Batman vs SupermanMovies 

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So i saw it. And turns out..... okay. Its not particularly great but the bad part isnt as much as reviewers going to put be.

If anything, its not "New Fantastic Four" bad and more like "Spiderman 3" bad. Its okay judging the whole movie. But theres one and two point where the bad part is glaring, especially Lex Luthor which is honestly a total hot mess in delivering the mood.

Not to mention the ridiculous number jump cuts and fade black effects. The film puts up like fast omnibus, delivering the story detail quick in short clips. The story is there and makes sense and actually pretty good on core..... if the execution is good. The way it delivers makes it looked like a fast paced, incoherent mess cluttering first half of the movie.

Ill put my full, spoilery review later on. Also pointing out that the actor choice for Batman and Wonder Woman which became a joke in past months turns out to be one of numerous good things on the movie. Btw ill rate it 6.7.
So i saw it. And turns out..... okay. Its not particularly great but the bad part isnt as much as reviewers going to put be.

If anything, its not "New Fantastic Four" bad and more like "Spiderman 3" bad. Its okay judging the whole movie. But theres one and two point where the bad part is glaring, especially Lex Luthor which is honestly a total hot mess in delivering the mood.

Not to mention the ridiculous number jump cuts and fade black effects. The film puts up like fast omnibus, delivering the story detail quick in short clips. The story is there and makes sense and actually pretty good on core..... if the execution is good. The way it delivers makes it looked like a fast paced, incoherent mess cluttering first half of the movie.

Ill put my full, spoilery review later on. Also pointing out that the actor choice for Batman and Wonder Woman which became a joke in past months turns out to be one of numerous good things on the movie. Btw ill rate it 6.7.
Exactly, while i think the movie is disappointing, the critics are way overcriticized it. I did hate the jump cuts and the overused of slow motions and also the black fadeaway. While the story is actually good, the execution is quite bad and felt rushed.

I do wonder what is the 30 minute cut they have for the directors cut.
I do agree the movie is okay but it could/should've been way better. The fan service is pleasing to be honest :D
Not gonna lie, this is probably the most badass song in the soundtrack:

Saw it Friday. This theme for me easily best of the movie. Had me drumming my hands on the cinema seat.

Impressed with Affleck's Batman. Dark and brooding but seemed a lot less forced than Christian Bale's.

Superman eh.... Never a great Superman fan in all honesty. Surprised that the mass media didn't blame him for the bomb attack.

Wonder Woman worked. Was a little concerned how they'd handle her - would she be turned into a sideshow character, or sexed up unnecessarily? Actually was pretty perfect how she was fit in the film, which I was concerned would suffer from "Spider-Man 3 Overload" syndrome.

And I liked Jesse Eisenberg's Lex. Will agree with one internet comment though - he would have been more suited as the Riddler.
Wonder Woman worked. Was a little concerned how they'd handle her - would she be turned into a sideshow character, or sexed up unnecessarily?
It's nice that they got her right, since DC have been struggling with the character for years - to the point where Joss Whedon walked away from the stand-alone project because he couldn't get the script to his liking, and you know you're in trouble when Whedon feels that it can't be done.

And I liked Jesse Eisenberg's Lex. Will agree with one internet comment though - he would have been more suited as the Riddler.
I think that he was going for a campy, goofy, last-person-you-would-ever-suspect vibe, and you could understand why that would work, but it just didn't suit the character. Luthor was always at his best when he was arguing that Earth should be able to solve its own problems and find its own place in the universe, and that while aligning with Superman might have its advantages in the short-term, in the long term it creates complications.
Saw it last night. Don't think it deserves all the hate it's gotten by the critics, but I think most of my issue with the movie falls completely on the first half, the way it felt rushed. Couple details that were just really odd, either unnecessary or out of place. Thought the "ending" should have been reserved for another movie b/c nobody in our theater really thought he was gone, even before the very last scene of the dirt (which by the way, felt like Snyder went, "Oops, forgot to show this before we went to Bat & Lex").

As for Lex Luthor, one thing I read from one review tonight caused me to ease up on Eisenberg's portrayal as this wasn't the Lex Luthor a LOT of people were expecting. The review stated that this was Lex Jr., & it should be expected that he wasn't the villain people were originally accustomed to. However, it doesn't excuse a very popular comparison I've been reading on the web; Eisenberg's portrayal had an eerily similar feeling to Ledger's Joker with the way he talked, the gestures he made, on top of being this bi-polar psychopath. The reviewer thought Eisenberg also shouldn't have mumbled out the plot twist on the roof, because he had manipulated the entire meeting from the very start and knows about everyone. If the movie spent more time really fleshing out Lex & just how much he knows, I think Eisenberg would have gotten a lot less flack.

