Batman vs SupermanMovies 

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Jeez, i mean i disliked the movie for many reasons but damn, it is still better than F4. The 30% rating is too much too. Should have gotten at least 6/10 imo.
Jeez, i mean i disliked the movie for many reasons but damn, it is still better than F4. The 30% rating is too much too. Should have gotten at least 6/10 imo.

Why, because it's better than Fant4stic? That isn't a difficult thing to achieve by any stretch of the imagination – I can make a better superhero movie than that... abortion, and I don't even know the first thing about film-making.

And just because it is better doesn't fix the number of issues with BvS that detract from it the longer it goes on.
Why, because it's better than Fant4stic? That isn't a difficult thing to achieve by any stretch of the imagination – I can make a better superhero movie than that... abortion, and I don't even know the first thing about film-making.

And just because it is better doesn't fix the number of issues with BvS that detract from it the longer it goes on.
No. Even without the comparison to F4ntastic its still an OK movie. Its not particularly a mindblowing movie (except Wonder Woman. She's cool) but not abhorrently unwatchable movie by stretch (except Lex Luthor. So much cringe).

I already watch it twice. It has some flaws but i felt some critics take it up to 11. Its a meh movie at best. But that's just one mans opinion.
Why, because it's better than Fant4stic? That isn't a difficult thing to achieve by any stretch of the imagination – I can make a better superhero movie than that... abortion, and I don't even know the first thing about film-making.

And just because it is better doesn't fix the number of issues with BvS that detract from it the longer it goes on.
No, because it's a meh movie not an abortion of a movie like F4. 30% for a meh movie is too much imo. It has some great hits like the Wonder Woman entrance, Batffleck etc. It has some big flaws but it is a lot better than F4 where even from the first trailer of the movie i can tell it's gonna be bad.

But like @FrzGT said, it's just a one man's opinion.
You say this...

No. Even without the comparison to F4ntastic its still an OK movie.

And then go on to say this...

I already watch it twice. It has some flaws but i felt some critics take it up to 11. Its a meh movie at best. But that's just one mans opinion.

Which really isn't any different than anything anyone else has said? Do you know what you're arguing for, or are you being a contrarian simply for the sake of?

And here's the thing the two of you seem to conveniently forget: that score is the collective opinion of every single person that's seen it (more or less) and bothered to review/score it accordingly. It's an opinion. If you enjoyed the movie and feel it deserves a higher score, then so be it.

Bellyaching over a movie's score that you both have called "meh" is about as polarizing as it gets.
Bellyaching? I think you a bit exageratting here. I'm just a bit shocked it has beaten F4 in terms of 1 week drop. It's not like i'm preaching everywhere it should have gotten better score. Just saying what i think in 1 post.

I have never seen a meh movie getting this kind of reactions from the critics.
You say this...

And then go on to say this...

Which really isn't any different than anything anyone else has said? Do you know what you're arguing for, or are you being a contrarian simply for the sake of?

And here's the thing the two of you seem to conveniently forget: that score is the collective opinion of every single person that's seen it (more or less) and bothered to review/score it accordingly. It's an opinion. If you enjoyed the movie and feel it deserves a higher score, then so be it.

Bellyaching over a movie's score that you both have called "meh" is about as polarizing as it gets.
Well generally i said its a passable movie. Im basically saying that while its quite watchable at some extent, its not something you rush or must see movies, but also not something you point finger and laugh on its flaws.

OK means its watchable. Meh means its passable. Not a must see movie, but if you want to watch it then you can go on without feeling ripped off.
I just got back from seeing the film, and I honestly don't understand the hate surrounding the film. Seriously guys, if you read and understand the source material, you will appreciate the film a lot more. Yes, the first hour or so was basically Man of Steel clean up that dragged on way too long, but the film set up nicely for Justice League next year.

The only thing that I really didn't like about the movie is Ezra Miller's Flash (for the 30-45 seconds that he was on the screen). They should have made him clean up more, but maybe it is the Grant Gustin fan boy in me speaking.
I just got back from seeing the film, and I honestly don't understand the hate surrounding the film. Seriously guys, if you read and understand the source material, you will appreciate the film a lot more. Yes, the first hour or so was basically Man of Steel clean up that dragged on way too long, but the film set up nicely for Justice League next year.

It was a two-and-a-half-hour dirge. Setting up for the next film is not a good excuse.
It was a two-and-a-half-hour dirge. Setting up for the next film is not a good excuse.
I'm not saying that it is, given the length.

Look, Snyder tried to tell three stories at once, when one should have done well. Half of the film is trying to establish Batman as a somewhat key figure in the story with the other half with, to be honest here, useless exposition being inserted in (given that the last 35-40 minutes was a brief retelling of the Death and Return of Superman, and even then it was half finished).

In all fairness to the film, it told a story without it being split into two parts, a story that was at times unorganized (fair enough), but it was a good one.

I also noticed that Christopher Nolan's fingerprints is all over this film as well...
Jeez, i mean i disliked the movie for many reasons but damn, it is still better than F4. The 30% rating is too much too. Should have gotten at least 6/10 imo.

The 30% Tomatometer is simply a "like/dislike" counter. If you want an aggregate of their actual x/10 scores, it's on the side.

Last I looked, the aggregate rating was at 5.2/10, which isn't far from the 6/10 most of my friends (here, on FB and in real life) are giving it.
I don't know how I should feel about this movie. I can get behind the action, but there's something sloppy feeling about the whole thing. All I have to say is that it's something. DC is not really pulling off the shared superhero universe as well as Marvel. So far, I think I prefer the Arrowverse (and Supergirl) over the film universe.
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if you read and understand the source material, you will appreciate the film a lot more.
This was my biggest problem with the movie.

I know little about comics and just wanted to watch the "new Batman movie". I was a big fan of Nolan's trilogy (and Tim Burton's, way before that).

Not having read much about it, what I found at the theatre was that the title of the movie is completely misleading, maybe to attract fools like me (I never payed any attention to the subtitle "Dawn of Justice" either).

Only now I'm understanding that this was some sort of introduction to the Justice League movie(s) that will be coming out - something which I never really cared about and won't definitely be caring now after watching this movie.

In the end, it was a big disappointment for me, although I understand that part of it is my fault.
I wonder if I was the only one in this situation, or if the bad reputation the movie is having is a reflection of other people feeling the same.

Ironically, and as a final note, what I liked most about it was the one thing I had doubts ever since I first heard about it: Ben Affleck as Batman.
@35mm I agree with this, they're actually working backwards where they throw you Batman and Wonder woman then explain these characters later. Is this the best approach, not for me although I'm one of the fans who knows enough for it not to bother me.

This movie is still more entertaining than most Marvel stuff, although this isn't exactly praise.

Fact that Deadpool will gross more in the US than this is a sackable offence.
I just got back from seeing the film, and I honestly don't understand the hate surrounding the film. Seriously guys, if you read and understand the source material, you will appreciate the film a lot more. Yes, the first hour or so was basically Man of Steel clean up that dragged on way too long, but the film set up nicely for Justice League next year.

The only thing that I really didn't like about the movie is Ezra Miller's Flash (for the 30-45 seconds that he was on the screen). They should have made him clean up more, but maybe it is the Grant Gustin fan boy in me speaking.

The purpose of an adaptation is to stand on its own; enhanced by the original material, perhaps even strengthened by it because it can offer nuances a movie isn't able to. This has more plot holes than a serialized courtroom drama.

All I'm seeing now is 'true fan this, true fan that' and while I'm not accusing you of saying that in particular, I read comic books and I still think the movie fails miserably at the intended goal. It was an incredible Batman epic with a Wonder Woman cameo, but as it was billed: Batman v Superman? It fell about four cities short of the target.
Stupid joke: Batman V Superman. Who win? Neither. Wonder Woman actually wins.

I wish next Justice League Movies were handed back to Christopher Nolan honestly.
Stupid joke: Batman V Superman. Who win? Neither. Wonder Woman actually wins.

I wish next Justice League Movies were handed back to Christopher Nolan honestly.
Christopher Nolan doesn't understand the fantasy that comic book movies require (that and his insistence on shooting practical effects). The only reason why The Dark Knight trilogy was so successful was because he picked villains that are somewhat grounded in reality, Bane, Ra's Al Gul all deviated from their comic book origins in the films that it was just sickening. The only one that he got somewhat right is Joker, but not even his origin is told with a straight face (if you accept his origin story in The Killing Joke as the real Joker origin).
Bane, Ra's Al Gul all deviated from their comic book origins in the films that it was just sickening.

This seems appropriate.

I don't think deviating from the source is necessarily a bad thing. Comics themselves have ret-conned and upheaved their origins countless times – from my understanding, both DC and Marvel are in the process of doing it right now – so I've never been able to figure out why that gets diehard fans' Superman-insignia'd jammies in knots so much. Or why they're particularly interested in a movie adaptation that'd end up being a literal word-for-word recreation.

Guardians of the Galaxy deviated pretty substantially from the source, and was very successful (barring a one-note baddie, of course). BvS isn't getting a critical crap-kicking because it deviated: it's getting it because it just isn't a good movie, from the sounds of it anyway. It certainly sounds over-stuffed, in much the same way Spider-man 3 (or Amazing Spider-man 2) suffered.

I feel a little bad for WB: they're trying a different approach to the shared universe, since doing a bunch of solo movies before the big team-up would land them in a lot of unfavourable comparisons to Marvel's Avengers. So they're doing it in reverse, which might work out in their favour with Justice League, but it definitely affects the movies leading up to it, which is a big problem. A movie should be able to stand on its own, and shouldn't get a bunch of free passes because it's "setting things up" down the road.

Still haven't seen it, so might just go tomorrow for cheap. After Screenrant went and dropped a spoiler in an article with no warning (not even a week after release), the only reason I really have is for the big-screen spectacle, and Wonder Woman. Otherwise, the film sounds like a hot mess.
i am more a marvel fan, but am i the only one on forums that liked the movie??

screen adaptions of comics are adaptions, and i do not mind if they are different then in the comics.

It was a "serious" movie, not a lot of funny **** (in the comics batman and superman are not funny either).
and i liked Lex Luthor, he gets more fuc*ed up when the story goes on..
I saw the movie over the weekend. My thoughts will be mostly summed up in my responses.

Jeez, i mean i disliked the movie for many reasons but damn, it is still better than F4. The 30% rating is too much too. Should have gotten at least 6/10 imo.
I agree, it is a 6/10, but I also agree that I don't expect more than 30% of critics to see it more favorably. I think the scores (meta or tomato meter) are about right.

I just got back from seeing the film, and I honestly don't understand the hate surrounding the film. Seriously guys, if you read and understand the source material, you will appreciate the film a lot more.
Stop this train right here. Part of being a director or writer is to know your audience. You don't create a $250 million film intended just for the comic book niche audience. You need a blockbuster to make that up. You need everyone who enjoys action films to want to see it. Complaining that the people who are in the audience aren't the correct audience is a failure on the part of the filmmakers, not the audience.

Maybe the marketing team should have released a list or prerequisite reading material. Or maybe it was cheaper and easier to have an embargo on reviews until less than 48 hours before the first showing. That's a sure sign that WB knew what they had: a film that is designed for a much smaller audience than needed.

Yes, the first hour or so was basically Man of Steel clean up that dragged on way too long, but the film set up nicely for Justice League next year.
Where you saw Man of Steel cleanup I saw taking the square peg of the first 3/4 of The Dark Knight Returns and cramming it into the round hole of the Man of Steel world. This includes dream sequences that made sense in the comic source because of its setup, but we're totally out of place here. And I am not talking about the weird Injustice dream sequences.

I am talking about Bruce Wayne being haunted in his dreams by a giant bat. They recreate the scene of it breaking through the wall in the tomb. Awesome comic reference, but what did it have to do with anything here? This Bruce Wayne isn't trying to resist the urge to put on the suit and return to fighting crime, only to have his Batman persona called to by new and old enemies.

Now imagine that from the perspective of having never read the comics.

