B-Spec Expert Historic Car Cup Help ?

  • Thread starter Zathra5_
This is my 2nd official post here (1st if you exclude introduction) but I thought I'd help by simplifying the answer to beating this :).

How I won Gold on both races:
-I won the Toyota 7 by winning Like the Wind (to save time I just used the Formula GT)
-Purchased Mid Turbo for it (increases HP to 799 I think?) and Medium Slick tires

1st Race:
I used my B-Spec Kobayashi, level 15 then, and comfortably won the 1st race. I set him to Pace Up, then Overtake. I kept clicking to Pace Up until he obtained the lead (in a race with another Toyota 7 and a few Chaparral 2J). From there, I let him cruise and occasionally hitting Pace Up.

2nd Race:
I changed my setup a little bit. Put rear wing on max, took down my Transmission by 4 or 5 clicks. In LSD screen, I put the mid number up all the way. Kobayashi reached level 16 I think.

-1st attempt: I had selected Overtake more often than Pace Up, but eventually I learned from my mistake and kept on Pace Up. The hint here is how your guy behaves at the Harbor chicane, I found with Overtake he slipped the rear a bit and lost traction but he quickly caught up with Pace Up, even through twisty end. So, in lap 7 I am about to overtake in chicane but the AI (2J) throws Kobayashi on the inner wall, getting him stuck. He recovers still in 2nd and I kept doing Pace Up incessantly. The very next lap, 8/8, he is able to catch up by the same chicane and again he's thrown into wall. I finish 2nd.

-2nd attempt: No setup changes. I start the race on Pace Up, followed by Overtake right away. You should use Overtake when you see your B driver catching up but still some 20m away. By continuously pushing on Pace Up, without a single mistake from Kobayashi, I quickly caught up to 2J and in the final third of lap 3/8, Kobayashi passed (even before chicane!) and the 2J tried to keep up but it slid wide on the corner before pit straight, getting stuck and spinning. I sailed in the distance, winning by 19s.

My advice: Always Pace Up, don't push Overtake if you're less than 5s away from the chicane.

LMAO it worked. just kinda triggered pace up, my bob didn´t hit the wall one time. great! thanks for this. now i only have to beat trial mountain :>

*edit* sry for double post (nevermind them, too :D). can i delete posts somehow?
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LMAO it worked. just kinda triggered pace up, my bob didn´t hit the wall one time. great! thanks for this. now i only have to beat trial mountain :>

*edit* sry for double post (nevermind them, too :D). can i delete posts somehow?

Hahaha, I am glad! Things don't need to be as complicated as we think :P.
Toyota 7 from 'Like the Wind' did it. Easy on Deep Forest. I had to turn down the top speed for Monaco, then keep pushing 'Overtake', apart from near the chicane where he needs to back off to make it round. My driver was level 22.
I used the chapparal 2j race car for the cote de azur I set transmission to 150-165 mph for this race I got to first before the hairpins you can also get to rank 21 to unlock the Toyota 7 and set transmission to about the same. for trail mountain set transmission to about 190 mph for both cars
I can't get anywhere with the Toyota 7... even after following some advice from here.

I'm thinking of doing A-Spec Indy 500 to get the Jag (XJ13??) and see if I can do better.... any thoughts on that, before I settle down for 2-3 hours...???
I started off using the Toyota 7 and won Deep Forest easily on the first run, but my Bob went...well Bob on me and couldn't place higher than second after MANY races no matter what I tried.

So I came here to seek the wisdom of the countless fellow racers and destroyed the Cote! Many, many thanks to all those that have contributed their knowledge to help us all get past this race.

Below are the settings I used to finally win, the bulk of the specs came from poster Geoff (thanks a ton!) with a couple of tweaks of my own here and there. Hope this helps out!

Toyota 7 (with oil change of course)
Aero - F: 60, R: 85
Weight Adjustment - BA: 55, BP: 46
Turbo - Stage 2
Transmission - Max 273
LSD - IT: 30, AS: 55, BS: 40

Ride Height - F: -30, R: -30
Spring Rate - F: 15.6, R: 15.6
Dampers E - F: 9, R: 9
Dampers C - F: 6, R: 6
Anti Roll Bars - F: 6, R: 7
Camber - F: 1.5, R: 1.0
Toe Angle - F: 0.25, R: .15
Brakes - F: 4, R: 7

Overtake from start (clean start), and was in 4th by the first turn. Advanced into second before I began pace down to start cooling Bob off before the chicane on the first lap. Overtook the 2J by lap and it was smooth sailing the rest of the way. Kept Bob just below center on cool while pacing up in the straight-aways and was ahead 15 seconds by 4th lap, so I pushed hard on the 5th and posted my best lap time: 1:33.675. Stopped instruction after that and let Bob finish it off by himself while I went and fixed me some food. Came back to find he had won by 23.463 secs!

