Batman vs SupermanMovies 

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Looks like they took the stupid New 52 Harley Quinn origin story, where Joker throws her into a vat of toxic chemicals.

Way to remove the most interesting origin story of the characters in this film.

Yeah, I noticed that. 👎

It still leaves the story open for Harley to realize the relationship she's in is abusive, and leave, but it's just not the same.
This is such an amusing trainwreck, you can't help but watch it unfold. Between Ben Affleck trying to completely distance himself from everything people know about Ben Affleck by deliberately emulating the worst parts of the Nolan movies, to the strangely insistent adherence to the DC universe reboot that no one ever like... Eisenberg is about the least stupid thing about the two movies yet.

i think this is the first time i see Jai Courtney going all out in Suicide Squad. I think it's gonna be his best role.

Between his former highest roles as "one of the worst things in what was already by far the worst Die Hard movie" and "guy who stood around scowling for 90 minutes before Tom Cruise killed his ass in a movie no one admits to liking but always watch when it's on TNT or whatever", that's some high praise indeed.
Well all of those characters he played, they look similar.

But here idk, he "express" himself a lot more than he usually do.
Yeah i think so too.

OT : i think this is the first time i see Jai Courtney going all out in Suicide Squad. I think it's gonna be his best role.
He did a REALLY good job in Spartacus. I actually never even heard of him until I watched Spartacus.
Yeah, I noticed that. 👎

It still leaves the story open for Harley to realize the relationship she's in is abusive, and leave, but it's just not the same.
It misses out on the character development. The abuse victim turned psychiatrist to help other victims, manipulated by a psychotic who sees an easy target. It's a complex and sad origin.

Now, she's just the Joketress.

They could combine the two, making her fall into the toxic chemicals the point of no return in her downward spiral of abuse. Then you could have the hard backstory but make it so that her ability to separate herself from The Joker is nearly stripped away.
To be fair, though, we won't know how the issue is handled until the first reviews actually come out. All we know is that it seems similar to the New 52 origin, but we don't know whether it'll play it straight or not.
Well all of those characters he played, they look similar.
That's probably because they're played by the same actor.

This is such an amusing trainwreck, you can't help but watch it unfold.
Was anyone expecting anything different? I mean, the name Zack Snyder hardly inspires confidence. After all, Man of Steel undermined the character of Superman by having him (at least partially( responsible for thousands of deaths.
I meant the characterization feels the same. Nothing unique from each of those characters.
It's called typecasting - it's when an actor is repeatedly cast in the same kinds of role. Owen Wilson is a prime example of this; he always plays a laid-back almost-slacker who inevitably wins people over with his folksy ways, easygoing charm and "quirky" alternate lifestyle. It doesn't matter if he's a cop in Starsky and Hutch, a rich ex-boyfriend in Meet the Parents, dimwitted male model in Zoolander or an unemployed sales representative in The Internship, he's always the same.
Yeah ot got take
...None of your links work. Whatever they were.

Yeah it got taken down quickly after i posted it. It's a commercial from turkish airways using bruce wayne and lex luthor from the movie.
...The Real Reason why Bats and Supes fight, courtesy of MAD.

After seeing those lame travel commercials (which came about 6 months later than viral advertising usually would) I am convinced this movie is going to bomb.

Too many characters, too many twists to traditional story-lines from the source, and way too much fan-boy appeasement.

I'm going to be amazed if this is anything more than Batman beating up Superman and just before the finishing blow, Doomsday goes to kill Batman, only for him to be saved by Wonder Woman, who then takes a huge hit from Doomsday, sinking to the bottom of the harbor, only to be saved by Aquaman.

I'm going to be amazed if this is anything more than Batman beating up Superman and just before the finishing blow, Doomsday goes to kill Batman, only for him to be saved by Wonder Woman, who then takes a huge hit from Doomsday, sinking to the bottom of the harbor, only to be saved by Aquaman.

Actually, Bats beats up Supes, and just before the finishing blow, Supes recovers, is about to finish off Batman, and then Doomsday shows up to roast him, before Wonder Woman saves them, then all the things you say, followed by a big To Be Continued...sign hanging in the air over Doomsday. Roll credits.
Actually, Bats beats up Supes, and just before the finishing blow, Supes recovers, is about to finish off Batman, and then Doomsday shows up to roast him, before Wonder Woman saves them, then all the things you say, followed by a big To Be Continued...sign hanging in the air over Doomsday. Roll credits.
It could be shocking how close we are to the actual movie. I hope not, for their sake, for the sake of the fans, I hope not.
All the same, if it is I'll definitely waste a saturday watching this on FX. :lol:
Too many characters, too many twists to traditional story-lines from the source, and way too much fan-boy appeasement.
It can be summarised in two words: Zack Snyder.

Wonder if he's related to Scott Snyder. Surely he couldn't be; not after the run from "The Court of Owls" through to "Endgame" and "Eternal" ... right?
"If there is even a one percent chance he isn't on our side, we have to take it as an absolute certainty!"*


Now, I realize that Batman is just paranoid enough to devise schemes to neutralize any and all members of the Justice League, just in case they go rogue or are mind controlled (which is far more prevalent in the comics than in the movies), but that kind of blustering rhetoric, and looking for a fight just because, isn't Batman.


All hero versus hero plots need some form of macguffin to put them at odds with each other. It's not like Snyder was faithful to the psychology of Superman in MOS, either...

*Seriously, who wrote this script? A twelve year old? Michael Bay? I mean:

"Hey, if this dude is like only 99% friendly, he's totally a bad guy, bro... we gotta take him down..."

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"If there is even a one percent chance he isn't on our side, we have to take it as an absolute certainty!"*


Now, I realize that Batman is just paranoid enough to devise schemes to neutralize any and all members of the Justice League, just in case they go rogue or are mind controlled (which is far more prevalent in the comics than in the movies), but that kind of blustering rhetoric, and looking for a fight just because, isn't Batman.


All hero versus hero plots need some form of macguffin to put them at odds with each other. It's not like Snyder was faithful to the psychology of Superman in MOS, either...

*Seriously, who wrote this script? A twelve year old? Michael Bay? I mean:

"Hey, if this dude is like only 99% friendly, he's totally a bad guy, bro... we gotta take him down..."

Actually, it is the movies that never dived into the psychology of Batman himself (largely because of the prior WB embargo that prohibited DC heroes from mingling in another's film franchises, something that was in place since before the 70's, maybe in the 30's). In that respect, this Batman is more comic accurate than any Batman that has came before him.

Besides, the only time any villain was largely successful against the league as a whole was when they used Batman's plans to full effect, which shows that Bruce knew the League's weaknesses personally, and as the sole human without powers on the team, needed some form of edge against one or any members of the league in case if they go rogue. This incident happened twice, once in "Justice League of America: Tower of Babel" story arc in the comics (featured in the animated movie, Justice League: Doom), and a similar situation happened where Batman was forced to use their weaknesses in the Batman Beyond Season 3 episode "The Call: Part 2" (the culprit in that episode was a starfish that was in the Fortress of Solitude that captured Superman.)
I really love Superman's expression after Batman block his punch.

And i love that One Punch Man Youtube comment even more :lol: