Batman vs SupermanMovies 

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Film hit 40% on the Tomatometer, but is now back down to 32%, with 145 reviews in. Not likely to swing far either way from this point on (I think the average number of reviews for a comic-book blockbuster on RT is around 160-170).


Superman isn't impossible to work with. I thought Singer's tone on Superman Returns was perfect. He just needed a less nonsensical script to work with. And Superman I, wonky time-travel plot device aside, was a pretty good, as well.

The problem basically lies with the company making the movies. Let's face it: Marvel managed to make two great movies about Captain America. A hero that few non-comic book fans cared about or even know much about*. And they managed to make a gritty, modern movie around him while still remaining true to his personality and core ideals.

Superman simply needs proper direction. It isn't too hard. Granted, he is too powerful for most foes, but the New 52 made him a bit less overbearingly powerful... there are ways to write that into a movie without losing the "Super" part.

Funnily enough, looking through Wikipedia, there is no mention at all of "Cap-Wolf"... except as a side note on the Nightshade page and in "Alternative Versions"... apparently fans are none too happy that it ever happened...
was waiting on someone who saw it first, I'd personally give it a 6/10 but that's me being a DC fan. now onto the spoilers bit

First of all the first part was fantastic with the montage of Bruce's parents dying (which actually plays a part later on in the movie) then with the whole Metropolis fight from Bruce's pov. Then it went downhill. Superman somehow tracked louis and then kills the man holding her hostage then we get to the whole political anti MOS stuff that does nothing but waste our time cause guess what after lex blows up keeff this whole plot line does not matter anymore. Now I like Battfleck he is a very good TDKR Batman but why should we accept that Batman now kills people, he doesn't even need to sometimes, the whole batmobile chase was brutal and needlessly so. Superman in this movie is straight up unlikable, he just stares there looking angry and flys away, they really need to work on that character, WW was fine so kudos to Gal but the dear me is Lex Luthor straight up garbage, it's not Jesse's fault but we get no reason as to why he hates superman (daddy issues and power being not innocent...... what?) and then what kind of stupid plan is he thinking off when he creates doomsday, lets imagine Doomsday kills superman now what?. The whole Martha thing was very cringe and lets not talk about how the movie ended (the whole cinema were all joking about yeah right as if they'd kill Superman). The knightmare scene didn't make any sense to me so I'll just consider it as something to be explained in the JL movie (or maybe it's just them testing out the reaction to the parademons). I didn't mind the lazy cameos of the JL members and I do think the soundtrack was great (loved that cheesy WW theme).

The fight themselves were pretty decent and some shots were stunning (zack's main strong suite). Now finally I still think this universe has potential but get Miller on it, enough of zack for me.

I thought i'm the only one who thinks like this because i just prefer Marvel a lil bit more. But hearing it from a DC fan makes me relieved.

I'm really disappointed at this movie. I want it to succeed but it's hard to find something good about this movie other than Batman and WW. I'm starting to blame Snyder for making some of the heroes out of their personalities.
Can we all just finally accept that Snyder is more Michael Bay than... er, non-Bay? All of his movies have been more about the spectacle than the story or characters, and all these reviews are just solidifying that for me.

Like @niky said, Captain America had an excellent tone (especially Winter Soldier). It's "gritty", at least in comparison to the other MCU efforts, but it's not this relenting, only-ever-raining, blue-filter-all-the-things self-serious mess that Snyder seems to favour. I feel like they've only taken the general influences of what's succeeded before them (the Nolan trilogy's bleaker, more grounded universe; Deadpool's R-rating in the case of this hasty Blu-Ray version), without understanding why those aspects were so effective (Nolan had character development, Deadpool was incredibly faithful to the source).

I was going to go see this for cheap this coming Tuesday with a friend, but I think I might end up passing on it, and simply wait for it on home release much as I did with MoS. Civil War looks infinitely more appealing.
Can we all just finally accept that Snyder is more Michael Bay than... er, non-Bay?
The writing has been on the wall for some time.

The catch is that DC consulted with Jonathan Nolan - Christopher's brother, and also the guy who created Person of Interest and Memento Mori (which formed the basis of Memento) - and David S. Goyer, both of whom had a large hand in the Dark Knight trilogy, as to who should helm Man of Steel and bring the early stages of the DC shared universe to film, and they picked Snyder.

