about what cost more to repalce. Brake pads or your gear box plus the brakes are more effective.
For all those people who like to use down shifting for brakes stop it. Brakes are for braking. Think about what cost more to repalce. Brake pads or your gear box plus the brakes are more effective.

espicially in gt4 where the cost of a tranny is extremly high, good thing you can have over 500 hundred cars in your garage it makes it easier to play while your car is in the gt4 tranny shop :dunce:
For all those people who like to use down shifting for brakes stop it. Brakes are for braking. Think about what cost more to repalce. Brake pads or your gear box plus the brakes are more effective.

You get more effect with downshift and brakes then with just brakes alone.

You're saying you'd rather come second or third and save the stress on a few parts to save money, than actually win the race? Isn't that kinda like driving gently in a race so as not to wear out the tyres - that way you can use them in the next race without having to fit a new set?

It's balls-to-the-wall mate, "Go hard or go home!"... If you don't break a few parts now and then, you'll never know where the limit is. :lol:
i dont know why you moan about downshifting aswell as braking. its not like the gearbox's have to be replaced in GT4, or the brakes
i dont know why you moan about downshifting aswell as braking. its not like the gearbox's have to be replaced in GT4, or the brakes

I assume he was trying to relate it to real life? :)
I assume he was trying to relate it to real life? :)

this is not real life tho :P haha

and i agree totally with what you said. a little stress isnt going to kill the car, the only ill advised thing in real life would be dont shift from sixth or fifth to first. otherwise engine go bye bye
It's called engine braking is it not? Wonder why race car drivers use it too. Also it does work more effective than brakes alone, provided you downshift at the right engine speed. Plus, most likely the syncros will be the first to go before gears. And you can live with worn out syncros. B.t.w I use manual trans because it's easier to control the car for me. =)
I preferred auto before I beat the game. Now I use manual, because I can afford to mess up on a race that I already did and its way more fun. I'm getting better with manual too, just not perfect yet
I use manual because it allows me to be a numerical with shift points. I try to shift at the closest speed to redline whose last digit is either 5 or 0. For example, if 3rd gear fuel cutoff was 97 MPH I would upshift at 95 MPH. This allows me to know a location for downshifts as well (a MPH 5-10 MPH lower than what I upshifted at.) Of course, I do make exceptions for cars like the Chevelle 454 and Aston V8 Vantage that don't make their power at 9000 RPM and any street R34 Skyline into 6th gear at around 160 MPH (The Skyline Draft Battle taught me that).
Manual all the way, the whole game i used manual, i dont even think about shifting any more its all automatic, my fingers are used to it. It's funny cuz sometimes my friends use auto and im to lazy to switch somethimes but i still use the L2 and R2 buttons even doh its automatic lol. But yeah to me manual feels much more better and a little more control of ur car.
Manual all the way, the whole game i used manual, i dont even think about shifting any more its all automatic, my fingers are used to it. It's funny cuz sometimes my friends use auto and im to lazy to switch somethimes but i still use the L2 and R2 buttons even doh its automatic lol. But yeah to me manual feels much more better and a little more control of ur car.
lol if you dont believe me i'm good with both ask supren =) , oh if you're gonna quote my post at least reply something that has a relative topic to it.
You're absolutely right, that is what the R2 thing is for. However, if you're willing to hold down the R2 button in instances like this (of which I believe there would be many) why not use both L2 and R2 in manual mode? I seriously find it amusing.

...*incoherent mumbling*.. ..*something on the lines of lazyness.....*
i also use a manual tranny!

but the main reason im posting is because of what ferrarichris said earlia in this tread.

"Has anyone noticed that when you change down a little too early, and bounce the engine off the limiter for 1/2 a second or so, you get no engine braking for this time - when this happens it often makes me overshoot as I rely on this engine braking to help get rid of the speed. Why does this happen? - it doesn't happen in real life..."

im expecting to be flamed horribly for this as i could be wrong lol. but this is my personal opinion on the matter.

ok basically i noticed this matter too, and if you look at the gear indicator (the number that tells you what gear your in) it goes sorta transparent when this happens. i think this is like an automatic clutch kinda thing. the number goes transparent for 1/2 a sec when going up/down gears too implying that the clutch is being depressed. also in rear wheel drive cars if u put on the hand brake the car should stall, but instead the nuber goes transparent i.e. clutch being used therefore car does not stall. so anyways i hope this makes sense but i just wanted you to know that i dont believe this is a glitch on pd's part.
Makes sense... If you put it in too low of a gear for the speed you're driving, and engage the clutch, the rev limiter, which only cuts fuel, isn't gonna keep you from over-revving.
If you have a wheel you gotta drive manual, well, you have to if you got a stick shifter, it makes the whole experience feel so much more racey.
Always played auto using DS2. Started playing manual when my DFP arrived. I can say is the best thing I ever done to my gaming :)

I think that accelerating, braking, steering, upshifting and downshifting using six fingers can get kind of messy... at least for my brain! It is a LOOOOOOOT easier with the DFP.

Thank you Logitech, for now I am a happy person again! =]
ok basically i noticed this matter too, and if you look at the gear indicator (the number that tells you what gear your in) it goes sorta transparent when this happens. i think this is like an automatic clutch kinda thing. the number goes transparent for 1/2 a sec when going up/down gears too implying that the clutch is being depressed. also in rear wheel drive cars if u put on the hand brake the car should stall, but instead the nuber goes transparent i.e. clutch being used therefore car does not stall. so anyways i hope this makes sense but i just wanted you to know that i dont believe this is a glitch on pd's part.

It sounds good, and your theory is probably correct, but there are a few holes in the way PD have implemented I think. If the clutch was depressed in this downshift situation, then the engine wouldn't hit the limiter because there's no throttle being applied.

When you're driving down the road and you take your foot off the accelerator and then depress the clutch, the engine drops to idle...

Either way, it's only a minor thing. It just makes me more aware when downshifting, not to shift too early. It can catch me out sometimes though... :scared:
The DS2's set up for manual may not seem any more realistic, but it's just the fact that it gives you so much more control over what you want to do. For example, in drifting... if I had any car on automatic, I'd have a really hard time because I love to shift down, then up, then down again in a 3 second time slot. So it's just better that way.
Although I didn't read all the posts I assume this is like all the other manual vs auto posts. "Only girly-men use auto" "Manual is the ONLY way" etc. Well I've used both in GT3 and GT4 and I am back to Auto because I can concentrate more on the driving. I absolutely couldn't imaging running the Ring for 24 hours using manual :nervous: I'd be a basket case... :yuck: The game is supposed to be fun, that's why is called "game" not "work". If you get fun out of doing 1000s and 1000s of gear changes good for you. Not my cup of tea. Hope that doesn't make me a bad guy... :guilty:
Oh, BTW, I kept track of my times for months in GT3 and my times with Auto were as good or better than the same cars/tracks using manual. Might mean I suck at manual, but I don't think so. (I did a whole 100% GT3 game in manual one time).
Ill be honest when i play Inital D at the mall i jsut use auto, it shifts perfectly up and i can still control the downshifts, GT4 sorta can do that, you can lock the gear change, now for running flat out or basically any car with a small powerband, auto works just as fine as my fingers, it always goes on redline, but with wide powerbanders like the S4, i would know this my friend owns the same model, the max torque goes from 1800 RPM- 5800, whereas the auto will shift at the 7 grand redline, which isnt that big of a deal but you can mantain the torque correctly, but hey who cares its a setting jsut like the sway bars, its the drivers style and/or comfert, but dont bash anyone for choosing one or the other, hey in real life Performance tuned automatics are taking there stands giving the same results every time, throw in a whell trigger to force a downshift and boom you set, but yeah manuel is always more fun, but its like a wiffle ball it'll aplify your mistakes big time, and yeah i remember the auto bugs they've had, in GT3 my WRX smacked a wall in seattle in third gear and came to a stop with turbo half spooled at 2300 and she wouldnt shift, or the famous GT4 auto-lag, were you confuse the auto as you slow down and it stays in 6th till about 30mph then goes, WHAMBGRGRRG, WHAMBGRGRRG, WHAMBGRGRRG..... LMAO
Manual anyday, it's more fun, more realistic and sometimes auto gears mess up, like they uncontrolably keep redlining in gear one and it slows you down, how can you stop it when using automatic?
i made the switch from auto to manual this weekend......

really awkward at first using the lower shoulder buttons......couple of times i've hit L1 instead of L2 lmao.....

but i must say it does feel a lot quicker [probably isn't, just feels it] and the 'game' is more involving now, instead of just stearing......
Of course, manual transmissions are used by real he-men. Proves our dexterity as hunter/gatherers. Automatics are for old ladies and lower primates who don't understand what shifting is all about. I did a couple of 24 hour races back to back with manual shifting and my shift fingers put on a couple of ounces of muscle. Every time I shift I feel as though I'm firing a gun. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that I had some hydraulics and such doing the shifting for me.

I'm an intelligent man-animal who gives orders, not takes them from some dumb machine. If the automatic shifts as 6000, I know I'll take it a few hundred revs above that just to show I'm the master of my own fate. Give me a manual shifter and let the testosterone flow.

So what if my lap times are slower than if when relied on automatic shifting. What matters is my manly pride. Not fast lap times.

(The above rant is pure sarcasm).

It really doesn't matter what shift method you use as long as you get results and/or have a good time. I prefer to manual shift and I don't even think about it. It's purely reflex action at this point in time. I do blow shifts from time to time, but who doesn't. Truthfully I had to resort to using automatic when beating the Final Mission with the McLaren, but I eventually was able to do it manually. Thank heavens that's over.