On a couple positives, Wonder Woman was excellent. Could have nearly stolen the entire movie if she had more screen time. This composed, mature, battle veteran badass who made Bruce & Clark look like they have a lot to learn about being heroes. Also actually liked Affleck's Batman even though I've been accustomed to the Caped Crusader never wanting to use guns or having this moral high ground. Batman didn't give a 🤬 about bad guys at all, and it played out well if one caught some of Alfred's dialogue of how he became that way. Nice way of letting folks know Snyder didn't just decide to let Batman drop the good guy act. Liked that he & Alfred conveyed the detective side of Batman as well; played a lot closer to every animated show/story I had seen of Batman compared to Nolan's version seeing how hands on Alfred was in this movie. Jeremy Irons produced a lot of those great, snarky comments I remembered Alfred making in the aforementioned animated versions.

Overall, I liked it & wouldn't actually mind seeing it again. The ending fight scenes really save the confusing, head scratching, "err..." feeling the first half produces b/c I completely forgot all about that once Wonder Woman showed up & Batman went to work on Lex's goons.

One thing I'm still unsure of.
The "dream" with the Flash telling Batman he was right all along & then realizing Bruce doesn't know what he's talking about. Is this a nod to the Injustice story arc? Or a reference to something else. Felt it was an out-of-place scene that wasn't given any explanation besides introducing the Flash.
I don't get all the hate. For me it was simply the BEST superhero movie ever. Dark and deep.
And it was NECESSARY to introduce Justice League.
I think the reason Batman comes across like that is because of Aflek being a massive fan of Batman, and the material that Snyder specifically used as the keynote for this movie. Because of those things that's why the tone came over so well and why it made sense in context to have this type of batman.

I don't get all the hate. For me it was simply the BEST superhero movie ever. Dark and deep.
And it was NECESSARY to introduce Justice League.

To be honest, I can't deny agreeing the the general reasoning behind the hate. I mean let's stop and think about it for a bit. These type of movies come out of a genre that most people aren't into or haven't ever really took interest in to begin with, thus leading to the main problem. When these movies finally built steam in the live action Hollywood world, it was Marvel that capitalized, while DC mainly focused on the one character that they knew would be easy to sell, and arguably the most popular superhero there is.

However, that's the problem Marvel/Disney set the tone, and people come into these movies expecting all superhero movies to have a bit of humor, action, drama, sorrow and then coming together at the end. As to where DC's approach since 2000 and beyond has been of a more dark and serious tone, little humor or time for any real sorrow or loss and mostly drama and action.

Once people being to differentiate and stop the one size fits all approach on the superhero movie genre. I think people don't really realize there is a difference in what Marvel do and what DC do and more so not all comic books/characters fall under one group
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As to where DC's approach since 2000 and beyond has been of a more dark and serious tone, little humor or time for any real sorrow or loss and mostly drama and action.
I don't know about that - I just read "Superheavy" ...

And it's pretty damn funny in places, mostly when Jim Gordon is trying to think like Batman. I would also argue that there is genuine sorrow and loss as Alfred has to mourn the death of Bruce Wayne, even though Bruce is alive and well.
The story suggests that he was exposed to the element underpinning the restorative mechanism of the Lazarus Pits during the events of "Endgame". It saw his being Batman as a kind of psychological sickness, and cured him of it. As Alfred puts it, he is now living in the afterlife, given the opportunity to live the life that he should have had.
As for Lex Luthor, one thing I read from one review tonight caused me to ease up on Eisenberg's portrayal as this wasn't the Lex Luthor a LOT of people were expecting. The review stated that this was Lex Jr., & it should be expected that he wasn't the villain people were originally accustomed to.

If you're referring to the whole Alexander Luthor thing
I'm not entirely sure but although Lex is from Germany originally, he didn't live there and I think it was mentioned that Lex Sr is dead. So for all intents and purposes Jesse is playing Lex, it's just a different take that I did not like personally.

Doesn't Affleck take over after this, as agreed to when he signed up to be Batman? I thought he would take over directing these movies?

He does his own solo movie but Snyder is still in charge of JL part one
I don't know about that - I just read "Superheavy" ...