Ultimately, I think the films have been let down by what they tried so hard not to be, which limited their ability to be their own films. They're clearly trying to distance themselves from both the Marvel films and Christopher Nolan's films.
Watching that Yahoo movies interview, i feel sorry for Affleck. He looks so down when the interviewer ask him about the bad reviews. I hope it doesn't affect his solo Batman movies. Critics themselves praise Affleck as he and Gadot are the only good things in the movie.
Call it morbid curiosity, but I've been looking at the "User Reviews" section of Tomatoes on and off for the past 48 hours.

It has slipped down from a high of 98% (pre-preview) to around 90-ish% (post-preview) and has been falling ever since.

It has slid from 80% down to 75% in just the last day.

It's glorious. Like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
The annoying thing is there are actually some pretty decent stories, but BVS needed one or two movies before it. WB are as much to blame as Snyder.
So I just got back from the showing and let's list off some things, shall we?

Ben Affleck works both as Bruce Wayne and Batman – perhaps the best part of the movie, hands down. I'm glad I was dead wrong about that.

Lex. The best portrayal of Luthor in a movie to date. He was cunning, conniving, charming, colorful, manipulative and eccentric. There is only one fatal flaw: Jesse Eisenberg. He just doesn't work. At all.

Moving the date up as they did, when the original intention was to go head-to-head with Civil War was the smartest thing WB did. It just wouldn't have worked in their favor.

There were a few scenes that just didn't need to happen whatsoever as they added nothing to the overall feel of the movie. In fact, if anything at all, it just prolongs the thing that's attracted you to the movie in the first place.

Doomsday. While mostly accurate (think when he was regrown) we won't even discuss that. Nope.

Death of Superman was handled as well as it could be given the circumstances. I enjoyed it.

Jeremy Irons. Yeah, like you were doubting him. Another positive addition to the movie; there just isn't enough of him.

Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot. Yay! Another positive in the movie's favor, but again, there just isn't enough. Rightfully so mind you, but it leaves you wanting more of her, you know, considering...

Now for some spoiler-free stuff. Almost every reservation you've had about the movie going into it – hold onto those reservations because you may just discover that, on occasion, you can judge a book by its cover. Did I enjoy it? I'm indifferent. There were certainly things I enjoyed, but I didn't leave the theater as energetic as usual.

Am I excited for where this is headed? Honestly? No.
The aftermath of the critical reception for this movie made me hate comic book fanboys even more.

I can't say one damn bad thing about a Marvel/DC movie without being labelled Marvel/DC fanboy. Like what the f people, get your head up your butt and start thinking like an adult for christ sake.
At what? Have you been browsing IMdB or something?

You can't let that nonsense bother you. Discuss the movie! :P
At what? Have you been browsing IMdB or something?

You can't let that nonsense bother you. Discuss the movie! :P
No not that dumb site man. Youtube, Facebook and others. Can't seem to enjoy a good discussion how the movie could be better when people are shoving themselves to your convos.
Yeah, you're right. I don't know why i decided to go to those site for discussions.

Man i just watched that video, i legit feel bad for Affleck. Ironic considering he's the one that got the high praise from literally everyone.
The interviewer didn't give details and Affleck has been a huge comics fan his whole life. This was his big chance to live the dream in a movie that should have been good by all accounts. He just keeps getting superhero roles in films that suffer writing and production issues.

I was not surprised by the reviews when I found out that there were limited screenings for reviewers and there was a freeze on published reviews until Wednesday. That is almost always a sign that the studio doesn't trust it to be well received.

WB played it smart though and marketed the holy hell out of it. They probably did too much, but they got the hype train barreling along. It'll still make tons of money. I wasn't planning to see it, but a few friends are asking about going next weekend, so even I will probably go.
Let's hope his solo Batman movie will do well. He's directing it, isn't he ?

I did see him in the new Jimmy Fallon interview.Jimmy Fallon quoting all the critics praise on him. But he kinda dimissed it and start saying it's an audience movie not a critic movie even though it is about his praises. He also looked kinda bummed.

He's the one who took it hard (along with Snyder, i guess) about how bad the movie was received. Cavill and Adams looked like they didn't care much about it.
Stay off of Youtube and Comic/Geek sites for a while. The fan backlash against the negative reviews is immense, there are film boosters doing their darnedest to keep the overall "user review" level of the film positive, but it looks like they're shoveling sand uphill.

The consensus from the viewing public and the critics seems to carry through. It's just not very good.

Now at 73% User Ratings on Rottentomatoes. Still going down. And now more "Super Reviewer" Audience reviews are coming out, and most are negative.