Once again many thanks to everyone for posting all this info out here. Hope this is helpful!


Thank You! The settings worked like a charm. Bob does not get stuck anymore at the chicane after the tunnel. Took the lead in the 2nd lap and extended the lead till the end of the race.
I'm determined to win this Historic Cup with a car that nobody else is using. Not the Toyota 7, not the Chapparel 2J, not even the Ferrari or the Jaguar. I've been trying with a race modded and fully upgraded 1970 Dodge Challenger (and my driver's name is N.Kowalski).

We haven't won yet, but I have managed to get INTO first place with this car, but he just couldn't HOLD onto first place. Yes, he passed both the Toyota 7 and the Chapparel 2J to get into first place. Surprisingly, this car CAN pass in the turns, but has trouble in the straight-aways and gets passed.

Seeing that we did GET into first place, I think we could actually win. I'm just gonna blame my driver, and say that I need to get him to a higher level and come back later. Kowalski is at level 25, and is a level-tempered driver and does okay, but he just doesn't seem to have the guts needed to get it done. I've just started a real hot-headed driver, and I'm already impressed with him... he is much more aggressive and wins races that the others can't. I'm gonna try increasing his level and let him try this race.

I'll let you know how it works out, and hopefully post a video when we win this with the Challenger!
I'm determined to win this Historic Cup with a car that nobody else is using. Not the Toyota 7, not the Chapparel 2J, not even the Ferrari or the Jaguar. I've been trying with a race modded and fully upgraded 1970 Dodge Challenger (and my driver's name is N.Kowalski).

We haven't won yet, but I have managed to get INTO first place with this car, but he just couldn't HOLD onto first place. Yes, he passed both the Toyota 7 and the Chapparel 2J to get into first place. Surprisingly, this car CAN pass in the turns, but has trouble in the straight-aways and gets passed.

Seeing that we did GET into first place, I think we could actually win. I'm just gonna blame my driver, and say that I need to get him to a higher level and come back later. Kowalski is at level 25, and is a level-tempered driver and does okay, but he just doesn't seem to have the guts needed to get it done. I've just started a real hot-headed driver, and I'm already impressed with him... he is much more aggressive and wins races that the others can't. I'm gonna try increasing his level and let him try this race.

I'll let you know how it works out, and hopefully post a video when we win this with the Challenger!

Don't be afraid to keep hitting the Pace Up button!
I'm on the Cote d'azur race with the Toyota 7 race car'70 and although it smoked deep forest it's getting killed at cote. Any suggestions on a car to use here? I own it and the Shelby cobra which fit the requirement but need to know if there is a better option. Thanks
Use the 7. Go in and out of the board till the other toyota 7 and at least one 2j start behind you. I did the same. I had one 2 j up front. Then u can pass all the way to second. Then fight one race car instead of three. After that you'll be happy.
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Junk in the trunk. 50 kilos ballast pushed all the way back helped me smoke this race in the 7.

One of the most popular thread topics of all time here. Medium turbo upgrade seems to work best. Set tranny for 155 or 162 max, and calm down Bob before the evil chicane.
My 7 kept hitting the wall in the chicane at first, equipped with the medium turbo.
After a while I realized it was doing quite fast compared to the competition so just before it turns into the tunnel I'd tell bob to slow down. In the last 2 laps he made it from 2nd from last place into 1st, I have no idea how he did that.
I did notice the 2J in the 2nd place slowing down quite abit before bob passed him.
I tried all these setups, and my 7 still failed miserably. What level do you suggest Bob should be? Mine is Level 20 =P
Mine was at 22 back then. I didn't change any setting other than max downforce, mid rpm turbo and lower top speed, it was at 180 or so mph I think?
i won this race many times ..

the lowest pilot was at level 11 the highest 38 ...
its important to reduce the speed (blue arrow) before the tunnel (or at the beginning) and after the swimming pool ....

The car, always, was a Toyota 7 with a setup found here (on GTP) 👍

This was really frustrating me but I finally got it with Buckrdgrz's setup.
I can vouch for it - it worked first try for me.
I had another shot at this the other day. I was getting ready to eat and set up a level 35 Bob with the orange downward arrow up to run Cote in my Toy 7. He had beaten the race for me when he was at a lower level but required constant coaching and a few tries. Well at level 35 he made it look easy and I gave him 0 commands. I then set out to gold a couple of the Nascar races he had finished lower in while still winning the championship. No problems at all. He even managed to win by 2 seconds at Daytona which is totally unrealistic. The pack just couldn't catch him. That hasn't been possible in real Nascar racing at Daytona for quite awhile. 1 car cannot outrun a drafting pack at a Superspeedway in a Nascar race, except in GT5
ARGH!!!!!! This race is frustrating.