And it's pretty damn funny in places, mostly when Jim Gordon is trying to think like Batman. I would also argue that there is genuine sorrow and loss as Alfred has to mourn the death of Bruce Wayne, even though Bruce is alive and well.
The story suggests that he was exposed to the element underpinning the restorative mechanism of the Lazarus Pits during the events of "Endgame". It saw his being Batman as a kind of psychological sickness, and cured him of it. As Alfred puts it, he is now living in the afterlife, given the opportunity to live the life that he should have had.

Problem with those scenario's is once again it tried to take itself so serious that the intention was lost. I don't feel anything during the transaction between Cain's Alfred and Wayne. Other than...yeah their is a divide and concern yet again that falls on deaf ears.
He does his own solo movie but Snyder is still in charge of JL part one

Ah, thanks. Well I feel directors and production crews (usually the top brass) are quite expendable if the studio feels the effort wont yield the profit. In other words they'll look at this and they fell it will damage the bigger movies from here on having him direct, I could see him not being there. But who knows, I think Ben will do a better job of directing to be honest.
Ah, thanks. Well I feel directors and production crews (usually the top brass) are quite expendable if the studio feels the effort wont yield the profit. In other words they'll look at this and they fell it will damage the bigger movies from here on having him direct, I could see him not being there. But who knows, I think Ben will do a better job of directing to be honest.

I think it's a question of too late, they're supposed to be filming in a week or two, and judging by the amount of stuff they crammed in BVS they (needlessly) want to flesh out this universe ASAP. Snyder's comments about what he wants to do with JL are actually pretty decent but he'll find a way to ruin it.
To be perfectly honest, I much prefer the DC approach in general. I feel Marvel's superhero movies are often completely disposable after a single watch and now every new movie is basically an attempt to out-quip the next.

That being said - That doesn't excuse just how 'meh' BvS is for me. Wonder Woman movie should be great.
To be perfectly honest, I much prefer the DC approach in general. I feel Marvel's superhero movies are often completely disposable after a single watch and now every new movie is basically an attempt to out-quip the next.

That being said - That doesn't excuse just how 'meh BvS is for me. Wonder Woman movie should be great.
And to be perfectly honest, BvS isnt THAT total trainwreck. More like "ok" to me. If you come up to theaters expecting some cringeworthy moments like new Fantastic Four, tough luck.

However, Marvel (especially Avengers) are not masterpieces either. I can recount how many cliches, straightforward, and "out of place" comedic moments in there. Though the lighthearted tone and much coherent characterization may played part on hitting audiences hearts. Its also way more entertaining IMHO. But still not exactly what i considered worth watching multiple times (except some films like Captain America 2, Iron Man 3, etc). I rated the Avengers 2 a 7.5.

Im not on Marvel nor DC side. Whenever there's quality, i'll invest on it.
Movie doesn't deserve the RT score, but Zack needs to stop making movies for DC fans, the vast majority won't get the easter eggs and scenes from comics. Director's cut should be fun.
I don't get all the hate. For me it was simply the BEST superhero movie ever. Dark and deep.
And it was NECESSARY to introduce Justice League.

It comes off as wanting to be dark simply for the sake of claim, and it's about as deep as a shallow baking pan.

I've legitimately read opinions suggesting the movie will be lost on people because it's complicated. A movie that almost wholly abandons the entire premise of the movie, only to adopt a new one so it can still take place isn't complicated or complex – it's hollow.

I'm going to weep when they introduce Darkseid and he's defeated by something utterly moronic.
If you're referring to the whole Alexander Luthor thing
I'm not entirely sure but although Lex is from Germany originally, he didn't live there and I think it was mentioned that Lex Sr is dead. So for all intents and purposes Jesse is playing Lex, it's just a different take that I did not like personally.
You're right, it is a different take. However, the idea behind that take is because he's Alexander Joseph Luthor, Jr., he doesn't have to act like the bald genius folks are already familiar with.

But, I'm with you. I'm not a big fan of how he was shown in the movie, father or son, because I don't think Snyder really allowed the character to showcase his real potential as a villain. The Joker comparisons really destroy any credibility for Eisenberg as well.
You're right, it is a different take. However, the idea behind that take is because he's Alexander Joseph Luthor, Jr., he doesn't have to act like the bald genius folks are already familiar with.

But, I'm with you. I'm not a big fan of how he was shown in the movie, father or son, because I don't think Snyder really allowed the character to showcase his real potential as a villain. The Joker comparisons really destroy any credibility for Eisenberg as well.

Agreed, and Zack saying they almost cast Cranston isn't helping :( .
Good lord. For a movie being quite loathed, surely this movie is the most memetic ever.

I find many "Granny's Peach Tea" and "Biggest Lie of _____" jokes like everywhere.

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