I do feel for Affleck... he does really seem to put a lot into this role, and he deserves a Ryan Reynolds type break after the Daredevil fiasco.


Yeah, the marketing worked, and the ticket pre-selss will probably keep the box office at or over $150m for the opening weekend.
Saw it and here are my thoughts

Im very disappointed in this film, but there was some good points:
  • Ben Affleck did a great job as Batman, infact he was a good as what Christopher Nolan did as the character
  • Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman role was probably my favorite one out of this movie.
  • The action was pretty neat ( besides that messy camera ) it was done pretty well
Now for the bad:
  • The story was just dumb, it was actually intrigued with it at the beginning but as soon as they began the 2nd arc it went downhill from there.
  • The martha part of the movie was just flat out dumb, i was scratching my head thinking what could they have come up with better than that.
  • Lex Luthor; while he was interesting and done well, Jesse Einseberg is just not an ideal actor for the role, and in some ways imo reminded me a bit too much of the joker.
  • Doomsday, ill just leave it there.
  • The last 30 minutes made me thinking: "what?!" the fact that they try to involve the justice league into it is one of the problems i have with DC ( tbh imo they should've had the actor from the tv series do flash).
  • Also, as soon as Lois was in trouble for like the 3rd time in the movie, i knew Superman was gonna die. But then again i sense they'll bring him back after the last 10 secs of the movie.

So that's what i thought about the movie. It sucks that it was disappointing because i really hoped it would end up being a great standalone movie. But due to DC being DC, showing WAY to much in that infamous 2nd trailer, it sadly didn't, and this worries me a bit about how Suicide Squad will end up. But hey, those are just my opinions on it. If you enjoyed it,good for you i have no problem.
But at the moment im abit afraid of how they're gonna go in the direction they're targeting for. But we'll have to wait and see.
Let's hope his solo Batman movie will do well. He's directing it, isn't he ?

I did see him in the new Jimmy Fallon interview.Jimmy Fallon quoting all the critics praise on him. But he kinda dimissed it and start saying it's an audience movie not a critic movie even though it is about his praises. He also looked kinda bummed.

He's the one who took it hard (along with Snyder, i guess) about how bad the movie was received. Cavill and Adams looked like they didn't care much about it.

I believe that to be the case, yes. He was perhaps the best part of the movie without doubt. I say "perhaps" because I'm still trying to find something else that was legitimately good in the movie beside him, and to a lesser extent, Wonder Woman.

Regardless, If he can keep that up for the solo films then he'll be more than alright.

No more Snyder, and no more Goyer – something between the two of them just doesn't work. Whether it be creative philosophies, direction or something else. This is where DC movies constantly fall short with their film franchises, and it's poor direction. The only exceptions to that are, of course, Batman and Superman, and even they've gone through their fair share of poor direction.

...And now I'm going to rant again.

Why is it called "Batman v Superman?" The only, and I do mean only animosity between the two rests solely on the shoulders of Bruce due to the events of Man of Steel. He wants a piece of Superman because he sees him as a threat to humankind. Sure, there was the brief exchange between the two when Supes considered him a threat in a similar fashion because of his... brutish methods, but that was shrugged off just as quickly as when he took off after being asked whether or not he bleeds.

The only reason the two of them end up fighting isn't because of anything the movie has initially set up; the reason they end up fighting is because...Luthor is holding Martha captive. Wait, what?

Where did this come fro—what reason was there to set up this angst between the two of them if it was all just going to be projectile launched over the horizon? I don't...this is a movie that has all of the potential in the world. You can see it in every scene, with every second that passes by setting up what has been billed as "Man against God," but instead what you're actually given is "Man wants to avenge the lost of innocent lives, and the God is merely roped into doing so against his own will."

Where'd all of the tension go?! It's left hung up on a street lamp somewhere, don't worry about it. It isn't important anymore.
Something tells me they used Batman V Superman to gain interest. Should have called it Dawn of Justice or something.
I believe that to be the case, yes. He was perhaps the best part of the movie without doubt. I say "perhaps" because I'm still trying to find something else that was legitimately good in the movie beside him, and to a lesser extent, Wonder Woman.

Regardless, If he can keep that up for the solo films then he'll be more than alright.

No more Snyder, and no more Goyer – something between the two of them just doesn't work. Whether it be creative philosophies, direction or something else. This is where DC movies constantly fall short with their film franchises, and it's poor direction. The only exceptions to that are, of course, Batman and Superman, and even they've gone through their fair share of poor direction.