I was so close after 10 tries. I went in an out and finally got a racing grid where the 2j starts behind me. My car: maxed out toyota 7 where i also limited the top speed for higher acceleration (250km\h is about the max speed you can obtain on this route with toyota 7 so no point in 320).

Anyways. The 2j still passes everything in the corners, however i got lucky, the 2j crashed in the hotspot where everybody crashes (im sure you know where i mean). I was in the lead for 7 laps. In the final lap, im still in the lead up until the very last corner before the straight.

Then the 2j (which had catched up and was right behind me), does a PIT manouvre (probably not on perpus, but that was the result), spins my driver out and i loose.

Can somebody just lend me a 2j?
ARGH!!!!!! This race is frustrating.

took me several times but finally got it last night. The Toyota 7 and your Bob can run this course in the 1:36 lap range, just gotta coach him right.

Definitely try the LSD setups on the first/second page of this thread - that really helped. I just set my max speed at around 170-180mph. Use the medium turbo, and pace Bob down before the downhill S turn and once again before the tunnel to make sure he hits the "crash" turn right. I actually saw him running at higher speeds on a pace down command during the tunnel stretch.

I paced him up right after the last turn before the finish line, and once again right after that - then paced down before the downhill S turn. Rinse and repeat.

As long as your lap times are hitting 1:36 to 1:38 then you can win the race.
Seems this can go well here as well....

Weird setup for my Toyota 7 Race Car but it worked on B-Spec and 2 more times right after to make sure. But it works well. after bb takes first you need to let him cool down and keep him near the middle of the stress bar. Should be gravy! Goodluck

Downforce: F:60 R:85
Turbo: Mid RPM Range Turbo Kit (Stage 2)
LSD: IT=30 , AS= 55 , BS=30
Transmission: 224mph top speed
Ride height= -30/-30
Spring Rate= 20/20
Dampers ext and comp both= 10/10/
Anti Roll Bars= 7/7
Camber: F= 7.0, R= 0.0
Toe: F= -0.10 / R= 0.15
Brakes: F=9 / R=8

Racing Medium tires
Take the top speed down to 174 mph
50kg ballast to the far back (+50)

As the race starts, queue up the overtake command (not send it)
Press X when the counter gets to one (this should get the driver to say ok almost right at the start)
Let the bob drive himself until the tunnel, then pace down.

You should be ahead of the accident (if any) at the devil's chicane, and in 3rd. If not, I recommend restarting (why waste the time?)

Once you have achieved a 3rd place position after the chicane, all you have to do is pace down at the start of the tunnel (only if there is a car near you), and pace up when he gets too far into the blue (but never leading into the tunnel, or the chicane). It is ideal to keep him running in the gray area.

I did this with a lvl 24 bob, who is very cool-headed, and with a starting lineup that had the 2J behind me. There was a Toyota 7 in front, but with this tune, you will easily handle it. In order to refresh the starting lineup, you must fully exit the race (back to the screen that shows the two tracks) and re-enter. Just exiting the race to the lineup screen is not enough, so once you have a lineup that has the 2J in 8th or lower, you can restart the race without mixing the lineup again. This will allow you to keep retrying for that 3rd place spot by the chicane, on lap one, until you get it.

I finished with a 21.982 second lead over the 2J! Was first from the start of the tunnel on lap 2, and never lost it. I should also note, that my driver could not get this accomplished until after the ballast was in place at the rear, it helps keep the grip as he accelerates wildly sometimes.
Maybe someone has posted this already... if so, sorry.
But sometimes if I do everything recommended (on this forum), and my bspec still won't do well in the race, then I wait until my bspec levels up another level, make sure his arrow is blue pointing up, and then I try it again, and he does much better.
How do you win thus cup in b-spec? I won it in two times at aspec with the toyota 7, but it seem that my bob thinks its too hard to drive. Does anyone got ant tips?
Get a red Bob? They handle crowds better and are higher risk takers...

Watch where you try overtaking and power him down when overtaking isn't an option, so he's near his 'happy zone' when you do try.

Don't serial-press Increase pace....try to keep him at 80% 'redness'. Use Maintain pace more often when at 80% redness.

Maxing the downforce on the Toyota lets you/him take the corners faster and the resulting increased tyre-wear isn't an issue there.