Now about those other dream sequences:

Is it a Darkseid warning or an Injustice warning? There's the omega symbol and parademons: Darkseid. But then there is dictator Superman with stormtroopers talking about a woman who was his life being killed (Lois or Martha Kent?):Injustice. Which of these is the future threat? If you never read the comics then it all appears to tie into the current Superman storyline. If you have read the comics you just got slammed by two different story references in one scene.

Maybe Bruce was dreaming of his worst Superman fear, but Flash's time travel was altering the timeline at that moment. I don't know, but on the surface it was confusing.

As for the Justice League setup, it was ham handed in my opinion.

Psst, lady whose name I never learned, but whose email address I know, check this picture I found of you. Luther even gave you a logo. Oh, and while you're at it check out these other guys he has information on, including logos. We should get them to form a team with us. We can even give them outfits with these cool logos on them. Should we have special membership rings too?

The only thing that I really didn't like about the movie is Ezra Miller's Flash (for the 30-45 seconds that he was on the screen). They should have made him clean up more, but maybe it is the Grant Gustin fan boy in me speaking.
If it makes you feel better, he's gotten his haircut.

Fact that Deadpool will gross more in the US than this is a sackable offence.
So long as it can catch up before Civil War it should be fine.

My ultimate thought is that this attempted to tell three stories from the comics. Each of those stories would require a miniseries to tell properly.

I am not saying they should do things like Marvel, but rather that this movie needed to be broken up. What it needed was to be a Superman movie where he first deals with Lex (Ideally, I'd like something like Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow with Lex as a secondary or not yet exposed villain-allowing Superman to address the killing and moral limits issue), and possibly Doomsday. I personally think Doomsday should have been a post-Justice League movie in order to better display the threat, but I'm working with what this movie gave me. Then we need a Batman movie where he comes back after finding out Joker is back in play due to Suicide Squad. Then we can have a first Justice League film where Lex opens Earth up to a Darkseid threat. Bats and Supes can have their small spat over how to deal with Lex, missing the bigger picture, until Wonder Woman intervenes. Then they find Lex has a bunch of metahuman data and they use that to find others to help save Earth.

This film was filled with great individual stories, great scenes, and great potential, but they were crammed together in what feels like WB/DC rushing to get Justice League out before comic book movies lose their appeal. If I crammed Dark Knight Returns with Death of Superman and mixed in a bit of early Justice League and some Injustice then you get this film.

The biggest issue, not related to cramming stuff together, is the disagreement itself. We have a morality argument going on, but no one has the moral high ground.

And I'll not get into the actual Vs part of this movie, as short as it was.
@FoolKiller it's not fine at all, it won't even reach 900 million WW and domestically it's already a given it won't pass deadpool.
I only care about worldwide, as that is the real total.

According to Box Office Mojo, Batman disagrees with Superman is at $700 million worldwide.

Deadpool is at $753 million.

Deadpool only pulled in $3.4 million this past weekend. I know Batman v Superman had a big drop last weekend, but up until Tuesday (last date data is available) it was grossing more per weekday than Deadpool currently is on a weekend.

It'll not catch up domestically, but the total worldwide is closing the gap quickly. Deadpool is near the end of it's run while BvS is still on multiple screens.

Now, home video will likely be what BvS struggles to keep up with. That will be interesting to see.

Also, keep in mind that due to running time Deadpool can fit in 25% more shows per screen in a day. That has little to do with audience or quality.
I only care about worldwide, as that is the real total.

According to Box Office Mojo, Batman disagrees with Superman is at $700 million worldwide.

Deadpool is at $753 million.

Deadpool only pulled in $3.4 million this past weekend. I know Batman v Superman had a big drop last weekend, but up until Tuesday (last date data is available) it was grossing more per weekday than Deadpool currently is on a weekend.

It'll not catch up domestically, but the total worldwide is closing the gap quickly. Deadpool is near the end of it's run while BvS is still on multiple screens.

Now, home video will likely be what BvS struggles to keep up with. That will be interesting to see.

Also, keep in mind that due to running time Deadpool can fit in 25% more shows per screen in a day. That has little to do with audience or quality.

Baring in mind Deadpool didn't open in China and the fact it's Deadpool just shows how bad BVS is doing.