...And now I'm going to rant again.

Why is it called "Batman v Superman?" The only, and I do mean only animosity between the two rests solely on the shoulders of Bruce due to the events of Man of Steel. He wants a piece of Superman because he sees him as a threat to humankind. Sure, there was the brief exchange between the two when Supes considered him a threat in a similar fashion because of his... brutish methods, but that was shrugged off just as quickly as when he took off after being asked whether or not he bleeds.

The only reason the two of them end up fighting isn't because of anything the movie has initially set up; the reason they end up fighting is because...Luthor is holding Martha captive. Wait, what?

Where did this come fro—what reason was there to set up this angst between the two of them if it was all just going to be projectile launched over the horizon? I don't...this is a movie that has all of the potential in the world. You can see it in every scene, with every second that passes by setting up what has been billed as "Man against God," but instead what you're actually given is "Man wants to avenge the lost of innocent lives, and the God is merely roped into doing so against his own will."

Where'd all of the tension go?! It's left hung up on a street lamp somewhere, don't worry about it. It isn't important anymore.

THIS. this right here is my problem with this movie. Its absolutely ridiculous in every way and i agree with that.
Did Snyder seriously called Sucker Punch, a "thinking man's Inception" ?

A bit too much there...

I get a feeling he thinks what he made is deep complexity stuff but hey i'm just a simple guy, those deep complex stuff didn't rub on me.

Despite i enjoy BvS a bit, i'm still pissed at how they made this.
Did Snyder seriously called Sucker Punch, a "thinking man's Inception" ?

This is where DC movies constantly fall short with their film franchises, and it's poor direction.
I think they've just got to find an interesting director. At the very least, they need someone who understands how to craft a balanced film. Snyder to me is like Brett Ratner or Renny Harlin; his films just lack any depth.

My pick would be Brad Bird. He might be best-known for his work with Pixar, but he showed a lot of restraint in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol when it would have been easy to go ballistic. Granted, the film was pretty generic what with its evil-Russian-wants-to-blow-up-the-world plot.

Alternatively, I'd go for David Fincher. Between the likes of Fight Club and The Social Network, he might seem a little bit high-brow for a comic book film, but if you have seen The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - or better yet, Panic Room - you can see that he can handle a pretty diverse range. And don't forget that Sam Mendes was seen as the most inappropriate choice for a James Bond film and then delivered the absolutely brilliant Skyfall, and I think Fincher is the kind of director who could do the same.
@Terronium-12 didn't Ben just straight up shoe in Terrio in place of Goyer? feel the blame is not just on Snyder.

I still want Snyder out and get Jonathan Nolan and Miller in to helm the JL stuff. The universe itself is compelling but a solo WW and solo Batman movie should've been first. They nailed the casting of the trinity so it was such a shame to not deliver a proper movie.
@Terronium-12 didn't Ben just straight up shoe in Terrio in place of Goyer? feel the blame is not just on Snyder.

I honestly don't know what the situation is/was with that.

Whatever it is, DC really needs to get things right with their movies other than Batman and Superman. Ezra Miller for example, as good as he may turn out to be a Flash, there's next to no reason for it to not be Grant Gustin.

The disparity between DC's film universe and the universe that's already been established between Green Arrow, The Flash and now Legends of Tomorrow is puzzling at best.
I honestly don't know what the situation is/was with that.

Whatever it is, DC really needs to get things right with their movies other than Batman and Superman. Ezra Miller for example, as good as he may turn out to be a Flash, there's next to no reason for it to not be Grant Gustin.

The disparity between DC's film universe and the universe that's already been established between Green Arrow, The Flash and now Legends of Tomorrow is puzzling at best.

It's baffling that they haven't used Grant but maybe Snyder wanted to do his own version and what-not.
Just back from the movie.

There was nothing exceedingly wrong with the movie but nothing great either(except from Affleck). The story was complete 'meh' the entire way through and made Superman look as unlikeable as possible. Batman was pretty cool but his completely hilarious break of character when a truck was escaping pretty much damned this film to the sin bin. Style over substance. A finale caked in so many special effects it felt like an entirely different move than that which preceeded it.

Don't really recommend. Can't imagine rewatching. Shame.
Sense Snyder is getting a lot of the blame for the film's failings I just want to point out one thing.

Zack Snyder's wife is a producer at WB and was one on this film.